It makes me sad sometimes… So many people over age 50 (or even age 40) – think “it’s too late.” After the last blog post, which addressed some challenges that post-menopausal women face, I got en email which is unfortunately, typical of mail I get almost every day. A 52-year old female reader wrote: “Do you honestly think that a post-menopausal woman can ever look good in a bikini bathing suit or should I just give up the dream?”

95_years_young.jpgSadly, this is the prevailing thought pattern today: “am I too old to get in shape?… Is it too late for me?”

(Wrong question!!!)

That’s why I won’t ever stop sending out the message over and over again, as I have since the day I started publishing online back in 1999… IT’S NEVER TOO LATE!.. and YOU CAN IMPROVE AT ANY AGE!

In a previous Burn the Fat Blog post, I wrote about a 74-year old ageless wonder who competes – and wins – bodybuilding contests!

And I shared the stories of two women of iron who are in their 50’s and 70’s respectively, and are still hitting it harder in the gym and enjoying better bodies than women half their age.

This month another ageless wonder is creating a stir on the TV airwaves and across the Internet

Merrill Matzinger – age 95 – does cardio, lifts weights and starts his daily workouts with 1,500 crunches.

“All the doctors that have treated me can’t believe what they’re seeing,” Matzinger said. “That’s encouraging, to go to the doctor and have compliments rather than prescriptions.”

He is also legally blind — but he hasn’t let that slow him down. Matzinger says he only remembers missing one workout in the last 20 years. He’s approaching the centenarian mark and his workout puts youngsters to shame! Take a look:

Ladies, don’t think it’s all that different for you.

Women have unique challenges that men do not, however many of the solutions are the same. Weight training for example.

A brand new study from the University of Arizona, just published in Medicine and Science and Sports and Exercise (July issue) found that weight lifting just 2-3 days a week not only helps you get lean – it helps prevent post menopausal weight gain in the first place!

As the researchers explained:

“The results of this analysis demonstrated that the frequency and volume of resistance training exercise predicted 6-yr changes in body weight and fat in postmenopausal women and supported the use of regular resistance training as a means of weight management.

This study is one of the first to show the association of resistance training and prevention of weight gain. In light of the positive effects of resistance training on bone mineral density, muscle function and lean mass and its potential for contributing to the prevention of osteoporosis and debilitating fractures, resistance training for weight loss and maintenance is a particularly attractive.”

Moral of the story (blog post):

Women over 50 – if you want to get stronger, leaner, healthier and have a higher quality of life, and you’re not weight training, why aren’t you? It’s 2010 – time to leave the myths about weight training and women where they belong – in ancient history – and begin now to think to think about your better future.. and making the weights a part of it..

Older men of all ages: I’ve now shown you 40-somethings, 70-somethings and now, 90-somethings pumping iron and training every day. if YOU want to get stronger, leaner, healthier and improve your quality of life and you aren’t weight training – why not?

Younger men and women: Whatever you believe now is what you willbecome in the future. If you THINK you’ll be weak or fat or decrepitat age 74, or fighting post menopausal middle aged spread at age 52,well then, I reckon you’ll be right!

Train hard and expect success!

– Tom Venuto, author of:
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle (ebook)

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