Winning three different awards in the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Body Transformation Challenge, Roxanne (“Roxie”) is a role model to all, showing that 60-something is the new 40. Roxie placed in the top three in the muscle and physique division of the Burn the Fat challenge, having dropped 11 pounds of body fat, while adding 1.6 pounds of lean body mass at the same time. In addition, Roxie won the T.N.B. Turbo award for her outstanding results while using the T.N.B. Turbo training program during the challenge.

Roxie told us that in August 2020, she was about 160 pounds. In the summer 2023 challenge, she started at 148. In the recent 2024 New Year challenge, she ended at 137. She has never relapsed and slipped back to her 2020 160 pound weight. In fact, she says she is now only 3 pounds from her all time ideal long-term weight goal.

To learn more about Roxie’s transformation, read about it in her own words in her Burn the Fat Challenge essay below…

body transformation at 60


Hi my name is Roxanne, aka Roxie. I have completed the 2024 Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle New Year Body Transformation Challenge. I am 62 years old, but recently I have been told I look like I am 45. I will take it!

Unlocking muscle power this year and achieving my best body transformation to date were my driving goals. I felt like “the force was with me” as I completed this challenge and as I look forward to progressing to the next level.

Last summer, I walked away with a great transformation, but silly me as I was moving furniture to find a wall to take my final pictures, I seriously pulled my lower back muscles.

8 weeks of physical therapy, a new job that required 3 weeks of travel, along with some indulgences over the holidays set me back by 8 pounds again and the loss of my gains from the last summer challenge.

I found myself procrastinating a bit, but a hike that I had planned took place late November at the Havasupai Falls in Arizona. This got me fired up again.

I got to see my family and I talked with my long time hiking buddy about a future hike we had on our bucket list. We decided that we were going to hike the Camino de Santiago via The Way of St. James in June 2025. A new Goal. There’s nothing like getting fired up with a new goal.

I knew going into this challenge that I wanted to commit to a full 18 months of consistent training for a couple different reasons:

First reason: the Camino hike is 500 miles long and generally about a 30-day hike give or take a few side trips along the way. I have never hiked this distance in my life.

Second reason: My back was still hurting from my injury and I knew I had to build that up again. It was also revealed to me thru x-rays that I have some degeneration and disc narrowing in the lower lumbar region of my back and neck area.

I was told that the best “medicine” for this is resistance training. I sort of knew this before being told. I have been doing Burn the Fat challenges for at least 4 years, and educating myself along the way, so I knew resistance training was one of the key elements in the program. But when you see the x-rays in front of your own eyes, you just can’t deny the importance of prioritizing this kind of training anymore.

Even though I’ve been told I don’t look my age, I sure don’t want to feel older than I am either. It was time to get back up and never stop. I was on the path again… the yellow brick road and the adventure home!

The Classic Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle 5 elements propel us to victory, but the one that has unlocked my muscle power, both last summer and this new year, has been mindset (mental training). The way I mentally view life and myself has been the key to victory for me.

I’ve always read a lot of personal development books through the years trying to help fix things in my life. They were all helpful, but the information didn’t seem to stick for me. I still lived in a world of up and down yo-yoing, not feeling happy in my body, or depending on others to make me happy versus me knowing what made me happy. Emotional pain from holes in my heart needed to be healed. What I needed was an overhaul on my Spirit.

I had to spend time building up my inner core; my inner spirit. I started working on this in August of 2022 and have been going strong since. It has made a huge difference in my life. I learned that I couldn’t seek visible and impressive outcomes on the outside through my own efforts and my own strength. I would get close, but it would come tumbling down.

I had to first seek the inner healing from the great healer himself, and only then was I able to take on not only spiritual wisdom, but make use of the other wisdom contained in those self-help books. The results have been astounding and have led me to a strong inner core that is and always will be looked after, built up and maintained with high standards.

My Faith and trust in God has changed everything for me and has allowed me to be more joyful, feel a love for myself, and heal some deep wounds. It has allowed me to be consistent and on target with the other key elements of the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Program. My self-control was at the highest point it has ever been during this challenge. But it didn’t just happen. It has taken daily work.

Keeping a schedule also contributed to my best transformation. That included prayer at 5 am and exercise at 6 am every morning. Also on the schedule was a focus on affirmations, visualization, goal writing, meal prepping, and a positive attitude even when things were tough on the outside (with work, etc). With this approach, I managed to have a very successful body transformation.


I am not kidding when I say every time I opened the Burn the Fat Inner Circle site up, it took me immediately to the Burn the Fat Meal Planner. I used this planning tool last summer and then I used it again this challenge.

My goal after this challenge is to adjust my nutrition and continue using the meal planner 100% faithfully during a 7-week muscle-building phase before the next Burn the at challenge.

I feel like I have a firm grasp on intuitive eating and I went about eating this way the first several weeks of this challenge. But during the second half of the challenge, I became more dedicated to tracking my macros closer, and being especially sure to hit protein goals. If you looked at my progress chart, you would see that my results were much better during the last 6 weeks of the challenge. This told my stubborn brain that when you want the most optimal results possible, tracking macros is a no-brainer.

Drinking enough water and staying properly hydrated has been bit of an issue. I mindfully worked on it and still am. On the upside, I can’t even remember the last time I had any soda. I don’t crave it. I also went totally alcohol free for the the last two Burn the Fat challenges. I know without a doubt that alcohol stops my fat burning process. Why work so hard and then ruin it by drinking?

The second thing I did that was 100% successful is I meal prepped many of Tom’s Burn the Fat recipes throughout the entire challenge. I am a fan.

As a result of my attention to the nutrition, my muscles really started to pop and the stubborn fat started to melt away.

Resistance Training

I did have to start out slow due to lower back pain and then a skin infection that resulted from acupuncture. I started picking up steam around month two. I decided on T.N.B. Turbo. I used the home gym workout.

I used a combination of barbells, dumbbells, a cross trainer, and a leg machine. I trained 4 days a week and I modified the T.N.B. Turbo program slightly. I did not do the strength portion with lower reps and heavier weights. Instead I focused on the muscle and metabolic portion where I used medium and slightly higher reps. I lifted as much as I could in that rep range to get a good burn by the end of 4 sets.

[Editor’s note: Roxie was the women’s winner of the T.N.B. Turbo award, owing to her use of this training plan to develop so much muscularity, while losing fat at the same time, in only 12 weeks.]

The training went well, but I admit that I need to track my lifting better and continue to learn more about resistance training to continue to grow, but my mind is made up to do just that. Along with tracking my nutrition 100%, I am committing to 100% on charting my training for the next 7 weeks as well.

During this challenge I have gotten better at focusing. I now seem to have a voice in my head that tells me: “slow down, concentrate, just one more, you can do it, watch the form, stay on track.” I love that voice!


Believe it or not, I did not spend as much time on cardio as I did during the summer challenge and yet I still hit a lower body weight in the New Year challenge. Why didn’t I do as much? The main reason is I didn’t have the time. So I thought to myself, “why not try something different?” I still kept up a moderate amount of cardio. I used the treadmill, sometimes flat, and sometimes on an incline, and I did 30-40 minutes, 3-4 days a week. I also did some cycling 20-30 minutes 2 times a week.

Toward the end of the challenge, I was able to get outside and hike. I had about 5 Saturdays where I hiked 90 minutes. I did yoga, but only a few times (I slacked on this). For the next 7-week “between challenges” phase, I am committing to schedule a day just for abs and stretching. I did incorporate some abs on my cross trainer, but I know if I want my lower back pain gone, I have to devote more time to strengthening my abs and core.


I love getting support as well as giving it. I participated in all the weekly mini challenges that were posted during the 12 week New Year challenge. I also kept up with a sizable number of people who were also participating, but I did have to cut back a bit on the forum posting at one point. Like anything else that’s good for you in moderation, if you do too much, it gets time consuming and even overwhelming.

One group I stayed in close touch with was my team. In this challenge, I was the captain for our team called Victorious Secret. I am telling anyone who is listening that if you want to push up your accountability, then not only join a team, but also volunteer to be the captain. It’s highly motivating. As captain you want to do a good job for your team and you want that extra level of push! I even bought myself a pair of yellow shoes to remind me of the push I gave myself and the team.

There’s one more thing I want to mention that had a huge impact on my results and is how I will continue to proceed forward because it’s a successful template and a no brainer: I gave up my will. I gave it to God. He has been my life coach. I also gave up my will within Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. Seriously, here is a Coach (Tom) that knows what he is doing. Why not follow the plan?

All you have to do is eat the food found in the recipe section, plug it into a the meal planner to nail your macros, pick a resistance training program that matches your physical level, become a bit more active with some cardio, give some support, and that’s the formula that sends you off and running to victory!

My goal for this challenge was met and I exceeded it. I have only 3 pounds left until I hit my all-time goal of 135 lbs. I am moving forward today with hitting that mark in my sights.

Thanks to the Burn the Fat Inner Circle team for your dedication and work to help us achieve our best bodies and good health!


Resources mentioned in this article:

Book (Official Guide To The Burn the Fat Challenge)
Burn the Fat Feed The Muscle: CLICK HERE

Burn the Fat Inner Circle
Support Community For All-Natural, No BS Body Transformation CLICK HERE

Burn The Fat Meal Planner Software (Updated For 2024)
Members Only CLICK HERE

Burn The Fat Recipes (Complete Recipe Index)
Members Only CLICK HERE

T.N.B. Turbo Training Program

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