
Free E-Book: The Top 20 Fat Burning Recipes Of All Time

Subscribe To The Weekly Newsletter And Get The Burn The Fat Recipe Book FREE! Easy High-Protein, Low-Calorie Meals And Treats So Tasty, You’d Swear You’re Cheating… But You’re Not… You’re Feeding Your Muscle And Burning Your Fat… Enter Your E-Mail Below For Instant Download

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Free E-Book: The Top 20 Fat Burning Recipes Of All Time

Subscribe To The Weekly Newsletter And Get The Burn The Fat Recipe Book FREE! Easy High-Protein, Low-Calorie Meals And Treats So Tasty, You’d Swear You’re Cheating… But You’re Not… You’re Feeding Your Muscle And Burning Your Fat… Enter Your E-Mail Below For Instant Download

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as seen in New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, Men's Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, ESPN, & Oprah Magazine
Helping Clients Transform Their Bodies Since
Books Sold

All-Natural, No BS
Body Transformation

I realized early on that the fitness industry was full of fads, gimmicks and lies, so I started this site as a place to learn about body transformation without the B.S. Here, I promote drug-free bodybuilding and fitness, and I do not sell supplements. If you’re sick of hearing about miracle drinks, magic pills, and quick fixes, and you want to learn how to transform naturally with real food, smart training, and strong motivation, you have come to the right place.

– Tom Venuto

Body Transformation Resources

Inner Circle

Latest Blog Posts

About “Fat Burning Recipes”…

Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Today I want to share another classic fat burner. No, no, not fat burner supplement pills – those things are worthless! Total rip off! I completely debunked and destroyed the fat burner supplement myth in a previous blog. Today what I’m talking about is classic “fat burning” recipes. But what do I mean by "fat burning recipes?" And is there really even such a thing as "fat burning recipes" or "fat burning foods?"

Which Alcoholic Drink is Best When You’re Dieting For Fat Loss?

Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

If you are going to go out and have a drink or two with friends, which is the best alcoholic drink when dieting on a fat loss program like Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle? Would it be vodka mixed with soda or dry white wine. Is champagne worse than the other two? Read on and find out...

The Best Exercise To Reverse Aging And Live Longer

Cardio Training, Health|

What is the best exercise to reverse aging and extend your lifespan? Is it lifting weights? We could make a good argument that the answer is yes. People who don’t lift weights lose muscle with every passing year. But do not underestimate the amazing power of the right cardio combined with weight lifting... According to the latest research, if you do the right kind of cardio, it makes your heart health 15 to 20 years younger

How To Measure Your Progress Without Body Fat Testing

Body Composition & Body Fat Testing|

There's been a lot of chatter in recent years about whether it's worth it to take body fat percentage measurements. A number of coaches have stopped doing these tests for their clients. Many consumers complain that body fat scales (bioelectric impedance analysis) seem unreliable and that skinfold calipers are hard to use. They wonder about accuracy.

Who Is Tom Venuto?

Tom Venuto

Tom Venuto is a fat loss coach, fitness writer and best selling author of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle – known by fans as “The Bible of Fat Loss” – and The Body Fat Solution, a National bestseller and Men’s Fitness pick. Greatist.com named Tom among the 100 most influential people in fitness three years in a row. Oprah Magazine said, “Venuto is honest about what it really takes to lose weight.”

Tom has been a voice of reason in fitness for over 30 years and was a successful drug-free competitive bodybuilder for 16 years. Tom started training clients in person in 1989 and since 2006, more than 53,000 have joined his Inner Circle where he now coaches exclusively online. More than 500,000 men and women have read his books in over 154 countries.

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