30 Ways To Eat More Vegetables (And Get Healthier And Leaner), Even If You Don’t Like Vegetables

2022-02-23T08:12:57-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Health|

According to the Center For Disease Control, only 10% of Americans get the minimum recommended daily fruit and vegetable intake. That's an unfortunate statistic considering that eating a lot of vegetables and fruits every day is one of the best ways to get healthier and lose weight without much effort.

Egg Whites Vs Whole Eggs: How They Fit Into Bodybuilding And Fat Loss Diets

2023-12-22T14:03:30-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Health|

Have you ever been on a fat loss diet? Are you into fitness or bodybuilding? If so, then I have little doubt that the question of egg whites vs whole eggs has been on your radar at one time or another. Will eating whole eggs raise your cholesterol and risk of heart disease? Should you throw out the egg yolk and eat only the egg whites? Is a small number of whole eggs and the rest whites the best way to go? If so, how many whole eggs are safe to eat? Read on for all the answers...

What Are Net Carbs And Should You Count Them?

2022-06-18T16:38:07-04:00By |Food & Nutrition, Health, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

What are net carbs? And if your goal is fat loss, do they matter? Should you track them if you’ve chosen a diet with a strict carb limit? Are net carbs even relevant and important, or is it just a marketing gimmick for low carb food products?

20 Sleep Habits For Weight Loss And Muscle Growth

2020-08-10T12:51:30-04:00By |Health, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Not losing fat? Not gaining muscle? Thinking you need a new diet? Different training plan? Well, hang on. First, how's your sleep? Poor sleep hygiene and sleep deprivation can stop fat loss and muscle growth dead in its tracks. Here is the ultimate checklist of the top 20 tips for better muscle-building, fat-burning sleep, according to science

This Type Of Exercise Is Shockingly Good For You

2021-04-22T13:39:30-04:00By |Cardio Training, Exercise & Fitness, Health|

Many fitness enthusiasts believe that unless cardio is high in intensity (like interval training or sprints), it's not beneficial ("high intensity or nothing" mentality). In a similar train of thought. Most people believe that walking [...]

The 10 Biggest Fears About Fitness And Weight Control During The Coronavirus Outbreak… And How To Deal With Them

2020-04-07T10:06:06-04:00By |Health, Home Training, News & Current Events|

There’s no sense in denying the facts or trying to sugar coat it. We are in the middle of a pandemic unlike anything our generation has ever seen, and it sucks. People are dying. [...]

Hang In There. The Pandemic Will Pass. Stay Strong.

2020-06-01T15:19:44-04:00By |Exercise & Fitness, Health, Home Training, News & Current Events|

During a time of crisis, I think the first important thing to remember is that it will pass. So hang in there and stay strong. The second thing is that staying [...]

The Green Smoothie Diet and Juice Fasting Craze! Healthy or Hype?

2024-07-01T10:35:03-04:00By |Health, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

The green smoothie diet and juice fasting diets have exploded in popularity in the past few years. Everyone from authors to supplement companies to juicer machine companies to personal trainers (who want something else [...]

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