How Liquid Calories May Be Making You Fat… Even Your Favorite Protein Drinks!

2019-02-20T11:46:29-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Science & Research|

So far, at least 7 scientific studies have provided strong evidence that energycontaining beverages (i.e., “liquid calories”) do not properly activate the satiety mechanisms in the body and brain and do not satisfy the appetite [...]

Why Some People Drink Alcohol But Don’t Get Fat

2019-02-20T11:58:01-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Alcohol has been implicated as a factor that may hurt your efforts to lose body fat.Whether alcohol is “fattening” has been a very controversial subject because technically speaking, alcohol is NOT stored as fat; it [...]

Turning"Super-Sizing"And"Portion Distortion"To Your Advantage!

2019-02-20T14:09:08-05:00By |Food & Nutrition|

Ever since the independent film, Super Size Me was released,research on the relationship between increasing obesity andincreasing portion sizes has skyrocketed and the resultshave been virtually unanimous. There have been dozens of well designed studies [...]

Control Your Appetite And Keep The Weight Off With This Metabolism-Stimulating Food

2020-05-29T17:29:44-04:00By |Food & Nutrition|

There have been countless studies performed on the role of protein in the muscle growth process to try and determine exactly how much protein you should consume to build muscle [...]

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