The 12-Week Year By Brian Moran Book Review

2024-06-08T11:43:07-04:00By |Book Reviews|

The 12 Week Year is a business book, but the way it also applies to fitness is one of the things that made it stand out to me. Here in our community, we sponsor 12-week body transformation challenges, offer 12-week training programs, and for years have encouraged our readers to set fitness and weight management goals in 12 week blocks, not just long term. That makes the premise of this book fit in well with our philosophy. Click here to read the review.....

The Seasons Of Life By Jim Rohn Book Review

2024-04-26T06:53:40-04:00By |Book Reviews|

The book is aimed at all people who are pursuing success in any area of life ranging from health to wealth to relationships and want to know what it takes to get there. It's a philosophical look at how the laws of cause and effect lead to good results, bad results or no results in human life. As the title implies, the changing seasons are used as analogies for how life and business ebb and flow and we must respond the right way at the right time to succeed......

The Confident Mind By Dr. Nate Zinsser Book Review

2024-04-05T07:05:05-04:00By |Book Reviews|

The Confident Mind is obviously about confidence. But I think I would more specifically describe it as a book about sports psychology, positive psychology, peak performance, mental training, and mental toughness, with a focus on confidence. Mental training is a key element to achieving success in every avenue of life and probably the one lacking the most when people are struggling in their quest for health and fitness.......

Be Useful By Arnold Schwarzenegger Book Review

2023-11-07T11:07:53-05:00By |Book Reviews|

Be Useful is the latest book from bodybuilding icon Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold’s first book was The Education of a Bodybuilder. Published in 1977, it was part autobiography, part instruction manual. This was the first bodybuilding book I ever read. It was also responsible for inspiring me to become a bodybuilder and take up fitness as a career. In this post you can read my review AND summary of Arnold's newest book, BE USEFUL (now a NYT bestseller)

As A Man Thinketh By James Allen Book Review And Highlights

2023-06-08T19:23:11-04:00By |Book Reviews|

As a Man Thinketh By James Allen is one of the most influential books ever written on the power of thought and how using it constructively leads to success and achievement, even though it is more like an essay or booklet, at only 7600 words. It can be read in about 45 minutes. It's also among the earliest books of its kind, now more than 100 years old. It is inspiring, full of timeless wisdom, and has influenced millions of people since the author's passing in 1912

The War Of Art By Steven Pressfield Book Review

2022-12-10T08:24:02-05:00By |Book Reviews|

Published in 2002, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is about breaking through blocks that hold you back and disciplining yourself to do important work and pursue your calling. This book is aimed at creative artists, especially writers. But it contains lessons for anyone pursuing growth in any area who feels blocked by self-sabotaging behavior or failure to act......

How To Change By Katy Milkman Book Review

2022-10-23T12:07:56-04:00By |Book Reviews|

How To Change by Katy Milkman is about changing behavior, making good new habits, breaking bad old habits, ending procrastination, and achieving goals. The tools and strategies recommended are based on findings from the latest research straight from one of the psychologists who has been doing the studies (Milkman) at the Wharton school, University of Pennsylvania.

Flexible Dieting By Alan Aragon Book Review

2022-06-08T20:25:53-04:00By |Book Reviews|

For nutrition research nerds and for anyone interested in the newest science of sustainable dieting for physique transformation, Flexible Dieting is a must-read. For beginners and people not research savvy yet, this book will probably feel like heavy reading with so much science referenced. However, it’s worth the effort to study material like this and become scientifically literate. Learning from an evidence-based source can help free people from wasting time and money on countless fad diets. It will also help people master the art of customizing a plan so you can stick with it, maintain your results, and still enjoy the occasional indulgence.

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