It never ceases to amaze me how the media is so quick to jump on any study that has the slightest ring of “sensational orcontroversial news” written all over it, or how quickly the publicaccepts media reports at face value without further investigation. Case in point: Look at how much national publicity was given this week to something as esoteric as an in vitro study about an obesity virus…

petri-dish_virus.jpgObesity viruses are not new news, as there have been 10 adipogenic pathogensreported in the scientific literature in the past two decades, includinghuman and animal viruses, bacteria, and gut microflora.

In this case, adenovirus-36 (AD-36) was named as a potential culprit.

So far however, the theory of viruses causing human obesity iscontroversial and unproven, and the research has only been conducted in cell cultures andin chickens, rhesus monkeys, hamsters and rats.

Although antibodies have been found in some humans who volunteered for a screening, there is no causative evidencewhatsoever, and we may never get such evidence because there are ethicalconsiderations in infecting humans with a virus (thus the cell culture andanimal research).

Human beings are very complex organisms and collections of complex systemswhich interact with one another, so research on cells in a dish does not provecause and effect in humans. Rodent research is also often irrelevant to humans.

These types of studies only suggest an association, they allow scientists to form new hypotheses and provide insight on areas for potentialfuture research about “such a possibility in humans.”

An interesting twist to this story that not many people know about is that some of the virus research was supported by thecorporation that owns the patents on and markets assays to detectthe “infection” and is working to develop the vaccine.

Wouldn’t it be “convenient” to convince the public that a virus is responsible for obesity? They’d be lining their pockets at the same time as they convinced everyone that “it wasn’t their fault.”

Coincidentally, one of the stories publishedby a major news web site was not their own investigative reporting, but came straight from a press release from the aformentioned corporation.

If an obesity virus (aka “infectobesity”) ever turnsout to amount to anything in humans, it will most likely be a very smallminority of cases, similar to the tiny percentage of cases where there isactually a gene defect which causes obesity.

Infectious pathogens are not the reason so many people are overweight,although it gives people yet another reason to blametheir condition on something other than themselves.

Viruses (as with genetics) could indeed explain a rare case, so they should not be completely ruled out, but they certainly don’texplain the increases in obesity over last several decades.

Fat loss always did and always will boil down to calories in versus caloriesout… and the acceptance of personal responsibility necesary to make surethat the calorie balance equation is obeyed consistently.

You can learn more about the law of calorie balance and the fat loss truth in Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle.

Tom Venuto, CSCS, NSCA-CPT

PS Coincidentally, this “obesity virus” report comes on the tails of an even more publicized story last month about obesity being “contagious” (socially contagious and biologically infectious are not the same, but easily confused)

This was based on a New England Journal Of Medcine article written by Harvard researchers who suggested that obesity spreads through social networks. This study had had nothing to do with viruses, but with the spread of obesity through social networks.

My complete write up of this important study, and it’s implications is available at the Burn The Fat members-only site. It is one of many researchreports available as part of our Burn The Fat community. You can learn more,take a tour, and see free samples at:


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