What’s the secret to rapid body transformation? I have my own ideas, especially after watching thousands of people TRANSFORM in our Burn the Fat Challenge fitness contests, and seeing nearly 10 years of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle success stories. But today I’m not going to TELL YOU how to transform your body fast, I’m going to ASK YOU. Here’s why: Every year, During our Burn the Fat Challenge kickoff promotion, I do a huge giveaway / sweepstakes where a handful of lucky winners win free memberships to my Burn the Fat Inner Circle – the Internet’s premier fat loss support and motivation community (thousands of members in 152 countries strong!). Why do I give away so much free stuff and why am I this year, giving away more free stuff than ever? …
First, this will help spread the word about our Burn the Fat Body Transformation contest... and we DO appreciate you spreading the word….
Please tell your friends on facebook, twitter and at your gym or workplace… even if you don’t officially enter our online Burn the Fat Holiday Challenge, you could organize your own informal Burn the fat 49 day “Holiday Challenge” with your work colleagues or gym buddies).
But there’s a deeper reason for this big blog giveaway…
Every year when I do this big free random prize giveaway, I see it as a rare opportunity to do some serious fitness (and psychology) research. I usually get hundreds of comments, and in some of our big free blog giveaways, I’ve gotten more than 1,000 comments on here.
I always figured, why let anyone enter to win all my free stuff for doing nothing? Why not make them “work” a little bit by thinking, and answering a serious, poignant question.
The responses I’ve gotten to the last blog giveaway contests have been priceless because you and the rest of my readers have given me your personal insights on your motivations, your challenges and your biggest problems. I could never get this kind of information and real-people feedback from reading textbooks or science journals.
This time, I have a new question. If you answer it in the comments below, you will get entered in my free drawing for free books and memberships.
This time, instead of asking you about your motivations or your problems, I want to know about your solutions.
1. I want to get insights from people who are experienced at fitness transformation who are willing to share what has already worked for them, for fast results when time is of the essence.
2. And for those who are new and don’t know yet how to transform their bodies, let alone quickly, I want you to start using your brain and thinking about HOW you CAN begin to transform.
Answer the question I have written at the bottom of this post, following the rules as stated, and I will enter you into…
The Biggest Random FREE PRIZE DRAWING In the History of Burn the Fat Blog
In past drawings, I’ve given away maybe one full annual membership, a handful of 3 month memberships and a few ebooks…
This time, 10 winners sill be selected at random. All the winners will receive:
A FULL One Year Full-Access-Membership to the Burn the Fat Inner Circle and a Personally Autographed copy of my hardcopy book, The Body Fat Solution… Shipped in the mail to your door, anywhere in the world.
Not only that, all winners will be eligible to enter the Burn the Fat Challenge body transformation contest* (optional.. but I think you should GO FOR IT!)
Here’s the question to answer in the comments below to get you entered into this free prize drawing:
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
Please read that carefully – I did not say rapid weight loss – I said rapid Body Composition transformation.
That means losing fat and keeping your muscle or even gaining muscle. It’s a totally different question than asking about fast weight loss, which is NOT what we are after around here.
If you are an experienced fitness enthusiast, then draw on your past experience.
If you are new and you don’t know how to to make a rapid body composition transformation – if this has been your Achilles heel in your life and you just haven’t figured it out yet – well, USE YOUR NOGGIN and THINK ABOUT IT. Think – and see what your brain comes up with.
Maybe you’ve never transformed your body before and that’s why you’re here – you want to LEARN how…
But go ahead and say that “I’m still a work in progress, not a success story, YET” but take a stab at the question and post your answer in the comments (maybe deep down, your subconscious mind already knows the answer – maybe you know what to do, you just haven’t done it yet and this little “homework” exercise will draw it out… and you might win just for having a go at it)
Go ahead – post your answer in the comments below. But DO pause a moment and think about this first. And keep it to the 1 biggest thing. Just one thing.
Good luck in the drawing and I hope to see you in the Burn the Fat Challenge body (composition) transformation contest this week – it opens on November 17th, 2011 and the contest information page will go live here on this blog at 12:00 am on that day (Thursday the 17th, THIS WEEK, this blog)
Train hard and expect success,
Your Friend and coach,
Tom Venuto
author of Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
Founder & CEO,
BLOG GIVEAWAY CONTEST: Blog Contest Terms/Rules/Restrictions: NO PURCHASE REQUIRED TO ENTER the blog contest. you must be 18 years of age or older, Contest subject to state and federal laws and void where prohibited. Answer must be provided by posting a comment in the blog comments below, including your name (include at least your first name and last initial). Entries must be received by Wednesday, November 16th, 2011 at 11:59 (PM EST). Winners to be announced here on this blog in this post by end of day, Thursday, November 17th, 2011. Winners must contact Burn The Fat support at www.BurnTheFat.com/contact.html to redeem prizes by providing postal address for hardcopy book delivery and email address for online membership delivery. Contest sponsored by Fitness Renaissance, LLC doing business as Burn The Fat blog. All entries become property of contest sponsor.
*BURN THE FAT 49-DAY HOLIDAY CHALLENGE: Some restrictions apply. Must be 18 years of age or older. Contest enrollment is FREE for ALL current Burn the Fat customers and Burn the Fat Inner Circle members. Current customers subscribed to the clients list will receive a private email invitation to register before November 17th, or may contact customer service and request an invitation between November 17th and November 23rd by showing proof of purchase. Contest is open to NEW burn the fat customers, but there may be restrictions in some countries. Void where prohibited. In the United States, Contest is void for new customers in Vermont, Maryland, North Dakota, Colorado, Nebraska, Tennessee, New Jersey and Rhode Island (reason: state laws do not allow registration in a fitness contest that requires a new purchase). Complete rules, list of prizes, terms, conditions and legal notices can be found on the contest information page, which will be posted here on this blog on Thursday, November 17th, 2011.
THANK YOU ALL for contributing to this epic blog giveaway – one of the top 2 biggest responses I’ve ever seen on this blog. Here are our winners:
1. Jodi S. (nov 15th 5:21 pm)
2. Lillian Sockwell (Nov 15th 5:31 pm)
3. Sri Ganesh (Nov 15th 8:21 pm)
4. Bill Fields (Nov 15th 11:52 pm)
5. Pete Foster (Nov 16th 3:52 am)
6. Michael M. (Nov 16 12:27 pm)
7. Mark Bader (Nov 16 1:05 pm)
8. Leticia Gomez (Nov 16 5:47 pm)
9. Justin M (Nov 16 8:23 pm)
10. Jonathan Alan (Nov 16 (9:49 pm
1000th commenter prize: Caroline Christians
Congratulations and i will see you all in the Inner Circle… and I HOPE to see you in the Holiday Challenge too!
Collect your prizes by sending an email to our customer support team at: http://www.BurnTheFat.com/contact.html. Please include your postal address for shipment of your signed book.
Subscribe to the Burn the Fat weekly newsletter and get my ebook, "The 20 Best Fat-Burning, Muscle-Building Recipes Of All Time" FREE!
Your email is safe with me!
Hi there! I’ve been patiently waiting for this blog post… and here it is. :)
I think the one biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is commitment. You may already know HOW to change your body compposition, but constantly talking about it and not doing anything about it, is not going to get you anywhere. You have to be 100% commited to training and eating the right foods and not just for the short term, but for life!
Oh, and trust me, I am totally guilty of not commiting in the past. That’s what’s different this time. I have joined a team and will not let them down. I am commited to my and my team’s success! :)
I haven’t done it, YET, but I’ve tried enough times, for years, to know what doesn’t work. Something in my inner consciousness (the thing I like to ignore when it suits me) tells me, “Duh, I wonder if the opposite of what doesn’t work might work!”
Got a feeling that little voice is right.
So, what is it? The opposite of the things that don’t work? A host of thing pop up. Build muscle and let it help melt away the extra pounds. Right. Losing fat while doing nothing productive leads to skin & bones, and malnutrition, of the body and the mind.
But, at the core of it, I think it’s more than that. More than method, process, technique, plan. It’s more base than that.
At it’s core, it’s Being the Boss of Me!
To take action when you don’t “feel” like it. To not let the morning’s excuse pull the covers back over your head. To turn your head away from the cookie plate at work. To deal with the jibes from others who don’t want you to succeed (because it tells them it’s possible, something they do not want to hear). To make the energy pancake rather than grabbing an unbalanced energy bar. All those things. We all know what they are. We all know, in our heart of hearts, when something is GOOD for us rather than BAD for us. It’s nice to have a BFFM around to follow to the good life but we’ll never follow any path that leads in that direction until we tell our ME who the BOSS is.
So, for me, that’s it. Taking charge of my SELF.
Becoming THE BOSS OF ME.
Consistent, disciplined effort is key to any transformation. We lose track, make excuses, give in to temptations….
Ditching any and every excuse for not sticking to your plan and just doing it, no matter what life throws at you.
Yes, i agree. I have been doing this for years now, and it really is that simple (notice i didn’t say easy!). Its a mundane, tiring process, but at the same time its a thrill. Basically Nikey summed it up best : Just Do It! No matter how you feel, get it done. No matter what you have to do later, get just get it done. After a while, the pain and routine gets easier. Progress becomes evident, and spirits rise. Stick with the training, eat 6 meals a day, get up early, and know your body type and what pitfalls to avoid. Believe 100% that what you are doing is making progress and getting you closer to your goal.
I haventdone this fully yet but I have gotten so close I could smell it. What it takes is that you truely want it more than anything else. You want it so much that you are willing to put in your dedication, ask for help from those around you, not make excuses. Etc.
Debi G here – new member, old fan
1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation:
Learning, learning and learning some more has been the biggest key in my transformation (which is never done!)
I am a pretty smart lady (aka nerd) and sometimes I get too smart for my britches – over the many years I spent “fat” (no sugar coating here) I always thought I KNEW WHAT to eat to lose weight, WHAT to do to get fit but for some reason even my faithful attempts failed.
It sounds so simple – eat right, exercise – but there is so much more to it than that. This year I set out on a transformation mission and along the way read TONS of books about nutrition and exercise and what I learned has given me a life I thought was just not mine to have – took off 55lbs and for the first time in my life someone said “I wish I had legs like yours”!!!!!
It’s the constant learning – about body chemistry, about WHY certain foods aren’t good for you or your waistline, about calories and deficits (and even surpluses)… these understandings, this new information ignited the fire for me and I hope I never stop learning!!!
Tom, I hope you don’t mind if I write a little more than a sentence or 2.
I’m sure you already know what I believe…the proper mindset and written, precise goals. Not only for the 49 days, written goals that are based upon a lifetime, 12 month goals, 3 month goals, monthly goals, weekly goals and daily goals. As I wrote my goals I visualized what they would look like and feel like. I see them as if they were already happening or as if I already had my “perfect” body, mind and life. And let me tell you, it works! If you consistently focus on your goals, get as clear and detailed as possible and act as if they are already apart of your life, then you will be unstoppable. I wanted to share a few of the goals I wrote out in regards to how my “Day 98” was going to look like from the summer 2011 98 day challenge:
~I am in the very best shape of my life mentally, physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually!
~I feel empowered, strong, motivated, focused, determined, beautiful and sexy!
~I am so happy and grateful now that it is August 26, 2011 and I am a size 0, I weigh 108 Lbs and I am 13% body fat!
~I love the way I look in my bikini, my arms are ripped, my legs are toned and lean!
~My legs and butt look fantastic in shorts!
~My bra’s fit perfectly and look great in a white tee shirt(back fat is GONE)!
~People ask me everyday how I got into such phenomenal shape. Women say “I wish I had your determination and will power”!
~I fit perfectly into a size 0 black, tight, short cocktail dress that shows how much I appreciate my lean, fit, strong body!
~I eat 5-6 meals per day with perfect, proper ratios of lean protein, carbs and fat, always on time and at 3 hour intervals!
~I stay well-hydrated and purify my body by drinking a gallon of water every day!
~I am celebrating the 4th of July with clearly visible abs!
~I thoroughly enjoy my 3 treat meals per week. It’s more than enough to satisfy my taste buds!
~I love my workouts that I do every day. I feel amazing, refreshed and energized for the day!
~I feel fantastic when both men and women turn their heads when I walk by!
Stink’n awesome! Way to go!
I totally agree with you! I know how to eat well and I love hard workouts. I find it difficult to consistently stick to healthy eating. When I do stay committed to staying on track with my diet, great results ensue. Your method of visualizing goals and staying focused are empowering. Thanks!
Go Get em again DRAGON BRYN!
I think that the answer to “what is the biggest factor” in any kind of personal transformation is you.
In respect to body transformations it is really no different.
ANY and ALL statements have to include this word… it is what YOU eat, what YOU drink, how much effort YOU put in, how much commitment YOU have.
The common denominator is YOU.
Well said! And agreed!
just downloaded, time to get started
Dedication. Consistency. ALWAYS have a eating and fitness plan you can turn to EVERYDAY! A support group, if you need outside motivation, always helps.
I haven’t done it YET…but I think the one key to successfully transforming my body is FOCUS. I am focusing on me and putting into action the tools you have given to achieve a healthy body. Without the focus on each step, each part, each day, heck sometimes each minute on what my goal is and how to achieve it, I won’t be able to get there. I focus on the now so I can achieve my goal.
As a trainer, I always told my clients, “Your mind is the first muscle you need to train.”. Getting fit is a decision. It starts in the mind. Staying fit is a decision. It lives in the mind. Everything you do, starts with your thinking and your attitude. For me, if my mind isn’t in check, my body never will be. I need to have the tools in place MENTALLY, to ensure I reach my goals PHYSICALLY. It is no mysteray that our mind and body are HIGHLY connected. In order for me to make a BODY transformation, I have to have a MENTAL transformation. In order to have a mental transformation, I have to use the correct tools, that include proper education, in addition to a CONSTANT flow of motivation and positivity, hence my decision to join the BFFM community and embark on the Holiday Challenge. I truly believe that Tom has created a support network that supports the mental support needed (through the BFFM book, bulletin boards, blogs, newsletters, team support, etc) to drive a body towards a healthier lifestyle. Whether you have lived on the couch for 25 years or have just completed a fitness competitition, getting/keeping your mind in shape always comes before getting your body there. So there you have it. The 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation for me is to ensure I have the right support for my mind. Looking forward to reaping the benefits from the BFFM community! Happy Training!
“To achieve something you’ve never had, you must do things, you’ve never done”
I LOVE that quote!! It makes me push out of my comfort zone more and more every day!! THANK YOU! :)
So glad you like it… I do too! Its so true though, right? The fear and anticipation of doing something new is usually FAR worse than actually doing it. We fear failing. Usually we end up loving the result of pushing beyond our current limits. Another one of my favorite quotes is
“What would attempt to do if you knew you could NOT fail???” :)
er….”What would YOU attempt to do if you knew you could not fail??” Sorry, typo!
Oh, loving that one too! My husband was controlling the speed on my treadmill last night and he said I can go harder and faster than I think. He had me doing intervals at 7!! I felt SO good afterwards, knowing that I DID it!!! In the end, the results outweigh the fear!
Writing down your specific goals. Having a goal card and look at it everyday. Not sure if that is the specific answer your looking for, but I know it helps keep focus.
Easy – FEEDBACK. You can’t make intelligent progress without valid feedback. Feedback keeps you focused and it gives you want you need to know to keeps you heading in the correct direction. It educates you. It can motivate you. If nothing else, it tells you (often like a much needed slap in the face!) what you probably already know…it’s time to step it up.
There are lots and lots of things that one can do to set oneself up for success at a rapid body composition change but without feedback, you’ll be going at it with your eyes closed. How many of us are any good at finding our way with our eyes closed?
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
I believe DESIRE is THE biggest key to make a RAPID body composition transformation. You can have all the knowledge in the world but without the desire to do it, you will eventually fail.
You have to want success bad enough. You have to want it so bad like you need to breathe!
I have had success and failures throughout the last year and a half of my fat loss journey. I have found that when I am in my low points, it is because I had lost my desire. I am going through a low point right now and I feel that this transformation challenge is just what I need. I need it so bad. I have lost 55 pounds and gained back 8. I DO NOT want to go back to the way I was. I need you to help me again! (My plea for a most wanted free membership and your book :)
Knowledge is important but not as much as applied knowledge.
Motivation is vital but not as much as accountability.
So, it must be accountability then. Accountability to oneself and to others.
I’m going to say the single biggest key to making a rapid body transformation is giving myself permission to be successful.
I have completed two body transformation contests in the past, and both times i had some success, but nowhere near what i had hoped.
This time, (and i’m putting it in print here for all to see), I give myself permission to be successful–to reach my goals or better! :)
The biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is … A solid plan!
You cannot expect to get the results you want unless you have a definite plan of action. That includes both a set dietary and training regime.
After all, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery
I think it comes down to laser like commitment and focus. I’ve transformed my body in past only to relapse, but on next attempts I’ve had so many distractions and other distracting priorities (e.g. finances, or relationships). And with those diluting the focus on fat loss and exercise it spreads your focus too thin.
I think you need to prepare yourself and if possible clear distractions and set your self up for success. That combined with accountability and setting realistic expectations.
You need to turn fat loss in to a must, instead of a should.
To stop with negative self-talk.
I start with the best of intentions. I “GO BIG”, but I still fail miserably every time. I have tried SO many times, but usually I fail pretty quickly.
I would say I am highly motivated. I used to think I was just lazy, but now, after 36 years, I think it is more at work. I think if I could get rid of the little devil on my shoulder who whispers that I am a BAD, BAD person, and I should be thinner and stronger, that would make a huge difference.
I believe in hard work and consistency, and that is only possible if one does not drag oneself down with the negative ways we have of judging our bodies and our performances.
I am so hard on myself. Why can I not apply this to being consistent and resisting temptations that go against my goal?
All the negative self talk makes some of us (i.e me) want to escape that reality every now and then and it´s done in a bottle of wine or chocolate cake. Who would want to live in that reality all the time, really?
Therefore it´s one step back and one step forward all the time. I think this one change to all positive self-talk would make a big difference.
Nancy I feel for you. Its certainly not easy. I used to get down all the time. Id feel great and make a commitment to get leaner, but then id just loose control with my diet. What completely changed me was my mental shift. How did i get there? I read how others succeeded, and realized i needed to stop acting out of how i felt at that moment and focus on the big goal at the end. Just like a drug addiction, you cannot let how you feel at that moment or week or even month dictate if you use or not. Focus on the big picture, write down your goals for the week, month, 3 moths 6 months , year etc… and watch what happens. You need to make sure your mind has a clear reward/aka goal at the end to reach , and the rest kind of just goes on auto-pilot. with each passing week, things get easier until its second nature. Hope this helps and good luck!
Thank you, Brandon! It actually did help a lot. I know what you are saying, but I have not realized until now how important it is to focus on the big picture, and not allow myself to react to my feelings at the time.
It helps to hear it from somebody else. It helps to hear it is not easy, and I realize I have to be serious about focus. Thanks again and I am glad you are doing well.
For me it’s definitely that I’m mentally and emotionally WILLING to change! I’ve done last year’s holiday challenge and have successfully burned fat and created a healthy body. But I have never been this small in my adult life and was overwhelmed by how it felt. It was like a shock to me.
Now I have done the emotional and psychological preps that I need to change my body for good.
Let the holidays begin!
I see you jumped in and got an early start! NICE! Burn it up!
Thank you and HECK YEEEEAAAAAH :-)
Recognising that every day requires commitment. Day 30 is as important as Day 3 and deserves as much attention to attitude, planning, nutrition and exercise.
Biggest secret is MEASURE EVERYTHING!!
– MEASURE your starting weight, starting body fat
– MEASURE your goals
– MEASURE your motivation to meet the goals
– Measure your Today Daily Energy Expenditure
– Measure out your daily deficit
– Measure your daily activity
– Measure what you put in your mouth – food, macronutrients, water
– Measure how much weight you lift
– Measure how much you sleep
– Measure your circumfrences….I could go on, and on!
If you don’t measure, you don’t know where you’re starting, where you’re going, whether it’s working, or what you can do to keep the burn going!
Woops…today = total…was just too excited to post this I guess.
The #1 biggest key to a fast body transformation is having a plan.
I got married in May this year. In order to maintain my figure between January (when my dress was fitted) and May, I created and followed a nutrition and exercise plan using BFFM principles. The dress fit better in May than the last time it was fitted because I dropped to 18% body fat.
Haha funny you should mention it–I have gone off the reservation and organized a “Burn the Fat Challenge” at my martial arts school. Got 10 people so far and I’m working in BFFM as a highly recommended textbook and the Inner Circle Challenge as options for better results. We’re gonna have some fun!!! (and I’m also doing the IC Challenge of course)
For me the #1 secret to rapid body transformation is TEAMWORK! It’s not only the accountability, but it turns the hard work into fun. I look forward every day to seeing what everyone’s doing and try my best to hold up my end and set a good example.
Preparation. Once you’ve picked a plan, you have to do everything you can to set yourself up for success. Batch cook on weekends, prepare plenty of grab-and-go meals/snacks that fit within your plan, make sure your workout clothes are clean and easily accessible, go to bed early if you need to get up early to work out.
Once preparation is part of your routine there’s no excuse NOT to get fit.
What worked for me in the past were two key things:
1) Setting the goal, and flicking the switch in my head to commit to it. This was the single most important thing, as it kept me focused on what I wanted to achieve.
2) Consistency. Keeping my goal in mind kept me focused on my diet and my training to constantly reassess my position.
belief that YOU CAN TRANSFORM no matter what. Without that, it will never happen.
Thanks Tom
Two years ago I found out my husband and father of my two (very young children) was having an affair. I kicked him out (yay me!) but was then facing the situation no mother likes to contemplate – being forcibly apart from her children for a significant part of their lives.
At first I sat and cried whenever we were apart. Then I started running. Running became training for triathlons, and an interest in nutrition and fitness became my lifestyle.
Two years later I am fit, strong, 40 and an Australian size 8.
And then I found the BFFM website and realised that despite how far I had come, there was more! I wanted to look like the amazing people who had made the transformation.
Every Monday I ‘started’ my own transformation, and by the Friday I had given up.
Why? Why wasn’t it working.
I realised that although I am good, I am not yet exceptional. And that to me is the key – the one thing that separates the successes from the failures.
I am disciplined, I am driven, I am focused. But only ordinarily so, not exceptionally so. And that, to me, is the one thing you need to be.
Once you have been through the transformation and out the other side you can genuinely claim to be exceptional. In so many areas of your life.
I have never been exceptional because I’ve never known how, or at what I could possibly be, but BFFM has given me the insight. And that’s the one thing I think is the key to a rapid transformation – be exceptional in every area.
Can’t wait!
You are already exceptional! Read your story!
Support. Rapid goals can include extreme changes. Having a support group – particularly like minded and/or knowledgeable can make the difference between success and failure.
They can’t do the work for you. But they can be there to help push you forward when you need it most & you can do the same for them!
I believe that you must not tell yourself that you cannot eat something specific. If you do it seems you crave that item ever more.
Biggest secret? A balanced calorie deficit along with an exercise program you can commit to.
Regards – Roger
The biggest key to a rapid body transformation is two simple words, but those two words mean a lot of hard work. I CAN. I CAN get up every morning and do 30 to 45 minutes of aerobics. I CAN lift weights three to four times a week. I CAN do aerobics again every evening for 30 to 45 minutes. I CAN eat clean 95% of the time. I CAN forgive myself if I have a temporary setback and I CAN get right back on the program. I CAN use willpower to eat healthy and clean during holiday parties and family get togethers. I CAN stay away from alcohol for 49 days. I have failed many times in the past. Not this time. I have a positive attitude and I CAN do this. This 55 year old dog is about to show the world what he CAN do in 49 days. I CAN see myself with a body like Tom’s !!!
Still a work in progress, but here is my answer:
The biggest key to making a rapid body composition transformation can be summed up in one word, Planning.
In the past I have found that my greatest success in anything I set out to accomplish was done through proper planning before I even started. In achieving a rapid body composition transformation, one would not only establish an overall plan for accomplishing their stated, written, goal, but would require daily planning of nutrition, workouts, and mental preparation, as well as planning for potential setbacks. Without proper planning one just wanders aimlessesly in the gym, eats whatever’s available, and simply gets caught up in the moment.
However, when one plans, they make the best use of their time in the gym, they have planned out their meals for the day so they know exactly what they are eating, and they plan to make time to well . . . plan.
It’s been said that people don’t plan to fail, they simply fail to plan!
Exactly what I was going to say. Planning.
If you know exactly what you want, your unconscious mind will get busy helping you to do what is needed to get there!!! Plan for success, and it’s yours!!!
Consistency in your attitude. It’s what all the winners of the past have always had/done
The ability to forgive yourself and move on as planned if you “fall off the wagon” or get distracted.
I think the biggest secret is that you need to make the commitment to change your life and work at it from all angles. Diet, workouts, sleep, stress are all major factors and you have to get outside your comfort level and change the way you think about things. You need to get intense and find that drive within to be the best you that you can be. Set goals for yourself and when you reach them come up with a new one.
I haven’t accomplished this yet. I am doing my “pre-challenge” mental workouts already though. I believe my key to success is going to be finding the “why”. The motivation to accomplish the goal, the overwhelming want to do this, needs to be there to overcome the inevitable challenges of “how” to do it. The rest are details and as important as those details may be, without the “why” to fuel the fire no amount of planning, knowledge, or technical information will produce the results. There will always be the proverbial monkeys and a gremlins working against any plan, you just have to be more invested in achieving your goal than they are at stopping it. (A supportive group like the IC will come in handy to keep those spirits up!) Know you will succeed, and you will.
Alicia LaPorte here…I think the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is desire, meaning how bad you truly want it. You can have all the books in the world telling you what to do but if you don’t want it bad enough, you won’t do everything in your power to get it. If you don’t have the desire, you will be able to quickly talk yourself out of going to the gym and justify eating all the bad food you love. However, if you do have the desire, you will be excited to go work in the gym and love eating clean foods.
The most important thing is to start with a good plan and clear goals! If you’re trying to figure it out as you go along, you’re going to waste a lot of time and feel a lot of frustration. And your plan has to be *your* plan, your goals have to be *your* goals.
After that, stick to the plan. Don’t let bumps in the road derail you. Life happens, things don’t always go the way you thought they would or think they should, but no matter what, you keep going. If you get off track, you get back on track, forgive yourself and keep working the plan.
For ME – eating enough lean protein w/ lots of fibrous veggies – anything else I eat is just a bonus food. Now I need to eat MORE (lean protein & complex/starchy carbs) to build muscle while I ramp up my weight lifting (my cardio is a given !!) to get the body shape I am after !!
Hello Tom, hello everyone who is reading this, my name is Radu and I’m writing this from Romania ( please excuse my english :o ).
I had my ups and downs, I’m definetly not a succes story (yet) , so here are my thoughts about this :
The number one thing you need to solve this question is dedication, but what is dedication ?
Well , it’s like a puzzle , everyone has pieces of that puzzle , the more, the better.
What are those pieces of the puzzle ? They are :
– Love : When you dedicate yourself to something, it means that you love it :D. You love to gain knowledge about it, you love to put effort in it, you love everything about it .
– Discipline : You gather the strength to commit yourself to what your doing, planning, you try to respect your plans, maintain an order and never fall behind .
– Self-Awareness : You need knowledge, you need to know where you are and you know where you want to be . If you don’t know where you are and where your going then you
won’t know when you will reach your destination or what that destination is .
– Willpower : It is the will of the mind that pushes your body forward, trying to reach your goal.
– Courage : Or guts, or doing the right thing even if your scared, you put your fears aside and head towards your goal .
This about covers it , cya people and hope you complete your puzzle ^^ .
Commitment, and through commitment, a “fallback” plan when things don’t go exactly right. For instance, if you can’t work out in the morning, have a plan to do it first thing after work.
Obviously knowledge is power – you need to know the “how” of it all and goal setting is key so you know what you’re aiming for… But NONE of it matters without CONSISTENCY. Each day waking up and no matter how you feel, taking a few more steps in the direction of your goals. You could train & eat like a machine half the time but if you’re a pig the rest of the time, it’s not going to count!
I think the biggest secret to rapid body transformation is using a proven plan that has shown results for thousands of people in the past.
Wanting it more than the alternative. Wanting it more than the piece of chocolate cake or sleeping in instead of going to the gym.
Time…this probably relates to another category such as planning..and goals…however i find if i set a time each day the same time to do workout that i stick to it more. and people become to accept this and know that this is your time. it’s like when the doctor prescribes and recommends taking meds the same time everyday you do that don’t you. (and yes the same thing if you miss a dose go to the next, i dont tend to beat myself up so much just press on). is it thee most important…but i hear it a lot ‘i don’t have the time”.
Making sure that you step outside your comfort zone every single time you train, so that you are pushing harder than you pushed before, whether it’s cardio or strength training.
DISCEPLINE!! Discepline, commitment, accountability to nutrition and exercise. You MUST stay disceplined the entire journey and keep a positive mind set…if you fall back a moment and miss a workout or cheat on meals, get your mind back and stay DISCEPLINED TO YOURSELF. Visual and mental pictures help the mind set as well. I workout and visualize my body how it will look in a couple weeks and I know it always does because i’ve done it before. Ive’ done it before WITHOUT such discepline and have failed. Think of your body from the moment you wake up in the morning til you go to sleep at night…and sometimes dream of it!! This will keep you motivated to eat according to your goals and you will look forward to your workout!! DISCEPLINED MIND…very powerful!!
I think that the answer to “what is the biggest factor” in any kind of personal transformation is my own thoughts and feelings about myself.
We are all different individuals and one size does not fit all. It has taken me years and years of trying what works for me. It’s definitely not about the scale. I can weigh 140 pounds with no muscle and be in a size 14, or I can weigh 140 lbs comprised of muscle and in a size 6.
But, like I said above, it all starts in with your mindset and goes from there. It may sound like alot of hooeey unless you’ve seen just how powerful our thought can be!
The number one key to rapid body composition transformation is a life-style change – It’s not the latest fad, crash diet, fitness craze, supplements, or steroids.
The life-style change for me included a non-additive, all natural macro-ingredient diet. They say it takes 30 days to develop a habit. I just did a life-style change for 40 days, and felt great! (I was inspired by the documentary “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead” to make that poor eating habit change.) I’m turning that corner of 40 pretty soon. I did a 40 day combined Daniel-Fast/ Juice Fast challenge for myself. I did the first 10 days with 4 friends for accountability. I finished it, and then continued on, targeting my spiritual, emotional, and mental health.. and now am ready to take it to the next level with this new physical challenge. I’ve lost the weight, met my goal, but now I need to exercise the muscle. The mind is a powerful thing! It’s amazing what you can do if you put your mind to it!
I believe the biggest secret to rapid body transformation is making a decision, that come hell or high water, you will do what it takes, no matter how you feel, you WILL reach your goal. When you mess up on your nutrition you get right back on track, can’t get to the gym? You do a home workout. Don’t feel like it? You do it anyway, knowing that the feeling will pass and you will feel proud you did it later. Not stopping no matter what happens. Becoming adaptable to situations and have a “what can I do”? attitude. I guess this all comes down to mental resolve.
I think the biggest factor in rapid body transformation is having a motivating and supportive group of people (or even just one other person) helping you along the way. You can have all the knowledge of muscle building and fat loss already embedded in your mind so that you even dream about nutrition and exercise, but until you put it all to use, it does you no good. And from my experience, when you go it alone, you tend to either slack off so much that give up, or you simply do just give up because you don’t want to do the work.
When you are working with someone else, or preferably a group of people, it is much easier to stay on track. I’ve even noticed this in group exercise classes as opposed to doing home cardio workouts. I have cardio kickboxing DVDs that I love, but I can press pause, take breaks, or push stop anytime I want to. But when I am in a cardio kickboxing class with a group of people at my gym, I keep going the whole time without stopping (unless I need water, of course) because I want to be the best I can be in front of other people. I think it is the same for a body transformation, because when you are being held accountable to other people, you are more likely to stay focused, stay courageous, and put to use all that knowledge that you have gained in nutrition and exercise. Also, you can gain even MORE knowledge from your partner or group since we all have different backgrounds and experiences. If you are always learning, you are always moving forward!
So for me, the secret is to get with someone else who will keep you motivated and give you support the whole time through bad and good days. Other people are much better at keeping me focused than I am at keeping me focused. Because if it were up to me and only me, I would have been at my goal years ago as I have the drive and know-how to get there already!
My success on the last 98 day challenge was due to:
FOCUS – on your goals.
FOCUS – while working out, avoiding distractions.
FOCUS – on my nutritional targets while others around me were’nt.
FOCUS – on each day one at a time.
Make your plan and then FOCUS on the journey. You can’t fail.
Hi Tom
I’m just a beginner at all this and have been overweight and unfit my entire life and constantly on a diet since I was 11 – I’m now 42. Now, its time to change once and for all….. and your book and emails are really helping me to achieve this.
I believe the single most important factor to making a rapid body transformation is self-belief. If you TRULY believe you can do it, then you gain the determination to do whats necessary i.e change diet, exercise hard, and blow off negative comments or pressures. For the first time in my life, its time to listen to my inner self and ignore ‘helpful’ comments from others such as ‘you were meant to be this way’ and ‘one cupcake won’t make a difference’. Hell yeah!!!
GOAL SETTING!!! Right before I began the BFFM Summer Challenge I wrote out my lifetime goals, 12 month, 3 month, weekly and daily goals of what I will accomplish. What I did differently than what I have done in the past is to go beyond simply writing words on a page. As I wrote my goals I visualized what they would look like and feel like. I saw them as if they were already happening or as if I already had my “perfect” body, mind and life. And let me tell you, it works! If you consistently focus on your goals, get as clear and detailed as possible and act as if they are already apart of your life, then you will be unstoppable. I wanted to share a few of the goals I wrote out in regards to how my “Day 98” was going to look like:
~I am in the very best shape of my life mentally, physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually!
~I feel empowered, strong, motivated, focused, determined, beautiful and sexy!
~I am so happy and grateful now that it is August 26, 2011 and I am a size 0, I weigh 108 Lbs and I am 13% body fat!
~I love the way I look in my bikini, my arms are ripped, my legs are toned and lean!
~My legs and butt look fantastic in shorts!
~My bra’s fit perfectly and look great in a white tee shirt(back fat is GONE)!
~People ask me everyday how I got into such phenomenal shape. Women say “I wish I had your determination and will power”!
~I fit perfectly into a size 0 black, tight, short cocktail dress that shows how much I appreciate my lean, fit, strong body!
~I eat 5-6 meals per day with perfect, proper ratios of lean protein, carbs and fat, always on time and at 3 hour intervals!
~I stay well-hydrated and purify my body by drinking a gallon of water every day!
~I am celebrating the 4th of July with clearly visible abs!
~I thoroughly enjoy my 3 treat meals per week. It’s more than enough to satisfy my taste buds!
~I love my workouts that I do every day. I feel amazing, refreshed and energized for the day!
~I feel fantastic when both men and women turn their heads when I walk by!
* Every day I go over my goals and adjust or add to as I feel necessary. Currently, I am in the process of completing my goals for your BFFM 49 day Holiday Challenge. I am so stoked about what my body looks like and feels like within 8 weeks from today. I expect the same or better results than I received from the 98 day challenge. What’s the secret? A combination of the proper mindset and goal setting!
“I’m still a work in progress, not a success story, YET”….but….the #1 biggest secret to rapid body transformation is INTEGRITY WITH YOURSELF. That means making your mind up to follow through on your commitment to make the changes required to be successful in your own body transformation and not waiver one iota….JUST FRICKEN’ DO IT!!
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
I believe the biggest key to making a rapid body composition transformation is one’s ability to believe in your success and to make the personal commitment to acheive the objective. To beleive so strongly in your commitment that failure is not an option. Once a person has established that commitment everthing behind it in the way of food consumption, exercise, cardio is secondary. The commitment and the vision must come first.
I believe the biggest thing needed for a rapid body transformation is just that (i believe) the mental acceptance that you can do it that you will do it that it is inevitable.
I believe the biggest secret to RAPID Body Transformation is reminding myself of my goals, constantly. When the craving for junk food arises, or the plate of cookies is staring me in the face, asking myself the question “will this get me closer or further from my goal?” will keep me on track.
No doubt, there are only a few items, when combined together, will produce a measurable, greatest physical transformation in a 49 day period.
Not in any specific order; however, a clear formula needs to be comprised of goal oriented consistency, faith in the goal producing the said results,
always challenging your best efforts, a circuit of the best researched exercises X 3, and capping it off with a very high order nutrition plan that favors easily absorbed protein.This formula is backed up, with considerable scientific research and that adds the component of believe- ability, which makes it work. There is a very necessary requirement of equal rest, so the muscles can grow and repair themselves.
I’ve been that this for a while… I’ve accomplished so much, but also backslid to my highest weight. Ultimately, I know why I haven’t been successful in maintaining my weight loss and why I haven’t gotten to that dream body. It all comes down to the 1 biggest key to making a rapid body composition transformation: Believing that your dream body is achievable.
Forget genetics. Yes, they’re important and you have to be realistic, but anyone can get lean. Anyone can melt fat off. Anyone can build lean muscle. The key is believing in yourself. When you get to that point you can achieve anything because every step you take will be in the direction of getting you to where you want to go, as quickly as you want to get there.
Since the end of the summer competition, I’ve been training myself to believe it’s possible…and I’m ready for the Holiday Challenge. I’m going to achieve my dream body.
In a word….commitment…to a proper diet and exercise program. Not to mention sufficient rest and sleep. Starting a program and seeing it through is just the beginning….staying consistent to a healthy lifestyle should be the reward!
Weekly Accountability! Doing this contest over this past summer helped me stay focused on my goals every single week because I had to weigh in weekly. Weekly my numbers told me if I was on track. The numbers don’t allow for excuses, they are just there in black and white. I can’t wait to do the 49 day challenge and reach my goals over the holidays!!
I think that the number one key to RAPID body transformation is having a compelling reason. That could be a health crisis, an upcoming event, a contest. Hopefully in the process the intrinsic rewards of feeling so much better keeps you on track long after you have met your initial goal.
Did this last year and it was the greatest. The weekly measuring really helped me stay motivated.
Getting you’re book and follow your advice, just that simple. :-}
‘Constancy of purpose is the secret to sucess” said Benjamin Franklin & this applies to fat loss also. Having a constant focus & effort, be it with nutrition or exercise is the secret. Achieving fat loss in a short time is like studying intensively for an exam. You have to make a time-table & follow it strictly & intensively or you will fall short. Achieving fat loss is more in the mind than in the body.
I am a 46 yr old who was overweight. I followed BFFM strategy and lost 15 kgs & dropped from 38% fat to 15%,. I look & feel good & get compliments, but I am not yet satisfied. I look very good with my shirt on, but I want to look awesome with my shirt off. I can see the outline of my abs in certain light conditions, but I am nowhere to being ripped & I have some fat sticking around my lower abs. I have realised that passing an exam or getting a first class is easy, but topping the exam requires much more effort & focus. I will post my photos once I can proudly pose without my shirt on your blog & I can’t wait to get there. Thanks for your excellent guidance Tom.
i reckon it is setting measurable achievable goals. Everything you do comes back to what your goal is. Lose weight,bulk up without knowing your goal you can’t take the right supportive action. You need to be able to adjust what you do (ie eat less, more cardio, trainig split) on the basis of how you are tracking against your goals, and you need to review and update those goals as you achieve them.
GAIN a deep, educated understanding of the science of body transformation, CHOOSE to believe it can be applied to YOUR body, then JUST DO IT. It works. Every time.
The only way to change anything is to be so totally committed that absolutely nothing can get in your way. When I have changed anything I have been completely devoted to the challenge. I know what I have to do and I do it. No holds barred. And when demons present themselves I face them no matter how convincing they are. I am ready for this challenge. I haven’t done anything really hard in a long long time. Some challenges choose you and some you choose. I choose this one. I want to remember how strong I really am.
The one biggest key to making a rapid body composition transformation is deciding it is the single most important goal in your life – putting it ahead of everything else. With that mindset nothing will side track you. Every day envision that body you want to have and let nothing get in your way.
I think the key to success is to have a plan before you start. You’ve got to have your nutrition plan lined out. You need to know what your resistance training is going to be and also what your cardio routine is going to consist of. Then map out who your support structure is going to be for when time get hard because they will. If you fail to plan then plan to fail.
The single most important factor in achieving your goal of transforming your body is COMMITMENT to a plan and sticking to it
Patience that commitment will achieve results longterm, despite day to day hiccups.
RAPID body composition… biggest key is committment to the program. You can’t afford to have cheat days, free weeks, drinks with your friends once a week.. you have to eat clean, follow Venuto’s advice and go from there.. December 1st will be first day of the program… yep, plowing through Christmas time with a committment to eating healthy, working out and doing great… why wait for New Year’s?
Discipline, Discipline, Discipline…
Why wait to December 1? Start today, or at the latest the start of the Holiday Challenge. :)
I believe the biggest secret to rapid body recomposition is mindset. As stated by some others, your mindset must include total commitment to setting new habits and creating a different lifestyle that will allow you to both tranform your body and maintain the new changes after the transformation. You have to completely WANT the new you to be the best you possible. You have to want this more than all the crappy habits that have brought you to your current state in life. BE the best you possible, now go do it! :)
The key is determination to change.
I believe the 1 biggest secret to rapid body transformation and that most people seem to struggle with is ‘DECISION.’
I have personally struggled with making a ‘constant decision’ to wake up and purposefully do actions that propel me towards my goals quicker. Yes, there have been times when I have made the decision for a time but that period seems to eventually come to an end just like a season, but there needs to be consistency for lasting results.
I know from experience that once a goal has been achieved it just causes you to want to keep going but even then a decision must be made.
Every day we make decisions.
We just need to make the right ones,
life-giving ones,
apply consistency as a promise to oneself, and
to have tenacious perserverance. :)
HEY! It’s the famous FIT COUPLE back for more???? Burn ON!
Your question is what do I RAPID body composition transformation? Biggest secret is to thrive your goal and stick with a commitment.
Orangize your meal plans and write workout daily. Reread your paragraph why you want to change for better.
measure all your body composition. Working on body part you really want to be fit such as lost fat, lean, or gain muscles. Body changes from soft to rock, see the difference with muscle growth and lean. Feel lot of energy and totally new person is all the matter. positive attitude changes for better.
You know where to start with your work out and mainly focus on “must” having protein 5-6 meals. Dont omit carbs complex or good fats. It needs all balance along with PROTEIN. Protein is the key!!!
No more junkies more than once per week. Nutrition is the key!
Exercise 2-3 weight training or resistance training PLUS do cardio for only 20 minutes with high intensity and one day is low intensity. 3-5x/weeks.
Wish me LUCK! Grin
I believe the answer is holding yourself accountable to someone(s) else. When you have to answer to someone else, say in a weekly call or meeting, I think you’ll dread giving that person bad numbers. I feel this keeps you focused and more on target! It definitely works!
strength training
Following a very strict diet avoiding all processed foods, sugar, wheat and any other high glycemic foods that raises your insulin levels that prevents you from burning fat. Working out 4-5 times a week using the combination of some kind of resistance training with weights and your own body weight, coupled with interval training of some sort to help stimulate a faster metabolism for your body to burn more fat after you;re done exercising.
Become a problem solver. By which I mean converting every single tiny or huge difficulty, objection or block that you come across into a challenge! Internal blocks as well as external ones. Grasp those No’s, Can’ts, fears or doubts and make it your mission to find and use the best solutions to counter these challenges. Have fun and feel the satisfaction which comes from taking them on! That’s what brings goals closer, the determined use of brainpower and strength of action. Instead of that old saying ‘These things are sent to try us’ every time think: ‘These things are sent to TRAIN us’.
Hi Tom. The biggest secret to rapid body transformation:
Belief in yourself! As cheezy as that sounds, it’s the most crucial element. You’ve said it before, body re-composition is simple but not easy. Your plan is doomed to fail, if your mind-set isn’t right. i.e. You don’t really believe and trust yourself. Or perhaps you don’t feel you deserve the reward that will inevitably come from executing your plan daily (& hourly) until your goal is reached.
The biggest secret to any rapid change is too get enough leverage on yourself to change. My secret is I’m going to write out a post dated cheque to the most unworthy charity I can think off and then give that cheque to someone to hold.
If I don’t follow through with the program I want them to mail the cheque to that charity to cash. If I do follow through I get my money back. Now that’s leverage to take action.
One needs to have purpose. There has to be a “why am I doing this?” answer that really matters, whatever that answer is. Improve health, appearance, social life, participate in otherwise inaccessible activities, etc. If it’s not “life and death,” it can be hard to maintain motivation. Small “tastes” of whatever the purpose is should be converted to intermediate goals and there should be a source of feedback and confirmation that is external and trusted. Few have the will to go it alone.
I believe that the MOST important and relevant thing to start a real transformation is DETERMINATION.
To have the determination to stick with your program and goals, to have the determination to go and do the right thing whether you dont wake up that specific day when you lack a bit of motivation.
I believe determination resumes what is the program all about.
I would say the biggest key is focus. You have to have your eye on the prize and really concentrate on getting there. You have to plan ahead and keep records, tweaking and changing as you go along to make sure you stay on target.
The decision to make a change and consistency.
Hey Tom! Wow, what a GREAT giveaway – how could I waste this once-in-a-lifetime chance? No way!
Well, here I go! What’s The 1 Biggest Secret to RAPID Body Transformation? It’s ACCOUNTABILITY.
You can have the best fitness coach, the most amazing nutrition plan, the most effective workout routine – custom-tailored, especially designed for you and ONLY for you -, but when you’re all by yourself and you’ve got nobody else checking up on you, you can lose perspective and stumble (I prefer not using the word ‘fail’).
I’ve lost 85 lbs so far, and I still have at least another 40 to go. I can tell you this (I’ve learnt it by experience): any road (including a fat loss journey) is easier to go through with the right partner/s. Somebody who, at the end of the day, is there for you, to share both success and… and hard times.
Now, I pray that I’ll find my name among the winners! Wow, Tom – I will show you and the entire world where I can achieve in 49 days!
In answering that question, I would have to say, nutrition. If you dont watch what you eat, all the working out in the world is not going to help you achieve a “hard body” or the “ripped abs”,,,,,,,,,,,
Accountability is the number one thing. To be accountable to yourself and your priorities, but also to be accountable to others, which is why the BFFM Challenges are so effective. Layers of accountability are set up with the individual and team entries and the weekly requirements of posting stats. Without tha it would be so easy to lose momentum. ~kim~
I think that the number one key to RAPID body transformation is 100% DEDICATION
Dedication…To go to the gym per schedule
Dedication…To follow the eating guidelines Tom’ lays out
Dedication…To measure everything going in your mouth
Dedication…To do your best
Dedication…To not fail
Dedication…Take it one day at a time
Dedication…To stick to your goals.
I believe motivation, and especially the mental toughness componant of motivation is the biggest key to transformation. It follows that the toughness comes from a strong belief and the ability to visualize where you want to be.
Knowledge is power. How can you make a true transformation if you don’t know how? Knowledge includes understanding nutrition, exercises, how to make a plan, how to write out valid goals, who to recruit to assist you in your goals, how to keep yourself accountable, etc. You can have all the desire in the world, but lack of knowledge might keep you on the treadmill at a slow pace for two hours per day thinking that’s the way to go.
You need to have a concrete goal that has a hard and fast deadline. For me, it usually is a specific big, hard climb (mountaineering); for others, it may be a competition, or a wedding. If the downside to not meeting the goal is potentially “very” bad (injury or death from not being in shape for the climb, losing to someone else, or looking bad in your wedding dress, while the upside to meeting the goal is very desirable (succeeding in the climb, winning the competition, looking great in all your pictures) the motivation to stick to your plan is huge.
An attitude that is not all or nothing.
The one thing that resulted in the biggest body composition transformation for me was lifting heavier weights with fewer reps. once I started to max out at just 6-8 reps instead of light weights/high reps, I saw the biggest results in my whole fitness life.
Although “I’m still a work in progress, not a success story YET” but……I believe the Biggest Key to making a RAPID Body Composition Transformation is……Having a Solid Plan.
• Set your goal
• Define how you are going to get there – Nutrition – Workouts – Cardio
• Look ahead in your calendar & mark any potentially difficult social events so that as you get closer to that date you can plan ahead. Whether it’s menu wise if eating out or just going in a deficit prior to the event to offset the calories & then bookending with a deficit after the event to get back on track.
• Watch your stats every week and adjust if needed or keep things “as is” if metrics are showing improvements.
• Only change one variable at a time so you can gauge if it is working for you.
• Try to string as many “forward” days as you can.
• Once you’re on your way the momentum and the progress is what keeps you motivated
There is no such thing as rapidly burning fat unless you set your mind to it for 100% success. You have to set up your goals in life in short bouts at a time. the key is to train your brain to make it do what you want it to do. Make the ultimate commitment and stick with it. Losing weight is one thing but to seriously build muscle and get your self into shape all revolves around the same commitment. It takes hard work and a strong desire to make things happen the way you want them to. It is good to involve your friends to help both of you to gain the same sucess but it is ultimately your own decision to make it happen. You have to change your lifestyle for a permanent body composition. Nothing else is going to make it happen
Support. Was going to say ‘how bad do I want it?’ or ‘focus’ or ‘diet plan’ or ‘exercise program’; but like most of life’s patterns it usually takes internal AND external forces to change to a new state of balance. Support works better than no support.
Hi Tom,
My #1 secret to rapid body transformation is the SYNERGY of the following
1. Strength Training
2. Right amount of Cardio
3. Clean Nutrition
4. Mental Strength to be disciplined and committed.
If any of these is missing, the SYNERGY is broken and it decreases the speed of body transformation.
Transformation is accomplished with calorie deficit, working muscles to burn fat, thinking yourself changed, being positive and having motivation or support from others.
Not been very successful at this yet.
Negative self talk and thinking it is too late for me doesn’t help at all.
I believe attention to the details is the one biggest key to real body transformation. I am still a work in progress; but every time I have paid attention to the details, my progress has been faster and more consistent.
NOW im sending you an email (I’m a little slow sometimes, but….)
Carb cycling
Having a committed goal is the biggest secret to rapid body transformation. Without commitment, a goal is just a dream, not a destination. Successful goals require research and planning, checkpoints along the way, feedback, and a willingness to adjust based on results along the way.
Can we answer in the form of another question?
As much as I’ve learned in the past year and a half of slowly losing weight I’ve finally (Literally right before knowing of this question/blog) answered what is the key to rapid body composition transformation. That’s personal glory.
At the end of the day the only person I can trust to tell me that I did a good job and that I pushed myself, is me. My personal glory means I don’t brag to anyone, I don’t need to show proof to anyone. When I go to bed and I say that I look fantastic and that I’m going to beat myself in competition tomorrow and the day after and every day. Everyday. When I am in the best shape of my life everyday.
When you can praise yourself and hold yourself up and you don’t need acknowledgement from anyone for living a healthy life than you hold the key to a rapid body composition transformation.
-Thanks for being awesome Tom.
Reflection is the one biggest key factor in making a rapid body transformation change. I have attempted to change my lifestyle several times but have not been completely successful because of a lack of commitment to looking inwards. Whilst dedication, persistence, resolve and goal setting would definitely join in making the Top 5 most important factors in making a change it is reflection that is the MOST important.
Reflection – deep analysis of what I have done in the past and what I am currently doing is the one thing that will bring the most rapid results.
I imagine that when I enter the 49-day contest this week I will succeed because each day and week I will be looking back on what I have done and reflecting on what was successful and what needs to change. However the first step will be to assess what I have done in the past and why I haven’t been able to achieve my past goals. This will bring insight into my behavior and guide my transformation.
Regular reflection means you can meet your goals faster because you can immediately assess what works and what doesn’t – even though some results take a little time to show. From this moment, I will be reflecting particularly on my eating habits – and analyzing what motivates me to eat well or poorly in any given situation. (As well as what gets me up to do my cardio or not!) This consistent practice has been lacking in my previous attempts at transformation – but I know that this time, because I have seriously taken the time to think about it, I will be able to succeed.
Well, I am most definitely a work in progress and not yet a success story, but I will answer as best as I can. I believe
The number one key to a rapid change in body composition is committing to change your lifestyle and then going through with it. This can’t be a future goal; it has to be a goal made in the present. Starting today.
Believe me, I have thought and said over and over again “I am going to change my body composition and lose those love handles, I am going to eat healthier and eat smart.” However, thinking it is not enough. You have to make it a goal and commit to it in the PRESENT and stick with it. It has to be implemented to succeed.
Train hard, speed up your motabolism, track, zig zag, enjoy life.
Goals – concrete goals
I’ve working hard at this whole transformation thing for a year and there’s been great progress. What has made the entire transformation possible is having concrete goals that I can work toward. I’ve got short-term goals, mid-term, and long-term – and every action either takes me closer or further.
Goals are very powerful indeed.
The biggest secret to me is – You have to WANT it with all your heart & soul!
BE COMMITED to living a healthy nd fit lifestyle dont be one of those people that once they have a little overendulge they quit there diet stick to it train ( workout) nd be motivaed to workout nd have goals
consistancy period or is that exclamation point
The key for me, was DETERMINATION not to quit, not matter what, even an accident and losing my teeth did not stop me.
Three years ago I was training for my first figure competition. Five weeks out I got into an accident and lost most of my upper teeth. I had to get stitches and my gums bled for a week. I didn’t have health insurance so I couldn’t replace my teeth for over a year.
Most people would have quit. I contacted my coach and he put me on a liquid version of my diet, I took 2 days off then went back to the gym without pain meds (that made me groggy) sucked it up and kept training. I used a flipper type fake teeth mouth piece to cover up my lack of teeth and hit the stage, and placed first.
My body composition changed of course, my weight only went down 6 lbs in 12 weeks. Quitting was not an option.
The 1 biggest key to making a rapid body composition transformation is having a goal in mind, complete with a target date…something to motivate you, something to look forward to and work toward. Having a specific goal and a target date is a great motivator!
i need to remeber that in order to make a complete transformation
“that hard work beats talent when talent doesnt work hard”
I am most definitely a “work in progress and not yet a success story,” but, I believe that the key to to having the most success for a 49 day transformation is CLEAN EATING! When you consider that nutrition is 80% of the battle – it would only seem logical to get your nutrition in perfect order. This would include timing & frequency of meals (about every 3 hours), portion size, proper amounts of macronutrients (protein, carbs, fat) and of course, quality of food.
That’s my best guess and what I would do if I entered.
Best of luck to everyone!
I’m no expert having never participated in a body transformation challenge, but I can’t imagine there’s ONE secret to rapid body transformation. I believe it’s the combination of so many elements (mental attitude and commitment, physical training, nutrition and support) that lead to success and am looking forward to putting them into practice to see for myself!
For me, it’s a clean diet. It doesn’t matter how much I work out or how consistent I am if I am not eating properly. And for me, that it the most difficult part. I love to bake and cook. Cooking healthy is not a problem for me, but many of the things I bake do not have a “healthy” version. I feed them mostly to other people. I’m a foodie and it’s often difficult for me to keep it clean. My willpower needs some work.
Committing to a lifestyle of healthy eating and an exercise plan.
I don’t write this to be a downer. I don’t want sympathy or pity. But the only way to give my answer is to explain it comes from the heart of depression, at times so profound moving at all seems impossible. My entire life can feel like flailing through an infinite expanse of waist-high snow, constantly falling, being buried under the drifts…and struggling to stand up, continue on my way.
There is no point in writing the details of the doctors, palliatives, drugs that sometimes work, sometimes don’t. I don’t yet know the root of the disease, the length of the journey, even the destination. The only way to measure the distance is to keep lurching forward until I arrive.
But the end result is that every transformation of mind or body, however small, for me requires two keys:
Overcome the terror of feeling well.
Abandon self hatred.
Call it “the biggest secret” to transformation if you like. In my case, it’s a personal set of keys, perhaps a less common answer. Still, I know I’m not the only one fighting those enemies, in one form or another.
There is no doubt exercise, working out, weightlifting help me. What makes me stop each time, even knowing I feel almost well, is the illogical terror of the unknown…the different. What keeps me from starting again is the excoriation of myself for failing, for undoing everything I had managed to accomplish.
None of that is particularly profound. But for anyone else out there who knows simply getting out of bed can be like wading alone through that same never-ending arctic wasteland, I’ll share what has changed for me lately, however small, thanks to some amazing friends and doctors, who have stood by me with true compassion, and non-judgmental support, in the very worst of times:
Instead of crying, now I swear every time I wipe the snow off my face, and grin maliciously at the thought of global warming.
It’s a start.
Here’s to transformation, and the possibility of achieving it someday,
You WILL get there!!!!
#1 would have to be a fitness plan that you can commit to and making it part of your lifestyle
Without a doubt, it can be summed up in one word: CONSISTENCY.
I haven’t transformed my body YET. But the number one secret to transforming my body is consistently working the plan. Keep doing what works. Taking Cheat days, but not letting them stop you from continuing with your plan.
By far the 1# Key to RAPID body composition transformation is (and I’m kinda stealing this from a shoe company)”Just do it!” After 9 days straight of eating clean and exercising you rear off, and you’re so tired and would love a “cheat meal” – instead of taking that 10th day off or having that “cheat meal”, go out and exercise twice as hard!!! This all comes down to dedication and commitment. Even season veterans can shock themselves when they push beyond what they believe their limits are. 110% is almost enough. No excuses, JUST DO IT!
I think that the biggest key to rapidly changing your body composition is to change your behavior–you have to act differently to get different results; and behavior change, in turn, depends on your motivation, your mindset; the cognitive strategies you use for setting and achieving goals; and on social support.
Believe you can do it !
The biggest key to making a rapid body composition transformation is deciding. Making the decision that you (a) want to change; and (b) are willing to do whatever it takes to make the change. Once the decision is made, you need to state your decision in terms of a goal and get started. Truly making the decision to change is the key!
Yes, I am work in progress and a current Inner Circle Member. Your program is definitely pointing me in the right direction. I have undertaken fairly drastic nutritional changes and embarked on a workout program that combines your recommended 3 days/week weight training schedule with cardio style interval training. I am making great strides.
However, NONE of this would have happened had it not been for the goal setting guidance. My answer takes goal setting a step further. The REAL KEY to success is to program the sub-conscious mind using the CREATIVE VISUALIZATION technique you have outlined. Without it, you run a high risk of falling back on old habits and attitudes. I have created clear mental images of “how I will look” when I am down to 10% body fat and clear mental images of “what I eat”. I see my “new self” in these images. Having them firmly embedded in my sub-conscious mind now sends me to the gym 3-4 times a week and more importantly, they now determine what goes into my food basket. I no longer struggle, I feel good about what I am doing.
“I’m still a work in progress, not a success story, YET” I think the most important thing is to surround yourself with “like minded” people eg join a group, bootcamp or gym. If you are not sure that you can do it by joining a group you will find a gym buddy or make friends with people that will help you along your journey.
The biggest secret to a rapid body transformation is Commitment Commitment Commitment. Knowing what your goal is and keeping it in mind with every action you do, or don’t do.
I believe the biggest key to making a rapid fat loss transformation is what you already refer to as “The Fifth Element”…being part of a community of fat loss-minded friends who can encourage each other and hold each other accountable. That is the component I know many people thrive on in their fat loss journey and swear that THAT factor is what finally pushed them to their goals!
The answer is the 5th element – the support one gets from everyone in a social circle.
I am not there yet, I am learning from the experts and who already made it there, so may I quote:
“There are a lot of reasons for Scott’s success. Many elements go into a successful body transformation, regardless of your age, experience, gender or starting fitness level. Scott knew about the importance of nutrition, cardio training and weight training. He even understood the power of the mind in transforming his body.
But there is one element that was clearly at play in Scott’s transformation which he didn’t anticipate would be such a huge key to his success…
The power of the 5th Element
Scott gives great credit to his support system for helping him succeed. He thanks his wife of 27 years for all her support and names many of his Inner Circle friends as instrumental in his success. Scott explained, “Your family’s support, your friend’s support, and then certainly the Inner Circle support, together, did more than I expected it to.”
Oopps, the last line disapeared. The author of the quote is Tom Venuto.
I feel it is the 5th element of accountability and social support system. I can’t do it alone!
The answer is the dedication that begins from the neck up……
So many great responses here. My personal answer to rapid results, or results on a time budget: everything must be planned, plotted, practiced, pre-meditated, what else starts with a “p”? Seriously, rapid results are for anyone, but more likely someone that has some experience- and that person is going to map it out PRECISELY and follow the plan to a T (or maybe to a P for PERFECTLY!) Yes, you must have your head in the game, yes you must be completely dedicated and disciplined….. Have a plan, have back-up plans, have contingency plans, have so many plans to tackle it OR do what the hard core rapid losers do: ALLOW NOTHING TO KNOCK YOU OFF YOUR PLAN FOR EVEN ONE MOMENT ;)
Humbly yours and looking forward to the upcoming burn,
ps- I am Planning to get ripped in 49 hard-core-nothing-stands-in-my-way days!
The one biggest key to making a rapid body composition transformation is your mind. Everything else is second to that!
I am 74 years young. At 66 I weighed 270 pounds. At 69 I had reached 170
pounds. I have been able to keep below 170 for 5 years. My only difficulty is trying to build muscle it seems. so I keep an eye on your site. I got you burn the fat feed the muscle ebook abour 5 years ago.
I have done quite a bit of transformation, and I’m not unhappy with my body at this point in my life – but I believe this is a lifelong process, not something static that once done is done. There are several thoughts I had about what is the KEY element, but what is perhaps the most important foundation for ANY of the various elements is AWARENESS. No matter how much commitment you have, there will be those moments when your unconscious mind takes over and attempts to lead you in a different direction than you had consciously chosen. The more you can maintain or bring yourself back to conscious awareness in each moment, the more you can make choices that align with your conscious ideas about what you really want. Even the very important process of building a relationship between your conscious mind and the parts of you that are hidden in unconscious mind can happen most effectively when you practice awareness.
Hi Tom,
I have struggled for many years with my weight and finally did something with it. I believe that determination finally brought me to a final decision,and that is to set a goal and make sure to follow it through the end. Determination has brought me far and I am still on the path to success. I have been working out for many years,but never really watched what I ate,drank too much alcohol,and not write down the foods that I ate. I am now doing everything I can to reach my goal,and so far,so good. I feel so much happier that I have the motivation to finally do it even though it has taken me so long. Maybe,getting older is the best thing,because I think of all the things I can do when I am fit. Most of all,I want to be healthy and strong. I do this not just for myself,but I want my kids to know that just because you get older doesn’t mean we need to stop caring for ourselves. I want them to know never to give up and always keep going no matter what.
“I’m still a work in progress, not a success story, YET” but the 1 Biggest secret to Rapid Body transformation is a “Decision”. It goes with anything else; if a person is an alcoholic, a drug addict, over weight or want body transformation, you have to Decide to make the change. You have to decide to make the commitment, to be motivated. If you never decide to do it now, the transformation will never happen. I have DECIDED that now is the time!
To me, the most important thing someone can do to rapidly change their body composition is to perform exercises against their own body weight (i.e. push ups, pull ups, plyo lunges and squats, etc). I’ve always been able to get my fittest when I’ve used this approach.
Actually eating 6-9 servings of green vegetables a day. They fill you up, enhance your immune system and give you great energy.
“Inner circle”, whether it be the “Burn the Fat Inner Circle” or your very own “inner circle”, which might include friends, family, co-workers, trainers, mentors, etc. The “inner circle” provides feedback, accountability, advice,and encouragement all in one spot…………effective, efficient, and very powerful; all relative to a rapid body transformation.
I think the biggest secret to a rapid body transformation is signing up for a body transformation contest and completely committing to it 100%. That’s it!
I think the one biggest THING to making a RAPID body composition transformation is to consistently CONFUSE/TRICK your body from a nutritional and exercise perspective.
It’s hard to isolate one key, 1 secret. For me the biggest key is the knowledge that rapid body transformation has been done many times by many people and can be done by anyone who decides to follow in their footsteps. I remember seeing a video of a 84 day body transformation. When I saw that video, I knew it could be done and it set me on the path to find out what that guy knew.
Rapid Body Composition: “That means losing fat and keeping your muscle or even gaining muscle.” For me personally, it is about diet, strength training and cardio. All three have to come together in order for me to be successful, BUT, the ONE BIGGEST KEY is MOTIVATION! I have to have the desire to do it! From there, Transformation happens!
In my experience success in any area is nothing new and we can’t reinvent the wheel so my one biggest “secret” is to find someone who has what you want or who has achieved it and CHANGE YOUR HABITS to mirror what they have done to achieve that success (Like Tom Venuto). I think you will find their habits to be consistent and disciplined healthy nutrition, strong workouts, consistently learning and surrounding themselves with people who inspire or encourage them. You will find people who have worked hard even when they didn’t feel like it. Their results are achieved through determination, not emotion. They are accountable to a group or something usually bigger than just themselves. They probably have a coach of some sort. They keep a great attitude and even if they do slip up they dust themselves off and jump right back into those healthy HABITS. Thank you everyone for sharing, enjoy the journey!!
I’ve read Tom Venuto’s Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle book and I am excited to say that what made all the difference for me was counting calories. That was the only thing I changed (well, also started paying attention to macronutrients and was ok but wasn’t all that great at that) and I lost 17 pounds of fat and gained over 5 pounds of muscle. It was so exciting. I really resisted counting the calories, but once I started doing it — it was easy.
I believe the number one thing that will help you is Personal Commitment. Until and unless you are commited to a cause, have a personal “testimony” of it, it will be too difficult to see it thru when hard times come as they always do. If you truly believe in yourself aand are commited to “eating, breathing, sleeping” your goals, then you can accomplish a rapid change in composition or whatever other goals you set for your awesome self!! :-)
Motivation: you can have ALL the tools & know how to use them, or you can be a rookie & still need to learn the tools – doesn’t matter, to succeed you MUST have motivation. If you have that motivation, nothing can stop you – from learning what you need to learn, from doing the work that’s required, from maintaining the diet that’s required – you can do it! It’s “all in the mind”! If you can keep yourself motivated to stay the course, you WILL find a way to be successful…
If its not settled in your mind that you will succeed, then you probably won’t. That is definately the stuggle I have right now. I really have no idea how to overcome the mind and believe I can.
There are many traditional aspects to weight-loss such as nutrition and exercise. But the most important one – the one you cannot do without – is motivation. Find a way to stay motivated, and everything else will follow.
The secret isn’t really a secret. It is just being committed to your goal and making daily healthy decisions. Accountability is a must. I find journaling my diet daily makes a huge difference and it is important for tracking how you are doing and planning your diet. Scheduling your exercise like scheduling anything that is important in sticking to your program and making it a life style. So the secret would be that it is a life style, not just a “diet” or a temporary fix. This is for the long run. The rest of your life.
The key to a successful transformation is knowing that this is not a diet or exercise program that you can do as you wish. It is a way of life. A real life style change that will not only change your body, but your entire being. You will feel great outside and inside. You will stand up taller, feel great in all of your clothes, be more productive at work, and generally have a better outlook on life. You need to surround yourself with positive people who will encourage you to succeed. If you find yourself in a negative environment, the likelihood of success will be much less because those people will feed that little voice in your head that wants to give up.
The best way to rapidly transform your body is to read the BFFM manual and follow it step by step. Write your goals, and get to work. I received my book almost two years ago. I’ve lost over 50lbs of fat and put on at least 10lbs of muscle using the BFFM book and the holy grail. Although I’m not ripped (currently around 12-14% body fat) I’ve achieved a great deal. I’m now on a mission to lose the rest of my fat and get that ripped lean look I want. These books have transformed my life.
Definately “social support”.
The biggest key to making a RAPID body transformation is setting a goal for a set time period, finding the motivational factors that will help you get there, and utilizing all the POSITIVE people who will accentuate your journey. The key to success lies not in ONE element of a weight loss journey but the COMBINATION of numerous essential components blended together to form a force that will push you through any barrier.
“Keep the goal the goal” –Dan John
I believe the most important part of rapid body composition change for me is mental attitude. That attitude is most affected by how I choose to spend my time. Spending time with motivated supportive understanding like minded people is key but I also need to spend time with myself soul searching and reaffirming my values. When these things are in place dietary choices, workouts, proper rest, fitness and accomplishments seem to fall into place almost automatically. When these things are not in place my life gets out of balance and poor dietary choices, lack of attention to proper rest, moodiness, weight gain and illness invariably ensues. All this happens despite the fact that, as a practicing Military Physician with a special interest in Sports Medicine and a lifelong amateur bodybuilder I feel I have a good working knowledge of and strongly value physical fitness.
One other thing I think is beneficial is the mentor/mentee relationship. I believe that mentoring is as good for the mentor as it is for the the one being mentored. Sharing what I know keeps things fresh, improves my attitude and motivates me. Those newer to the sport of bodybuilding seem to make more rapid gains and when I see that it pushes me to work harder to improve also.
I have recently had a number of medical issues which have taken a toll on me and my fitness (first a ventral hernia repair and then a shoulder injury) and I am now working hard to regain my fitness so I can make bodyfat standards and continue to serve in the military. Things are coming back into focus and I will need to use every possible resource to help maintain that during my upcoming post op period (5th degree right AC sep requiring reconstruction, in addition to a rotator cuff and labral repair).
As they say Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance!
When looking at nutrition you must devise an eating plan based around foods that you WILL eat not what you SHOULD eat. If you love chocolate then why cut it out completely, plan for it and make allowances accordingly. Likewise if you hate brussel sprouts then why make yourself eat them when other foods will provide the necessary nutritional requirements. Plan to eat the right foods at the right times to maximize your workout potential. Workouts need to be planned around other aspects of your life. If you only have 1 hour to train then you need to get the most benefit possible out of that hour. Some people have the time for multiple workouts each day some don’t. If you know how much time you have and what you want to achieve you can plan the most effective types of workout to maintain the calorie deficit required to transform your physique.
You know what you want to achieve (realistic short term and long term goals), you know the time frame, all the information required is available (BFFM is an excellent source and there are millions of others), you know what foods you like and dislike and you know what sort of training you enjoy. Time to sit down and compile all of that information into a PLAN that will lead you to achieve your fitness goals. Don’t plan to eat things you don’t like, don’t plan workouts that you won’t complete (plan workouts you will enjoy and look forward to), don’t plan for time you don’t have. If your planning is effective your results will be amazing!
As with anything in life you have to wrap your mind around it and stuff it deep inside of you until it oozes out of every pore. You must be organized yet flexible, determined yet forgiving of set backs, reach for the stars yet make short term reasonable sustainable goals, and finally understand you can not soar with the eagles if you hang around a bunch of turkeys. So always surround yourself with positive encouraging family and friends, tell the saboteurs to find another target.
I think the number one thing you can do to change your body composition is to change your way of thinking. You have to want to change and make the necessary changes in your fitness and diet to get new results. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.
I’m still learning this.
Decide. To cut off from even the possibility of any other alternative. You must make it happen now – this is what you must believe to ever make it happen. Incidently, this is what I’ll be using to motivate myself for the challenge if I win a membership! :)
UM – by participating in the Winter Body Fat Challenge!!! It’s the key to learning how to do it, having support, being accountable to yourself and for staying motivated!! I’m hoping to win a membership for my hubby so he can do the challenge with me this time!!
You have to have the right mindset, if you are determined and have a positive mindset you can achieve your goal.
purposefully keep careful track of your protein intake and the total calories DAILY
The 1 biggest secret to rapid body transformation is using your subconscious to set goals and sticking to them. Not being sacred to shoot for the moon type of goals continuing to use your subconscious mind when your almost ready to quit.
A positive attitude, support, being organized, focussed and the will to push yourself further than ever before.
The best way to get in shape and healthy is to connect to a community that is about that. We become like the books we read and the people we associate with. This community provides both>
To me the number 1 biggest secret to rapid body transformation is real simple – JUST DO IT! You can buy a hundred different programs, get a PHD in nutrition, learn psychology, and become an expert in the science of body building and still nothing will change. It seems like every week there is a new and better program being promoted to change you from the Pillsbury dough boy into a Greek God – In only 12 weeks! Quit trying to find the perfect peogram. Pick a program or create your own and JUST DO IT!
I believe the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is to plan for success by creating in advance a nutrition and workout tracker and then sharing your goals AND results with friends, family and the BFFM community / IC. There is no better way to remain accountable and get peer support along the way.
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
I believe the biggest key to making body composition is associating the body you have as wrong or needing improvement. If you link the hurt you feel when you look in the mirror, and think how happy and confident you’ll be in your new body composition should be the main key for permanent change.
I have read everything I can find that you have written Tom. I am inspired by your wisdom and generosity. I work out routinely and I eat wholesome foods, balancing my carbohydrate, protein and fat intakes as well as watching the total calories consumed. I change up my routine frequently and I’m constantly fine tuning what I do and how I do it. I have gone from almost 300 pounds down to 230 and I’m still reducing. My bodyfat has gone from 40% to below 20%. My cholesterol has gone from off the chart numbers to solidly in the healthy range. My doctor is amazed and he is weaning me off of the statins I have been taking for the last several years. The same thing has happened with my blood pressure. I used to have acid reflux all the time. It has miraculously gone away. People who know me and see the transformation comment on the fact that I’m not just reducing but I am shaping up as well. My muscle tone is improving and I’m actually gaining inches now that I’ve lost a substantial amount of fat. Having gotten as far as I have without access to membership (just can’t afford it. I haven’t worked in 3 years due to the economy) I know that the benefits of membership will carry me further in my quest for self improvement. I know I haven’t answered the question yet… I felt I needed to tell you a little about my success and progress. For me, the single most important factor in making a rapid body transformation is the mental process that allows me to make a realistic self evaluation and gives me the burning desire and determination to change my life. Even if I don’t win one of the memberships, I still owe you a great debt for being a most important inspiration and for having a significant part in saving my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you and God bless.
The most important, the biggest secret to rapid body transformation is eating nutritionally for an individual’s specific body type. In other words,if one wants rapid results, that person will need to eat according to his/her particular body makeup. Other components of success are certainly important, such as commitment, hard work, desire, forming a team of individuals with similar goals as one can read about in Tom’s blog. But correct diet is key.
Peter Gaw
For me the one biggest secret is self belief, you’ve got to believe beyond any shadow of a doubt that you can achieve your goals. I have lost 20kg since September 2010.I recently went off the rails a bit due to a prolonged work trip to NZ. I can openly admit to myself I made too many poor food choices as well as a little too much alcohol. I only put on 3kg but my toned body I’d worked hard to get has started get a bit flabby here and there so the timing of this challenge is great for me. I often refer back to the chapter in BTFFTM that refers to getting yourself back on track. I now know exactly what I have to do to get back on track and this challenge is a great place to start. Look out my fellow competitors, I know I’m going to give this challenge a good crack.
Train hard and expect success
Easy. Keep the muscle fed, while burning the fat. Ohhhh that’s gotta earn me some extra points! :) But, if you want one answer, it’d be something close to that. Losing weight is simple math. Burn more calories than you consume. Oh there are little tweaks here ‘n there, but they’re small stuff. (and a waste of money if you pay for much more information than that) Do your best to know your calorie intake, and workout like crazy at whatever burns the most, and you’ll lose weight. BUT, we want to preserve muscle as we lose UNDESIRED weight (fat). To do so requires a little extra knowledge about higher protein intake, being thoughtful about when & how much to consume fats & carbs, and designing your workouts to stimulate muscle growth, or at least muscle maintenance. And oh yeah, don’t just know it. Do it.
After finishing the 90 day Summer Burn, I would say that SUPPORT is the biggest secret. We all know about working out, eating right (and how to do that after reading Burn the Fat), consistency, and commitment. All of those things can be taught, but if you don’t have a support network to share your ups, downs and goals with , then you are set up to fail. We are only able to make it so far with our own self motivation. Using others whom have been through the same, or harder challenges, is very important to your success. It is very easy to gain insight/tips/tricks and new techniques from other people’s experiences. This is very important to your success.
Determination and will to stick to your plan. If you have neither of these, you will not succeed.
The #1 Biggest Secret to Rapid Body Transformation is belief in yourself and what you are capable of. If you believe you are a winner then you are! A positive attitude will overcome any obstacle and guarantee your success!
Rapid Body Transformation is a MINDSET. Change your beliefs and your world will change…overnight…in a moment. Now, sustaining that mindset is the trick.
This is pure conjecture on my part since I haven’t been successful … yet, but I am guessing that the one biggest key for me to making a RAPID body composition transformation would be if my blood sugar felt stable all the time and I felt strong, from the minute I wake up until I go to sleep. Any time I feel low blood sugar, I panic and get desperate and will sacrifice everything to eat or drink something (anything!) to try to regain my balance and feel somewhat stable.
Train hard and expect results.
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
my answers is: 1st is a change of mindset.it all starts from inside,all habits and thoughts are changed first and keep at it in a consistent level.this is what I find has worked for me in other areas.
As someone who is overweight 47 %BF and weighs 315 lbs and really seeking a way, a consistent form of support to transform my body but has been putting it off due to fear, lack of support or support group with other people who want to transform their bodies aswell,poor time management and negative thought patterns. I really feel I deserve an opportunity to be one of the 10 winners of this contest.
If I do get the opportunity Id feel I finally got and wouldnt look back nor hesitate. I feel I owe it to myself to be my BEST self,eventhough my physical current condition.
I find myself being honest and answering this most challenging question as it is a self reflection of all honesty of what you really want and if you are ready to receive that transformation.
I feel I do at the same time wanting an opportunity to be part of your inner circle. Following up with pictures and moving forward to share my experience with many people who are like me that are confused and frustrated about their body.
Thanks Tom and Kyle for this contest idea.
I am not there yet but am working on getting there and I think the number one thing you have to do to make a transformation is to believe! You have to get rid of the excuses, negative thoughts, and self defeating actions to believe in yourself and what you want to achieve… Then it can happen!
Well, I’m a procrastinator by nature and even though I’ve read so many books n probably know enough to get in shape, I somehow find excuses not to get in shape and can probably even totally forget about weight loss.
For guys like me, I believe would be to have Tom Venuto kick me where it hurts.
But seriously, it’s all about DESIRE.
Even if u did not know anything about weight loss n had desire, u would loose weight.
So to Answer your question , my answer would be DESIRE. Desire would make u go out n find out how to get things done. All the knowledge in the world is useless without desire!
The biggest key for me in making a total body fat transformation is to PUT MYSELF FIRST over everyone else and feel confident that I DESERVE IT.
That being said, I’ve spent so long being a wife, mother, friend, daughter, etc., etc. that when I say I’m doing something for me-only me-that I feel guilty. I’m not cleaning the house, working, doing the shopping, playing with my kids, driving to all our activities, shopping, etc., etc. Everyone in my life demands attention. When is it about me and not what everyone else wants and needs? I deserve this!
I am no expert and have been trying to figure this very same thing for years…. I think the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is preparing the mind. If you do not set your mind to properly incorporate all of the necessary components you won’t achieve your ultimate goals…. This statement holds true for anything and everything in life. Now, once your mind is set the game is not over as it takes practice and dedication to maintain…. and that is where most of us fail.
Well tomorrow is my birthday, so I believe the biggest challenge is getting leverage on your desire for change. We all want to be better, but we only make real, substantive change when we are able to leverage an inner pain, or desire, for something better. Am I living in the body I want. NO. Does it cause me pain. YES. Does the pain of not having what I want exceed the pain of staying the way that I am. YES. So what prevents me from taking action? I must turn my shoulds into musts.If it is not a must, you won’t do it. Should is weak. Must is not. Your heart must beat. You must breathe. You must eat. Your must move. The same force must be used to transform yourself. I must do it. I can control the must. The pain of failure is greater than the pain of discipline.
It comes down to commitment and just not accepting any more excuses from yourself. I am fighting with this on a daily basis and must not take the easy way out. The last 2 years I have spent taking care of my wife through her sickness, and with 4 small kids, but now I must take care of myself and get healthy again.
Does picturing myself on the beach in Mexico this coming January count? Well, its certainly a motivating force but if memory serves me right from the last attempt I made at BFFM starting July 2010, I would say its still a combination of calorie deficit and commitment. Calorie deficit can be attained in different ways but the ideal is to combine true calorie reduction via appropriate combination of fat, carbs & protein (for your body type & expected exercise routine) and of course resistance training.
Did it work for me? Yes and although not to the point of massive muscle growth but vastly improved health. I slowly fell off the wagon on both accounts but have had enough now and will be reviewing my reading material so that I can regain that great feeling again. It may not be the answer Tom is looking for but its a darn good answer ;-) Its really not that hard but you do need to get into a routine. Good luck everyone.
Hi Tom.
Thanks for the opportunity. I would just like to say that I was given a copy if your pdf book “Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle” As a result I will be buying a copy today as you deserve it. Why, because for me you hit the nail on the head with your comments on “Goals” and the committment to them. In the past even though i have had goals I have not written them down to the extent that you have said. I too have listened to Tony Robbins in regards to goals and not stopped to write them down, review them and then write new ones. Now I have started with a clear vision of where I am going in my “fat” not “weight” loss journey. Your book is practical and exciting. Well done. Whilst I started to loose weight in January this year I start my true transformation to loose FAT today with clearly defined goals and the right plan.
Determination and Focus is the biggest #1 key to making a Rapid body transformation
Accountability – being accountable to someone, including yourself. Put it out there, to your partner, to an online forum, even on Facebook. Be accountable and own up if you slip up! This will make poor choices less tempting. Make a promise to stick to your nutrition and training program to the person/people you are being accountable and check in often. Share the good and bad with them.
I am 56 years young, and I am in the middle of transforming my body. I believe, that the most important key to being able to achieve rapid body composition,is dedication. I find being on a team with people who are like-minded and all trying to get to the same goal as you, keeps you accountable, as you don’t want to let your team mates down. Not to mention the great support that being on team gives you.
I am still in learning mode….you are never to old to learn or get fit.
Mental attitude!
I believe the biggest key to body transformation is resistance training. It will give your body “shape” and burn fat in the process.
The secret? Believing in yourself and your ability to get the body composition you want through persistence and understanding. By this I mean persistence in physical activity, no matter what your level of fitness, and understanding your body’s needs and challenges by educating yourself about the physiology of nutrition and metabolism. This means the science behind the whole picture, not just the one-beat-wonders of the “diet de jour” or the “latest findings.”
Number one thing is to set your goals short term ….middle term…..and long term.
My answer to your question is:
During very difficult times (like the one I am living right now since summer 2010, this is like from one year and a half) takes away all my energy, interest, I use confort foods, I loose all intereste to workout, I seem like just “surviving” each day,doing just the “basics” of life, I know the solution is this: first solve the problems and then I think I can have the energy to continue my workouts and eating better.
At the begging of this terrible period I was only ten pounds overweight, now I am 45 pounds overweight.
Tjhank’s Tom,
The best help is:-burn the fat inner circle-
The 1 biggest thing is Zig Zag dieting (Carb Cycling).
Self belief
If you believe you can do it then you are correct
And if you believe you cannot do it you are also correct
Hope that makes sense
Basically if you don’t believe in yourself then you’ll be sabotaging and second guessing yourself
Tom, I believe it is commitment girded by the knowledge of the BFFM program and knowing that we need to be our personal best not only for our own health but especially for those who care about us. Respectfully, ME
The key is your goal that comes from your soul, your desires. If you set up a goal and you really really want to acheive it than you are able to do whatever it takes: eating, training, commitment and everything else that could come up to reach you dream body! :)
The One Biggest Secret to RAPID Body Transformation?
I would have to say that for me it would be my ability to transform my self-concept. Unless I am able to change my negative view of myself into a positive one, I am am doomed to failure. But if I come to truly BELIEVE that I AM a determined, dedicated, and disciplined man living a healthy life style (ie. exercising, eating right), then my actions will transform and begin to correspond to that belief. Within a short period of time, (49 days, to be precise), I will BE that successful, healthy man. Awesome!
I have bought every BFFM book and e-book of Tom’s and have not been able to make the transformation yet as, even though I have all the knowledge and know how about how to get there, all the right foods to eat, the training, the metabolism, fat burning foods etc, I have not been able to succeed this far because of one thing…
(and I bought the first book when it first came out, few years back now)
The one thing that I believe it is, is accountability to yourself for each and every action, thought, food you put into your mouth, your mind, body and soul. It is this lack of accountability I found that has prevented me from achieving success so far. Now that I have truly understood this, and for all my other factors that I have found excuses to not be accountable to myself, the biggest one is my fear. I will document this more throughout my journal when I enter the contest soon, but for now, I think this is it Tom. Will be in touch again with my journey for the 49 day challenge. Watch this space! ;-)
I am 52 years old and have been involved in sports most of my life. I have had to cut weight during my fighting and wrestling days. There were time when I cut to fast lost strength, flexibility, endurance and the fight. The key has been a goal, realistic target date, work out schedule, a trainer that knows what they are doing, a mental atitude for sucess and a nutrition plan. When these six eliments are matched up you can and will suceed in meeting your goal. That goal must have meaning to you. It can be preperation for a fight, transforming fat to muscle, changing your outlook on life or being the best you can be. The first thing is understanding your goal and then putting the other 5 eliments in place to achieve that goal. Work hard, live long, be healthy and love with every fiber of your being. Bill Relyea
The answer is the one thing that I find most difficult to do. DISCIPLINE! If I desire to do anything with lasting results I must be fully committed in the areas of diet & exercise through daily discipline.
I am just getting started here, but I think the biggest secret of transforming your body is to make up your mind to do it.
I have not accomplished my goal of getting ripped yet, so I will make a guess on what has worked for me in the past, and what I have seen work for my friends who made a quick and permanent body transformation.
My answer: Correct eating.
Correct eating is eating the right amount of calories and macronutrient ratios for each day. It means making sure that ‘cheat’ meals are counted accurately and that meals are eaten at the correct time. In short, it means following the BFFM eating plan precisely. One must carry out the eating plan, and that is why setting goals is important, but the main reason that one’s body transforms is the eating plan.
Correct eating is more important than working out because one can do many different workouts and still have a radical transformation if they are eating right. On the other hand, a great workout without a good eating plan can give you almost no results, or even no results at all. Bodybuilders would agree that your diet is more important than the workout you are doing.
I’m just getting started here, but I would think the biggest secret of transforming your body would be making up your mind to do it.
A clear vision of where you want to go and what you want to achieve plus a consistent and dedicated effort to get there
Take the plunge, put yourself out there and realise the person you want to be
At 174 cm I have been around the 86 to 88 kg range, with a few exception, ever since I was 16. In May 2012 the big 5 0 will be up on me. I do quite a lot of exercise (marathons, long distance swims, triathlons, half Ironmans, high altitude hikes) but still the weight stays on. Now that I finally have kids. Had to wait a long time for that to happen I want to get in shape.
There is really a lot of BS out there but for the past 3 years I have followed your comments and blog entries and even bought Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle. You have always stayed true to your principles and made it clear. Having a great body is simple but it sure as hell is not easy. There are no magic pills, potions or bullets that will get you there with out your own effort. No shortcuts and that is the hard part. Nobody likes hard. In this day and age we want simple but most of all we expect everything to be easy or happen effortlessly.
The key to getting there by January: Getting over the mental block, the fear of drudgery and monotonous daily and weekly routines. Though I can get psyched up for a marathon or a half ironman, I find it harder to commit to a plan or routine that is daily or weekly. My goal for 2012 is to run a full Ironman. That is THE main reason I want to get in great shape and this holiday season seems to be the best time to get started. I’ve hired a coach and we start training for the full ironman after Chinese new year (Jan 22nd 2012).
It will not be easy. I know that physically there is nothing stopping me. The rush of finish a marathon, 3 km swim or Triathlon are still there. My body can handle the pain and strain. I just need to be able to convince myself to stick with the program. Then and only then will I be able to shed the extra pounds, gain the extra muscle and strenght needed to start the ironman training. The Burn the Fat Challenge body (composition) transformation contest needs to be my mental catharsis, the psychological bridge I need to cross, the watershed.
Sure hope this makes sense.
Believe in the programme and work on it sincerely
The answer is Motivation! If you don’t have the motivation, you cannot accomplish much. It takes motivation to keep a clean diet. It takes motivation to keep weight training and cardio going on a routine basis. It takes motivation to achieve your goals. It takes motivation to have commitment and discipline. Are you motivated? Get motivated and make it happen!
Strength training and clean eating
It has become my most recent decision that I need to change what I look like into the type of energy I feel I have. So I’m not there, YET, but feel like the number 1 thing to successful total body transformation is goals. You have to commit yourself to your goals and hold yourself accountable for staying true to them. Today,NOW, is the time to make those goals and run with them.
Intention. Intending to transform and carrying through to a done. I’ve done it once and let it slip slide away. Not this time.
Consistency is key!
The single most important thing- be SMART. Have Specific; Measureable; Achieveable; Realisitc and Time framed goals. Write them down; review therm often; get them
Into your thoughts. For as I think
I am. If I do this then 49 days from now they will be a reality
Mental visualisation & unwavering belief in your
Own ability to follow the plan to conclusion, peaks
& troughs included.
The key to rapid body transformation is rapid mind transformation. That’s it. :) As you say, Tom, it’s simple, but not easy.
Hello Tom,
In my opinion the single biggest ‘secret’ to fast body transformations is consistency with intensity. Make sure you hit the gym when you say and go hard every time. Along with that be consistent in your dietary plan also.
The biggest secret is consistency. A consistent commitment to practicing the principles of BFFM is what it takes to succeed.
Start anywhere and just ADD ONE THING A DAY! Add one change to your nutrition, add one more rep to your exercise routine, add one thought to your thinking. You will be amazed after some time when you look back and see what you have become. And it was easy! it was only ONE THING.!!
The biggest key – I think it is DETERMINATION to start, stay on track and finish it. You have to really want it. You have to be willing to spare no effort to reach you goal. You have to focus and not let anything stop you. What you start you gotta finish. Overcome the times you don’t feel like exercising or eating healthy. Don’t let discouraging thoughts make you stop. Get these goal cards you wrote before and get your focus back again.
I’m torn between answering Consistency or Motivation.
I consider myself to be a beginner in the area of fitness & body transformation: however in achieving smaller weight/fitness goals I’ve found the desire has to be strong with a REAL end goal – ie. Moving to a new city and the consistency, I have to do something every day towards that goal.
I found that for myself what has been the most important aspect of rapid body transformation is strength training. There are other things that go hand in hand with this but I have really seen a change in my body since I started strength training.
I really love your articles and it has really motivated me to keep going. Thanks
The biggest secret is to have personal training and accountability partner.
Rapid transformation is stressful enough…you don’t need to include the additional stresses of finding the best workout program, nutritional plan, and emotional support you need to reach your goal. IMHO
Being consistantly committed. You can not get any simpler. It is all lined up for you. All been tried and true, no guess work. All you have to do is follow the program consistantly committed to the program. No excuses, decaded to being committed and remain consistant. It will become a way of life. Retrain the brain, when it is consistant, it becomes the norm. A norm you will love to see in the mirror, in your clothes, when you walk. It will just be all worth staying consistantly committed!
dedication and commitment.
I’m still a work in progress – not there yet. However would aerobic excercises followed by weight training and then aerobic excercises = alternating one’s regimen like this do the trick?
Movement is necessary … Diet is not enough! … Consistency is imperative. You can’t START & STOP … you have to keep going ~continuously~ … Every day has to be a day of some kind of *movement* … Hydration with plain old H2O is also necessary throughout the day. Common sense with eating habits is also key. We all know that cookies, cakes, chips, etc. are a no~no! .. It doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist or Brain Surgeon to figure out what is hindering weight loss. And the time of day that food is eaten is also important. Late night eating will slow down weight loss. I really just need to practice what I preach, because I’m guilty of a lot of bad habits!
I would love to win a membership to Burn the fat feed the muscle because i am dedicated to lose the stubborn 13 pounds i want to lose.
I think the answer is simple but something I still struggle with on a daily basis…commitment. And that commitment has to be for the rest of your life, not just for a quick fix.
Now if I could just get that from my head to my heart, I’d be doing much better!
although this is my first time I will be entering, I think the most important thing is documenting everything daily, so that you can have a way of keeping track what worked for you. A way to really see some change even if you don’t see it in the mirror or on a scale.
Having struggled with my weight my whole life, despite being reasonably active most of the time and always being a gym member, from being a 128kg 13 year old to the 70kg 14 year old to the 125kg year old to the 95kg 25 year old to the 132kg 30 year old to my current 120kg 31 year old self… truly, I have ridden the roller coaster more than 90% of the population… My body composition now is a lot more toward the muscle end of the spectrum due to all of the hours I have spent with weights in the gym…
My experience from the 3 year period that I managed to hold under 100kgs at a body fat percentage in the mid teens told me this…
I am sure that this would spark a massive avalanche of criticism out there but if you think about it, massively restrictive diets are almost completely useless when it comes to changing body composition, I know this because every time I have drastically restricted calories I have rebounded. IF YOU ARE ALREADY WORKING OUT, ALL YOU NEED IS THE RIGHT NUTRITION! THE NUTRITION YOU ADOPT WILL DETERMINE THE COMPOSITION YOU ACHIEVE!
WHY!What is your WHY.The great philosopher Friedrick Niettzsche said that if you know the why you can face any how.You see everything mentioned here is true and a important component of body transformation and success in many other areas of life for that matter but unless you have a rock solid answer to the why? it is easy to lose motivation and drive when the resistance comes,i said when not if.Find a strong enough reason and you will find the answers, you will seek till you find, and fight till you win.
Your why becomes the core driving force that will not give up till you have reached your goals.
I think the one biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is commitment and determination with control on diet.
I’d suggest self-motivation is the answer – in spite of grim, grey scottish evenings, days and nights…working hours, other people’s needs, you have to be motivated enough to find the time and make the effort to follow the plan.
Hmm, maybe it is the planning and the measuring of results.
oh that’s two guesses.
determination and belive in success will keep me motivated..
I hit upon more than one idea. One has to do with staring by shrinking my stomach: gradually eating smaller portions. I began by noticing which foods made me hungrier. I started the day usually using oatmeal as a sort of reset button. Later, I would simply eat when I got hungry.
Lately I have started to develop a change in my tastes; certain things are no longer edible because they taste too sweet for me. By noticing this and questioning old habits of like or dislike, I am reshaping my palette. “I don’t like that caramel cake as well as I used too.” is a way to begin reprogramming your taste buds to closer to what nature intended. Do you really think anyone brought up on a natural diet could even eat this crap?
I don’t think they could even get it down.
Definitely honesty. I have my plan, I am deeply committed, but it also takes complete honesty in tracking what I am putting into my body and how I am working out. If I am honest about it all, and the transformation isn’t happening like I expect it to, then I can look over my data and quickly see why not and be able to adjust sooner than if I’m just kind of bluffing my way through things. 100 calories, even a healthy 100 calories, is real easy to slip into a day, and over a very short amount of time, that adds up. And on the other end, putting honest effort into every workout is key as well, not just getting by with the bare minimum. So that’s it, maybe just honest commitment … and inspiration :).
For me the one thing that comes to mind as being the most important factor in achieving rapid body transformation, is Consistency, with Supprt as a runner up. So every time I do not feel as motivated as I should be to go and work-out or eat according to plan, I touch my goal card and think Consistency. This helps me on this road to a better body composition!
I had achieved a body transformation twice during last 10 years. Both times regular exercise, lean protein/vegetables diet were the two elements that worked for me. The exercise combo was cardio/weights to start with and then switching to mainly weights. And the more the body changes were visable the more motivated I was and was working out even harder. Unfortunately, life’s circumstances affected the routine and with it my body shape. I tried to maintain it by adjusting diet, eating less, only to feel hungry and grumpy.I turned into the skinny fat person instead. I realised (as I had proven to myself twice) that for me the intense,frequent and regular exercise is the only way I can achieve the transformation and to maintain the ribbed body shape I used to have. Once again, I want to challenge myself to this regime and achieve a lean body. Your postings only confirm and motivate me further, that such transformation is possible. This time I will utilise my past experience and your “teachings”. As you say – work hard and expect results. There is no other way..
it is a complete package, the psychological and physical.
we need to imagine ourselves how we look after our body transformation so we accept the change that willtake place. we need to have a plan that is not daunting, ie learn and apply good nutition to our body, drink lots of water (best liquid) and exercise, considering exercise to be a part of our life, not just a must. do weigh plus some fun ports we like, honestly bodies are meant to move all the time.
above all, pray to the universe to help us as it is a journey not only a goal. I stronglyu believe in it and good luck to all. Gio
the number 1 thing is exercise regularly and diet correctly, listening to Tom Venuto helps though :D
A planned but flexible routine.
I think proper nutrition is the crucial key to rapid body composition transformation. I’ve learned this from personal experience. Years ago when I worked with a personal trainer who also developed a nutrition plan for me, I easily dropped 25 lbs of fat in 8 weeks. (Of course, I was working my butt off in the gym also with cardio and weights.)
I have usually been successful at being strong and consistent in the gym and doing cardio a fair amount as well. However,proper nutrition (knowing exactly what to eat for my specific goals) has always been my weakness. Because it worked for me years ago, I know if someone with expertise were to tell me exactly what and how much I need to be eating to reach my specific goals, there’d be nothing to stop be from rapidly transforming my body composition. I know it doesn’t matter what I do in the gym and how much cardio I do if I’m not eating right. That’s why I believe proper nutrition is crucial to attaining rapid body composition transformation.
I agree, Andrew!
I am so out of shape it is depressing me. I like beer & pizza too much. Can I get in on your system?
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
About four years I lost ten kg’s and lowered my BMI to 17% in the matter of just over a month. I focused on cutting out bad foods and eating more protein and vegetables and worked very hard at weight training in the gym. I was so proud of what I had acheived and it was the first time in my life I actually felt good about myself. I believe it takes hard work and discipline, a change in one’s lifestyle but a change that one will stick to.
I picked up over 20kgs when I was pregnant with my daughter in 2009. This depressed me something terrible but it was almost like I didn’t notice all the weight I was gaining and just took it as part of the pregnancy. Well, I’m paying the consequences now for not sticking to my lifestyle change. I ate what I wanted, maybe more than I wanted, overindulged but I have to say I loved every moment of being pregnant and I have the most beautiful baby girl now (who is nearly 2 and a half years old) and she is healthy and happy and the light of my life. I just wish I hadn’t gained all that extra weight, even though she was worth it!
I am now struggling to get my body back but I KNOW it can be done with regular weight and toning exercises. I believe that the only way to get in shape and STAY in shape is with weight training and of course a proper eating plan. I can still feel the muscle tone I developed when I was disciplined with my training, it’s still under there (my stomache), I can feel the muscles when I pull them so I know I can get my shape back.
If I was chosen as one of the lucky individuals I would grab this opportunity with both hands and use it to make the drastic life change I want and so badly need.
I want to be healthy for my daugther, for my boyfriend, for myself! I want to feel strong and empowered again, empowered by my own efforts and hard work. I want to feel confident in myself so I can set the right example for my daugther.
Weight training and the correct eating plan is essential. Hours of cardio is not going to get me to where I want, some serious time spent “pumping iron” if we can call it that will get me back in shape. I love the satisfaction I feel after an intense training session, I love how I feel when I’m toned and slim – this can happen if I get the motivation from you book and program. I belive it, I know it.
Thank you for taking the time to read my comments, I love getting your articles and they are very motivating, I can only imgaine how fantastic the program must be.
All the best and take care, Claire (from sunny South Africa!)
What a challenging question because there are so many variables involved to transform anything but in this case, what has worked for me is what I call Aggressive and Proactive Determination. As much as that sounds like two different things, it is not. I even use the word aggressive in the line of work I do because without it, the verb stands alone and we know that being alone can be ineffective.
Aggressive Determination is going after something with a vengence despite how you feel. I travel to difficult and uncomfortable locations for work quite extensively and it is challenging to maintain the determination to work out after long and hot days of work. Just last night I was exhausted, but I aggressively envisioned what my end goals are to overpower the exhaustion I was feeling and worked out despite it.
Proactive Determination is setting myself up for success. I travel with healthy food alternatives and bring easy equipment to work out with in even small hotel rooms. I’m proactive about being fit and healthy.
The two combined, Aggressive and Proactive, into sheer Determination form a synergy that overpowers any thoughts that may want to draw me away from my goals.
I believe that the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is incorporating a well-designed weight-training program into your daily regime.
The biggest factor in a rapid body transformation to me is FOCUS. I’ve entered before, and will again, but in the past I’ve quickly lost focus. Missed one workout, ate like crap and told myself “no problem, I’ll fix it tomorrow.” Well, tomorrow comes and goes and I’m still saying it. I need to focus, daily if not hourly! On eating, on exercising, on seeing the “prize” when the journey is completed. The fit, healthy, new “me.”
I bought bffm and Vincent the legend book and also study your newsletter.trained for 4 months.previous body fat was 35%, now 13%. Bravo. Besides hitting the gym, I play golf,badminton,swimming, and table tennis. I’m a Chinese malaysian. 183cm and now weight 85kg. May God bless you always.
I haven’t tried it yet which is obiously one of the problems. But I believe the biggest key to making a Rapid body composition transformation is believing you can do it. Because, even if you commit to a certain plan, what’s the point if you don’t believe it will work.
Sorry, just saw my name was typed incorrectly. Must’ve lost focus!!
Hi there
Discipline is the 1 biggest secret. With no discipline you will battle to get through to reach your goal. You have to discipline yourself and not allow friends or family to influence on what you doing. Unfortunatly that’s when you see who your real friends is that will motivate you for what you doing.
Personally I think you’re not going to get anywhere without accountability. Everything (commitment, focus, etc) stems from realising that if you want to make changes to your physique and lifestyle, you are the only one who can make it happen and also the only one to blame when things don’t work out.
The most important thing IMO is the goal setting/psychology stuff from BFFM chapter 1, because it programmes your mind to be able to form new, healthy habits that you want to maintain and your new healthy lifestyle becomes sustainable and the body composition changes take care of themselves because you love healthy food and exercise, and you’re not fighting a constant battle against your own mind. Another thing that’s equal to that (sorry to pick two!) is having the right information. I’ve met a lot of people who are very determined to make changes to their body and do whatever it takes to achieve that…. but they are acting on incorrect information and they end up messing up their body composition instead or staying in the same place, and there’s so much misinformation out there it’s really hard for beginners to know what’s good information and what isn’t.
It’s simply making a decision about what you want for yourself and being completely committed to it day in and day out. Period.
I believe that CONSISTENCY (to a diet/training regume) is the #1 biggest key thing in making a RAPID body composotion transformation!
Take the decision to accomplish your goal and follow BY LETTER the ‘Burn the fat feed the muscle ‘book!
Know how it’s done (read BFFM), then totally commit to your plan one day at a time.
The biggest key I would say is visualization. It has always worked for me. I see myself how I want to look and reinforce that image with training and proper diet. I believe it has to happen first in your minds eye before you can see the results in the flesh.
Thank you for all the help and for keeping it real.
Francis Segarra
Absolute commitment – without it, nothing else works.
Thanks for all you do and for your encouragement!
My biggest tip? Keep at it, changes will not happen over night or in days. They will take time so continue to eat the correct foods and train hard and you will see results.
Also if you ‘fall off the wagon’ one day, get straight back on!
The biggest issue seems to always be my own attitude. If I am both inspired and believe I can do it, I make great progress. But often I need a kick in the pants in this area to keep moving forward.
Hi all,
I’m just a beginner here, but I’m starting to put all the pieces of the puzzle together – with the help of Tom (although he doesn’t know it!) So yes, I am very much a “work in progress”. The biggest AHA moment for me, was discovering the importance of building muscle. I realised then that I had been trying to be a “skinny fat” person, by rigidly controlling my food intake. This combined with long term poor health, stress, toxic medications, low energy, blah blah – all meant my metabolism was low low low, and I didn’t know how to fix it. Then along came Tom, and I began weight training – which I love, so its not really a chore. ANd hey presto, dropped 2 dress sizes! But my biggest saboteur is probably my husband, who likes me chubbier. So the peice of the puzzle I haven’t mastered yet, is my mental focus. Once I get a handle on my mental discipline, and can say “no” to all the little treats he fixes for me, I will get off this damn plateau! Either that, or divorce!
The key to body fat transformation is a combination of protein rich nutrition with exercie. Weight training and aerobic workouts will burn fat and build muscle.
I’m still a work in progress, not there yet. That is exactly why I eat all your info…lost 30kg over a period of 3 years. And want to achieve the transformation now. As I don’t know yet, I THINK, the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is to eat clean, work hard, correct nutritients and brain power!If I only have to give one! it will be DETERMINATION/WILL POWER!With that the rest will be added.
I really wanna get this right this time, i am almost 39 years old and been struggling my whole life to achieve the perfect body shape!
I think that the ONE BIGGEST KEY to making a rapid body composition transformation is TO SET YOUR GOAL AND THEN BE CONSISTENT AS YOU WORK TOWARDS IT.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of “consistent” is: “marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity : free from variation or contradiction”.
To me, (in the context of rapid body transformation) this means that you find a program that has been proven to work (like BFFM), you set out your plan of attack using a journal of some description (so that you can track your progress), and then you STICK TO IT until you reach your goal/the end of the program.
There is no need to make tweaks and adjustments or try something new if you are making measurable, constant progress! If the plan is working for you, why change it? If you hit a plateau, re-read the program you are using, read back through your journal and see where you might be able to improve on what you are doing. That is being consistent – constant continuity to achieve your goal. :)
CHANGE!!!!! nothing changes, if nothing changes!!
We chase what we can’t have, and run away from what we desire the most. life’s to short for regrets live it, love it, GO FOR IT – TODAY!
To answer the question what I think the one key is to rapid body transformation. I have thought about this very carefully and debated all the elements such as nutrition, exercise, accountability, self-belief but I think the one key is to have a structured programme to follow. There is no time for researching yourself, wondering what will work best, trying things and finding you don’t get the results you want so for me the key 1 thing is to whole-heartedly embrace a tried and tested programme and follow it to the very best of your ability. That’s why I will be in this holidays challenge.
The 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is DIET!!!! Our bodies are made up of exactly what we eat so a diet made up of exactly what we are will truely benefit our composistion.
I found that following a Paleo diet with a few modern tweaks works best. All the foods that you eat are natural and non-processed with no foreign substances added. In eating this way our bodies know exactly what to do with the nutrients it recieves.
Theres no need to count calories and you never feel hungry, just eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks between them. Fat storage is minimal and overall health and engery levels are greatly increased.
So the only question left is ” Would you rather your body be Fat, Sluggish and made of Foreign Substance produced by some scientist in a lab or….. LEAN, HEALTHY,STRONG, NATURAL & FULL OF ENERGY?” My answer to your question is DIET!!!!!!
Hi There Tom. From someone who has forever stuggled with body transformation, I have only revcently realised what the biggest key is to making a rapid body composition transofrmation:
If there is no real, deep-seated reason to change, why would you do it? Im not talking about a superficial reason. The reason has to be LIFE CHANGING.
Hi Tom,
I believe that the biggest secret to rapid body transformation is having the right mindset. I can only achieve my goals with 100% personal commitment and focus, it’s about dedicating the time to training, planning meals, making the best food choices and ultimately a change in lifestyle. It’s been an uphill battle, but I do find it so much easier when I surround myself with a team of likeminded individuals.
Thank you!
Sound nutrition combined with varied exercises done with high intensity – this is the #1 key in my opinion.
Kind regards from Vienna, Austria
MINIMIZE, i.e. eat as little as possible, your fat intake!!!
This has been the single biggest key to my going from 288 pounds (after herniating a lumbar disk) to 201 pounds!
Determination and dedication, together with research and persistence. Needless to say, a stable persistent nutrition style (including cheat days or mass building days) and workouts designed for particular aims (fat loss, strength or mass gains) having adequate rest periods and longer breaks when needed.
Making it your number one focus your number one goal… nothing else comes close to it… it needs to be what you want/need most of all… if you don’t have that mindset then it is more difficult to achieve and it will invariably take longer… I have done two twelve week challenges (84 days) to have results like these in 49 days your commitment has to be complete, unbending and focused..
Consistency is the Number One Key to any Program.
Absolutely Diet is the one Biggest Secret! It’s not a secret really, but many people feel that if they workout in the gym for 2 hours every day, that will delete any bad food choice that they may make each day. WRONG WRONG WRONG! Everyone should know that you can’t out-train a bad diet.
Even I’ve fallen into that trap, I KNOW I shouldn’t, yet I occasionally think that a HUGE workout will veto any bad food choices I’ve made for that day, week or month!
I am still a work in progress, determination, motivation and commitment to both diet and exercise are three key words for my answer to this question. I find that involving other important aspects of my life with my diet and exercise plan help to keep me determined, commited and motivated like going for a run or a brisk walk with my dog or working out with a significant other or going for a hike because i enjoy the outdoors. also activities such as fishing and eating the fresh fish thatsyou catch. eating real food is esential in transforming your body as well. i feel that anyone that starts to eat real ingredients as opposed to prepackaged, preserved and refined foods is almost guarenteed to lose weight. strength training in combination with your cardio is also essential in full body transformation. the second i started strength training, my body almost immediatly began to tone up. and im kind of flabby so that was pretty obvious to me. also the small things such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking you car in the farest away spot really make a difference to your metabolism and help with motivation.
I think you call it ‘accountability’ – I have you e-book, understand what I need to do and why it would be great to lose fat and transforem my body. But I live alone/ I am not saying that nobody cares about me, but I am not their top priority. I DO care about myself, but I lack the discipline ,necessary to put myself first. Thanks or all the good advice!
Everybody can reed the reports, the e-books and find what to do physicle. But the real key to succes is to be abel to motivate yourseelf to do what you have to do to succeed.
Definately `Commitment` , you can have the best plan in the world yet without the driving force of `Commitment` the plan will not unfold in your life. Commitment & Motivation will keep you on your plan and keep moving you forward in a positive direction …. and if for some reason the plan is not creating the results you want ..then that inner commitment will drive you to research , find a better plan of action or tweek the existing one to work for you as an individual.
Commitment is powerful and essential to everything that we do.
thanks Tom ,
Love the fabulous work you share
I think the biggest keys to making a RAPID body composition transformation is commitment and support from family/friends
Even though body recompostion is ultimately down to a combination of factors, if I had to narrow it down to the TOP thing, (the one thing that seriously sped up my results), it was when I took what was already working really well by doing Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle, and being able to exchange ideas and experiences with other people who were all trying to acheive the same thing. Not only did it enable me to learn so much more by doing this, but it also gave me an insight into how fast people could really achieve these results, and it was that very thing that pushed me harder to simply not to tolerate the fact that could only progress at the rate I was doing. So much so, that I nearly said that it was the more ambitious goal setting that was responsible, but the truth be told, had it not been for the social support, I never woud have sought to set those goals in the first place. I thought I had found my peak, until I saw what was really possible. And sure enough, the one day that I decided go for what I could see was really possible, I not only acheived those goals, but I exceeded them!! There are many other reasons why I still feel that the social support was the number one factor that allowed me to make such drastic changes, (so many, that there would be too many to list), but one of the other important factors that I simply HAVE to mention, is that it was this very social support that kept me motivated, stopped me feeling like an outcast who was the social abnormailty in doing what it takes to make great progress, but to see that there were other people just like me, who knew what it takes, who helped eachother both in great advice, and also from the competition aspect of striving to beat what was previously done before! For this, I have to give my ultimate thanks to Tom Venuto for enlightening me into its eficacy, and for creating one of the best possible tools to get that support in the Inner Circle. Thank you so much, because without it, I still would have been chugging along at snails pace, but what you have done, has changed everything!
I agree with most posters that commitment is key – but thats true of even short term weight loss. To me, the single most useful thing for body recomposition is long term focus (which necessitates clearly defined goals). What I’ve seen often in people is that they want to lose weight for some event (wedding, reunion, final spring break, whatever). The problem is that it leads to quick fix dieting and training that could result in metabolic slowdown, rebound eating, etc etc. If you’re just trying to lose 10lbs, you wont care if its muscle or fat.
A long term focus would instead get you to focus on how you need to look in 1 year, thinking more about body composition since it makes little sense to compromise valuable muscle for weight loss over a longer time horizon.
Further, it ensures you stay away from unrealistic starvation diets, since you need something you can stick with for 365 days, as opposed to 2 weeks.
Also, it forces you to slot in times for training, since with a 1-year plan, you need to allocate time every week and cant just try to cram all the effort into a fortnight.
Hope that helped!
Finally! Your blog post is here!
For me, the secret of RAPID body transformation is FOCUS and DETERMINATION for which it will really help you to achieve your GOAL! Also, by following the 5 element: first is choosing the right NUTRITION your body need, second is to test your STRENGTH ability, third is your CARDIO activities, fourth is the well rounded MENTAL focus towards your goal and definitely the fifth is having a inner circle friends and good trainer to motivate you everyday! Confidence and Trust towards what you are doing is also the key! :))
I believe it’s motivation. If there is something you want bad enough at the finish line, you will dedicate yourself, you will find the way of getting there, and getting there fast enough.
I lost 4 stone of fat two years ago with BFFM and went from 28% fat to 11%
I went off the rails after my divorce but am now starting back and have lost 3lbs in two days already.
I’ve learnt you have to be committed or it won’t work. But it’s worth the effort.
Dear Tom,
You have provided all the necessary tools in your book for one to transform their body…the only component one has to add to those tools is simply…
Thank you for educating me on the correct way to pursue my goal.
In my opinion, the key to rapid body composition transformation is BELIEVING.
In the past I did not believe that I could change my body, I did not believe that I might eat healthy and feel good, nor did I believe that I was able lose body fat without starving myself.
Now I do BELIEVE that my body fat perentage can be lower and my six-pack might pop out;) I believe that I can feel satisfied even though I do not eat sweets every single day, and that healthy lifestyle works and changes my body from the inside out!
Believing is seeing;)
Nutrition, exercise, and rest are all crucial to making any kind of transformation, more-so in the case of RAPID transition. But when you limit it to the ONE biggest key, I’d have to say it would be making the decision to do it. Mind you, that’s not deciding that you WANT to do it, but deciding that you WILL do it. The former is not a decision at all, but more like an aspiration or dream. When you truly decide to do something, the only thing left is action, and from action will come results. Whenever people tell me “I want to, but…” I tell them that they don’t really want to, because if they really, truly wanted something they would go after it and make it happen. It can be a hard thing to hear, which is why we’re so good at coming up with excuses to try to disprove it. If you want it, decide to get it and the rest will follow.
The 1 biggest secret to rapid fat body transformation is action in the right direction and then keeping the faith.
You must have faith in whatever system you are following, in my case Tom Venuto’s BFFM , and then taking action accordingly. You can innovate once you get results. I got results slowly, I am 36 yrs old and use to weigh 167 lbs. I lost 8 lbs of fat and only 1 lb of lean body mass in 7 weeks. (I am using the Navy method for calculation, since I live in Pakistan and Accu measure was not available. I’ve ordered it and will get it in a few weeks).
I pray for success for all of you.
Set a goal, set forth a plan, be diligent and believe in yourself that you can achieve that goal. Anything is possible with a lil faith and hardwork, the will to persevere.
whats the ! biggest Secret to Rapid Body Transformation..
I believe is A whole lifestyle change on habits, people who bring you bring you down, where you socialise,where you eat drink,the way you spend your time your hobbies. It isnt abuot starting exercise or just eating correctly because thes will never last if your surrounding do not change and your habits and your everyday lifestyle. Anyone can start a programme but that person must be mentally prepared, and have support mechanisms around him her ..it can well mean changing friends are seperating yurself fromn the old friends and making new ones.Some friends and family will be jealous wont want there buddy to change their eating, drinking, and socialising habits. Because they are either jealous or dont like the fact the person they relied on for a beer etc is now not there and worse still is changing for the better! Better than themselves.
Lifestyle change means making changes ..changes are scary but also exhilerating. Changes means adapting transforming.
I could go on and on…but I ill stop here
Georgie xx UK
I think I have to make time in my life to start with exercise.
“…What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?…”
Mindset ! If the “head” is in the right place and the mind is made up (as in “decision”), it’s a done deal !!! To get to this point is key to success. That’s where Tom’s “stuff” comes in :-) Thanks, Mr. Venuto.
Commitment ………… to your goals, nutrition, training and way of life.
For me there are two major keys for success. First of all dedication.
You have to have a lot of dedication for anything you want to be really successful at.
Next to that, and no less important is that you have to stick to 1 plan, and 1 plan only. And only try something else if that plan doesn’t work. I wite this based on my own experience.
Is it because I have too much dedication, that I bought more than one program? I bought not only Tom’s program but also the books of Sean Nalewanyj and some others. And then the confusion starts, because you end up trying a little bit of every program.
Especially because I was dumb enough to try to combine Sean’s great book for overfeeding and gaining maximum muscle and Tom’s BFFM book, I ended up training my ass off without making proper choices. O shit, I thought that by combining different programs I could do better than the experts :-(.
Rereading my own words above, I wonder if it is a matter of too much dedication or the lack of dedication to stick to one program only. So I rest my case and from now one dedicate myself to using Tom’s program and let the rest sit on my bookshelf.
So there it is after all, my number one key: dedication.
Kindest regards from a very cold Holland.
I think the No 1 biggest key to a rapid body composition transformation is commitment. Without commitment you will always fall back into the same old ways and never make the gains you want to achieve.
Body COMPOSITION transformation requires resistance training. I personally have not found out how to do it rapidly yet!
Desire, drive, determination & dedication!!
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
Once you have follow all the advices from Tom in Burn the fat Feed the muscle you will probably have about 10 to 15 % body fat left , then what I found works really well to get rid of those last fat % and get to about 7 % body fat ( which really transform your body before that you look the same just slimmer but achieving 7 % really transform your body ) is to eat all your calorie ( deficit ) before 6pm starting with all your energy carbs ( oat /potatoes /fruits ) in the morning / lunch/afternoon before training and anything after training before 6 pm ( last meal ) vegetable / protein only – This will mean that you starve you body at night which help with Testosterone production it also mean that you’ll have lots of energy for training because you’ll be carbs up from breakfast it also mean that it will be easy to be on a calorie deficit because you stop eating so early , the only hard bit is not to eat after 6 pm if you go to bed late, I go to bed early to watch TV with a bottle water which i drink when i get a bit hungry but before i know it I fell asleep and it is morning ! job done .
I have always been fit and in decent body-composition shape. I have not been happy with that body composition, however but was never willing to go the extra mile. When I made the commitment to purchase your e-book a switch was flipped in my brain. Over the years I have spent hours training but never paid close attention to nutrition details. I have never believed in the necessity of tracking calories and macronutrients. Now that I have committed to this, the fat has dropped off… my biggest regret is not having entered your last competition.. I love Maui!!!! I have dropped from 55 to 39.5mm sum of 7 skin folds since August. I have never been happier with my body composition….. for me the biggest thing was the commitment to tracking the details of what goes into my body. Keeping my protein and fat % up keeps me from being hungry and fuels my success.
Hi there,
I will say ACCOUNTABILITY is the single most important factor to me.
Community Support!!! I found the Inner Circle an inspiration in my lifestyle. I think like the winners I meet and engage with on that site – constantly. Nothing more to say, once in you stay in!
The one biggest key is CONSISTENCY!!
Decide what you want, make it a clear goal, and make a clear outline of how you are going to do it – and then stick with it!! Be consistent!! Don’t give up!! Use the feedback mechanisms that your body keeps giving you when you weigh-in and do your measurements.
Anything worth having, is worth fighting for. It’s not going to come easy, and you shouldn’t expect it to. It’s a very reachable goal – if you are consistent in your efforts and do not give up!!
Just taking step one and believing we can have
The body we’ve always wanted. Already seeing ourselves in the body we’ve always wanted
And believing in the program!
The biggest key to transforming your body is this: what you eat is more important than the exercise that you do.
I strongly believe that the one biggest thing is: Nutrition; eating “right” and eating every 3 to 4 hours does make wonders to your transformation.
You can workout everyday, train for 4 hours, make wonders at the gym and eating junk or unhealthy food just to reward yourself for the hard work you’ve done. At this rate I guarantee you that your body composition won’t change as you burn fat at the gym and gain it with the food you eat afterwards. You won’t feel it unless you focus on eating “right.”
You need to read a lot for experiencing the “right” food and learning how to read the nutrition labels helps too.
I read an article that says nutrition takes 80% of your result and strongly believe the same. It makes wonders when you eat”right.”
Hi sir,
I think it all comes down to “HUNGER” or the “WILL”. How hungry are you to get the body of your dreams and what are you willing to sacrifice?
If you are “HUNGRY” enough you will automatically commit 100% and be willing to sacrifice a few things. If you have a written goal and you aren’t “HUNGRY” to reach it you will for example eat a piece of cake when you already had your 1/2 cheat meals! But if you are “HUNGRY” enough you woun’t eat that cake and you will eat only one or even none of the cheat meals!
The same is with you workouts. If you are “HUNGRY” to reach you goal you will not skip a workout! But if you aren’t you will!
So, for me, it all comes down to “HUNGER” and “HOW DESPERATE DO YOU WANT IT”
I think having a support network is crucial to reaching a fitness goal- a personal trainer, an online group like this, a friend, a colleague- accountability brings results when the desire to achieve is there. It helps to keep you on track, to cheer you on when you’re racing for a transformation finish line!
49 days of fat loss…really succeded…untill one point…last 5pounds of fat…How to get rid of them once and for all?
The one biggest secret is that there are no biggest secrets.
For body transformation, rapid or not, weight (fat) loss, whichever is your goal, there is a BIGGEST HURDLE that must be overcome. If we want to call it or any other method, diet, excersize regime, whatever it may take, a biggest secret, we are not getting past that biggest hurdle.
The biggest hurdle? To stop lying to ourselves. That there is some big secret, some magic pill, some miracle cure, some easy way to lose fat. Or that we arent THAT fat, it is not that bad for our health, we dont look that bad, we can leave it for later, etc. And to admit to ourselves that it will take hard work and sacrifice, that it will not be an easy way – the way we would like it to be – that we must stop listning to that little voice that keeps on tempting us to look for the big secret and keep on trying out the EASY / shortcut WAY. Just check how smart people still allow that little voice to tempt them into submission.
Hard work and sacrifice is the big secret that is no secret at all. The knowledge is out there, and on this site. We just dont want to accept it as the truth because it sounds too much like hard work.
To win a marathon, first and foremost you dont need time, commitment, a support group, training equipment, secret training methods, etc. etc. First and foremost you must enter yourself for the marathon and not the fun run. Only then will all the other stuff come into play.
Eat less and move more following the BFFM book. Years in circulation and testimonials have shown Tom’s fat burning guide truly works!
In 2010 I was one of the top ten runner ups in the summer weight loss challenge. The key ingredient for my success was I made a deep and meaningful commitment to following the program. I knew whether I received the trip or not I would be a big winner either way!
Spelt out in a single word it would have to be Motivation
I lost 110 lbs 4 years ago and have kept it off. People always want to know what the silver bullet was – what magic secret did I have?
Here they are – and I’m not sure they will work for anyone else:
I had sleep apnea, and got treated, giving me crazy amounts of energy that I didn’t even know I was missing.
I had an eating disorder for twenty years that was messing with my hormones big-time. My insulin levels were crazy. I kicked the eating disorder and my hormone levels became more stable.
I became an active person: I started with stretching and added lifting weights, running, tons of walking, rowing, kettlebells, etc.
I simply became aware of what I was eating, its nutritional content, and the effect it would have on me, allowing me to make better choices.
I have been through a first succesfull transformation 2 and a half years ago. I have been through some unsuccesfull since.
The key difference between them is MOTIVATION, the intrinsic reason why YOU want to change.
What motivated me then was that I had to perform in front of a couple of hundred people and I did absolutely not want to show them the state my body was in. the year before I had done that, but when I saw the videos and pictures I was so ashamed of myself. So I dod not want to repeat this embarrasing moment. Dance means a lot to me, I really needed and wanted to do this show for a lot of other reasons.
I have kept the results of what I had obtained then, but somehow it seems I can not take it a step further – yet;
That means what?
Well, probably the “pain” of staying this way is less than the perceived effort I would have to make in order to change my body any further. I say perceived, because it is totally related to the reason you would like to change.
Once that reason, which only you can determine and which needs to come from you and you only, doing this for yourself, not anyone else – becomes more important, motivation and determination will kick in, you will define your goals, keep track of progress and IT WILL WORK!
My inner self is getting another spurr of motivation. We just discussed this years dance recital. One of the costumes will be a tightly fitting silver metallic jumpsuit – that’s it. I am definitely not going to dance in that with my present body next to all those lean teenagers and no way that I will miss the show.
So, there I go! Off to a new exiting challenge, my eyes fixed on the next performance.
Regardless of my current aches and pains following a ski accident last year, I will get this body moving more (other than dancing that is)and I will clean up my eating.
Good luck to you all!
Fact is I’m new at this and don’t know how to transform and what works for me yet. I think the best way to start is by reading and doing. I’m reading anything I can get my hands on and working out 5 days a week taking advice and from experienced trainers (mostly through online articles) I have recently changed my workout routine and I’m still experimenting with my food intake. So far I’ve lost 5% body fat and I’m still learning and losing (a lot more yet to go). My goal is to be happy with my body when I turn 50 at the end of April.
hi the biggest thing that worked for me is choosing the right friends to benefit from positive peer pressure to keep me motivated and on track
Hi, I’m 36 years old and I have competed in 3 figure competitions within the last year. In order to transform my 5’11” body for this there were many factors I had to follow. I truly believe that to transform ones body, 3 factors at least have to be in place and implemented but I realize I can only name one to abide by the rules. So here it is, the one factor I believe will make or break a body transformation: nutrition. What it comes down to, and came down to for me, is the strict adherence to a strictly natural, clean, balanced, measured and wholesome diet, devoid of processed and junk foods. With that comes of course dedication but truly the one thing that transformed me personally is the adherence to a good nutritional regimen. Now however, 8 months post competition, a surgery and a long summer later, I am looking to improve my physique for good, for keeps not just for a minute on a stage. I need help and I hope for mental support and finally figuring out which diet is best for me (too much carbs? Not enough carbs? So I really hope to hear back from you and be chosen for a membership, I want to really feel great again but do it absolutely right this time.
hi the biggest thing that worked for me is choosing the right friends to benefit from positive peer pressure to keep me motivated and on track.
I tried for years to lose my belly fat with no success.
I stumbled across a website called Scooby Doo who mentioned you Tom.
The information l recieved there along with your educational emails showed
me that our diet plays the biggest part in making a rapid body transformation.
A solid nutrition plan. It has to come from a trusted source, someone like yourself who has experience, not some knucklehead at the gym or supplement store. Holy Grail comes to mind. I’m a firm believer in the “Nutrition is 90%” mantra.
Thanks for all you do Tom
The biggest key I can think of is to take constant action to attain the written goals you set to transform your body.
The best way i know to transform quick is to follow the age old advice. Watch what you eat and drink, keep the supplement on the shelf, work the upper body one day and the lower body the next, but work your body hard. Take one day to recoup and do hard cardio on that day. Whether you do lots of reps for endurance or minimal reps for bulk you must break a sweat. Last, drink lots of water and also lots of milk to fuel up.
Clement Beauchamp
Okay so I am a newbie but I thought about this question and I think the number one key to making a rapid body transformation is MOTIVATION. I think whatever you decide to do in life your more then likely to keep at it if your motivated. Maybe your life depends on it. Maybe you wanna look good for a guy or a girl lol. Maybe its winning a trip to Maui lol. Yes I definitely think its motivation.
The biggest key to rapid body transformation is having that moment of realisation that body transformation is what you really desire. I think that far too often people talk about wanting to lose weight or to change their lifestyle but they don’t really mean it. It’s an empty want – it doesn’t drive them. I think that once you have that moment where you realize that transforming your body is what you really want, everything else flows from that. If you really want something it’s easy to find the time to commit to it, it’s easy to plan your goals or set milestones, it’s easy to shuffle your timetable around so you can workout, and it’s easy to make healthy nutritional decisions. The flip side to that is without that desire influencing your day to day decisions, you don’t have any skin in the game and its far too easy to say you don’t have time.
What worked for me, when training for a fitness show, was the combination of eating the right foods for my body and training in the right way that my body would respond to. For me, this was a keto style diet – lots of good protein and good fats – and doing 4 mornings of LSD cardio, 4 weights sessions a week with another 45 mins of cardio after.
But my emphasis is eating and training correct for you – metabolic type is very important. I got in amazing shape in 12 weeks and this was all down to this approach.
First of all, the desire to make a change needs to be there.I don’t mean a desire to be thin or muscle bound but a desire to be healthy, increase muscle mass and decrease fat. This leads one on the search for knowledge and is how I eventually ended up at this website where I discovered the proper way to go about building muscle and the health benefits of having more muscle.I knew of course about the bad effects of too much and the wrong type of fat in the diet but didn’t know about the health benefits of gaining muscle and a strong core.
So now we have Desire and Knowledge. The next ingredient to sucess is commitment. That is pretty self explanatory but for commitment to work there needs to be persistence to work through the tough times when desire temporariy diminishes. This is the point where too often it is easy to throw it all away so persistence is a key ingredient.
So desire, knowledge, commitment and persistence are the keys to success but to choose just one I would without hesitation say “persistence” as it is this quality that enables us to keep chipping away to achieve our dreams. Some of us are more persistent in life in general than others but we can all learn to be persistent, it is not a magic ingredient. You can all have it.
as someone who is up for the winter challenge this year, which means I havent achieved my goals, i will focus on my failings. Commitment is definitely up near the top, being able to avoid the excuses. Focus is also huge, i only seem to focus for a small amount of time then get distracted, those who succeed only seem to have on goal and go for it. But the biggest thing to me is making body transformation your number one priority in your life. For example, in my head i am aiming to eat clean, but when an event comes up for example a friends birthday, that will take priority over my lifestyle change, and once i have a small failure, in my eyes thats it all bets are off, and i am off the wagon!! I dont give it enough priority. In reality, the birthday should be avoided, or at least compromised, so that i am still following the same guidelines, eating clean, avoiding alcohol etc.
The 1 Biggest Secret to Rapid (49 Day)
Body Transformation is belief.
belief in my desire,
belief in my commitment,
belief in the reasons to keep going and get out of bed every day,
belief in my own self-worth and the benefits of taking just one more step,
belief in a proven system of exercise and nutrition, to save me re-inventing the wheel,
belief that I am worthy, and that my success will be driven by these beliefs.
Wow, the comments I’ve read so far give an amazing look into the different factors of motivation for each unique individual, awesome! For me, the biggest factor for a rapid body composition transformation comes in the form of being selfish. Far too often, I found that I didn’t allow myself to take the time and energy to solely focus on ME (“But so many people need my help!”, “I’ve already promised my time and energy to a certain person or project; I’ll focus on myself next week”, “People will think I’m lazy or uncommitted if I don’t focus my attention on what they’re doing”, etc). As trivial as it sounds, I really do have to make an effort to stop, take a breath, and plan my actions on the basis of MY mental/physical health and well being (not to mention reminding myself that I am, in fact, worth it). Like previous comments, I knew exactly what I SHOULD be doing, but making myself a priority to actually apply that knowledge seemed to be the biggest obstacle. That’s the reason I love the BFFM lifestyle; the mental component is so vital, I would be a hamster running around on a wheel, getting nowhere FAST without it. Thank you, Tom for your hard work and inspiring words. Clearly, they are helping many people achieve their best potential.
Hi everybody,
I think the 1 Biggest Secret to RAPID Body Transformation is to find a powerful reason to exercise and stay lean. WHY do I want to exercise and stay lean ?
We must have a strong enough reason for doing it. I have gained and lost the same weight over and over through all different kinds of diets. I know that my failures were not having a strong enough reason to stay on the diet and lose the weight and keep it off.
Do you want to know all my excuses ? I work too much, I have my family to attend to, I’m too tired, etc.
So before beginning the contest, I have to find a powerful reason to exercise and stay lean. I want to make things different this time.
Nicolas (from France)
Follow the diet plan CONSISTENTLY (period!)
I can’t top anyone of the posts I read because I think they’re all good. Here’s what I think
Desire – Ask yourself How bad do you want this
Plan – Goals you can reach and build on the base you created
Faith – Believing in yourself and your goals
Record – Write down everything from your routine to your meals
Revisit your plan – Tweak it as needed
I’m still finding my way! But I think it’s a strong will and commitment! Without those u can’t succeed at anything dude
I think the number one thing for changing would be eating clean every 3 hours.
Keeping the metabolism cooking is number one…constantly feeding the furnace.
If you have fat to loose, eating for your target weight every (2 to 4) hours is the key.
I would say committment is the key to a body transformation. Committment to the proper nutrition (eating right), and committment to exercise.
When I did my first challenge, I noticed right away that proper nutrition will maximize your body transformation results. Although I struggled with this, at times, I found having it written down in daily/weekly plan helps tremendously. And, when I’m not committed to eating right, I can feel the effects quickly.
I found that just as important as the committment to nutrition, was the committment to exercise. If you’re not burning those calories, then you’re going to store them, and without a consistent exercise program, the body’s going to store those calories the way we don’t want it to.
Definitely, to me, committment is the key to a body transformation.
My first thoughts of the secret to rapid body transformation were – dedication, commitment and not giving up.
But then I looked at the question again and the word “rapid” stood out.
For a rapid body transformation (like in 49 days or 7 weeks), more is needed than just commitment, dedication and not giving up.
You can follow some ineffective or slow diet and you will see results if you are dedicated, committed and you keep on going. But it may only give either little results or the results may come very slowly.
Only the right diet plan and the perfect workout regime will give results in 49 days or 7 weeks.
I know, I’ve been committed and dedicated and I never once gave up on my current diet. But my weight loss was slow (18 pounds in 8 months) and I still have a lot of fat to lose.
So the secret of rapid fat loss in 7 weeks is the perfect, clean diet plan and a super effective workout regime to whip you into shape (like Burn the Fat).
I know the single biggest secret in my own journey to get healthy has been the “zig zag”.
I weighed over 660 pounds three years ago when I started seriously trying to lose fat and reclaim my life.
I switched to eating healthier whole foods and stayed away from as much processed crap as possible. I got really hungry about every 4th day, so I would lose control and “overeat” on those days.
I felt horribly guilty, but I started losing fat deposits so I kept it up until I hit a plateau about a year ago. Unfortunately, I didn’t know how to get past it.
Today, I weigh 436 pounds. I lost 224 pounds by stumbling on the power of the “zig zag” and sticking with it while it worked. I just ate healthy whole foods, stayed away from junk, and exercised the best I could.
I just purchased “Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle” last Friday and I’m almost through the book.
I’m blown away! I’m finally starting to understand why I’ve worked so hard and failed for so many years at losing the fat. And I’m finally getting a clear picture of what I need to do to transform my body for the rest of my life.
Thank you, Tom. You’re changing lives. In a few years, I’ll give you a big hug and show you the pants I used to wear. :-)
walk or other exercise and drink plenty of water.
Ok, I am getting back into the game here after some injuries and now recovered the excuses are over. We are going to join the challenge,if I can get my log- in to work. Tom you have been inspiring me for five years, but now its time to step up, and really burn off the 20 lbs that has been bugging me. Taking a stab at it, and my ideas might be old, I believe that lifting weights on one day, and the next day doing multiple cardio bursts for a minute, starting off slow, and building up in intensity after short rests. Then alternating weights with cardio days, along with 8 hours rest and at least 60 oz of water a day. I am currently following the Dr. Gundy plan for the last 3 weeks with vegetables, nuts and protein only. Losing the grains, and fruits for a few weeks has made me feel like working out again, like dropping an anchor. So Tom, here we go, to have success through the Christmas holidays skiing and working out and staying with the healthy food plan.Oh yeah, my secret weapon, working out with my equally committed partner, my husband Brian, who doesn’t hear excuses. Cheers!
Cheers, and finally off the couch, Marilyn
Well, further to my blah blah blog reply, I missed the point of the question, which is the biggest secret to Rapid Transformation for me, is to work out with my husband, as doing this alone can default to excuses. We don’t let each other down, so my method of getting it done described in the previous blog, will work, if we support each other to train regularly and safely, as we are a little older this year. cheers, Marilyn
I’m not a success YET, but I feel the #1 secret to rapid body transformation is a laser-like focus on your goals – your mind, body, and spirit goals. And I will have that unwavering focus on my goals in all of these important areas of my life.
Consitency in diet and training and keeping track/recording EVERYTHING.
I am so happy your contest is a random drawing not based on essay skills or lengthy paragraphs. Writing is not my greatest forte but nutrition and exercise are things i consider my strong points. In a nutshell what has worked for me in the past and still continues to do the trick, especially come summertime, is supersetting combined with carb cycling. Carb cycling does wonders for your body composition and supersetting gets you out of the gym in record time pumped, primed and psyched. If your good at carb cycling and refeeding then obviously your nutrition is on par. As far as supersetting goes the combination of exercises are limitless,,,,,,,,,,hell your can even superset cardio,,,,,,trust me i’ve done it! Try 2 minutes of running on a treadmill followed by 10 quick pushups or 10 bodysquats for 15-20 minutes and then see how you feel?
No cheating. Period.
The key factor for me is RESTRAINT! I find that the pleasure I get from training causes me to go overboard and end up injured from over-training or more specifically from over-confidence in my ability to “handle” that specific exercise/weight! i.e. too much, too fast :-(
The secret to rapid body transformation starts with mental transformation! You have to be ready and strong mentally! Sure the physical training is physically hard, but its the mental strength that keeps you going to the gym when things get tough. The nutrition plan is a (ok… sometimes complicated) math problem and a chemisty experiment in the kitchen but the hardest part is the mental and emotional strength to stick with the plan. Bottom line…you have to be ready and you have to want it BAD!
I struggle with how to properly lose weight and gain muscle – especially at the same time. I’m so ready for solid advice on how to achieve the Holy Grail!
The key is being committed to a calorie deficit but still eating nutritious, weight training, AND cardio.
no dairy (eggs are ok) and no gluten…period.
I think the one biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is getting sick and tired of being where you are. When staying the same becomes harder than the dedication it takes to transform, then you are ready.
I believe steady work and constant commitment. You have to workout consistently and eat clean to get the results you are looking for.
the mantra “LOOK – LISTEN – LEARN”
LOOK (at what your eating, how you are training, how your body is changing by measuring all 3 areas)
LISTEN (take advice from Tom & the pros… and people just like you. Be open)
LEARN (try out new suggestions & realise that it is never too late to change and/or achieve improvement)
The secret is there is no “big secret”. You have to be dedicated to yourself. That means a few things. Eat good clean food in moderation, work out hard and with a plan, drink lots of water and get good sleep. It does not sound like much considering we have to eat drink and sleep everyday so 3 out of 4 are a given but we Americans still seem to mess it up with our busy lives and crappy food on the go.
I think the biggest secret to RAPID body transformation is sticking to lean protein with every meal, and watching quantities, always – and not being afraid to have a ‘treat’ – dried fruit, like raisins, with mixed nuts – to recharge your system after a work-out. In other words, providing the tip-top fuel you need, when you need it, but never overfilling the tank, and this can make you lethargic. I think one of the ‘walls’ you can hit as a novice is you can over-diet, over-exercise, and then find your appetite skyrockets and you eat too much, and you find yourself on a cycle of tiring workouts, big meals, and frustration, as you may look healthy to others, but half the time you’re at the gym, and the other half, out like a seal on the sofa eating! I found that a high-protein diet boosted my energy, and my body didn’t want ‘junk’ any longer – the treat became the fresh fruit, or even a handful of granola – the kind of food I used to consider as part of my basic diet. I think it has to do with perspective – you shift the bar so that you tackle your work-outs with gusto, but not exhaust yourself – and ‘come down’ with a smoothie or even a cup of tea and a short nap. You learn to steady yourself and not pitch yourself against a steep slope with no preparations. Also, it’s really a good idea to keep snackable items at home which are healthy, and NEVER stock up on packaged treats – keep apples, celery, carrots, and so on within easy reach for when you have the munchies. If you are like me and love chocolate, try and stick to dark chocolate almonds. Then you get some protein, too, and it can give you an energy boost. Just watch quantities, and don’t be tempted by the 3 for 2 deals at the supermarket – you only eat three times more. So watch the diet, keep the work-outs varied and sustainable, and don’t look in the mirror (yet). Take time to gauge how you feel, and take care of yourself. In 49 days you will feel terrific, energetic, and inspired – no mater what people say, it’s how you feel, and your mental and physical balance, that is key.
The number one key to making a rapid body composition change starts at the top,with having your brain mentally on fire, empowered – ready to go! You have to be willing to identify the “WHAT” which hasn’t worked and the “HOW” you’re going to fix it. It’s important for one to identify their “OWN” strength and weaknesses and have the ability to work around it. If your mental game is off, it doesn’t matter what you know about nutrition, weights or cardio ~ Keep your head in the game!
I believe that the big secret is DIET. Not a diet as to a specific meal but what those letters stand for. D is dedication. I must be dedicated to seeing a change in my life. I is inspiration because this is not something that I can necessarily do on my own. E stands for eat and exercise. I do need to watch what I eat but simply eating will not change anything. Exercise must be a part of my life. T stands for team in that trying to accomplish this change will be difficult but having a team, some support from others, will help me to accomplish much more than I can do on my own.
I think taking action is more important than anything. You can set as many goals as you like, but if you sit back and simply determine to do something, that’s not going to get you anywhere. If you set a goal and then set out to achieve that goal, that’s how you’ll arrive where you want to be.
I think the biggest key is to know your body well and learn how it functions the best, choose the sport you really enjoy and apply all the rules smartly but with dicipline.
What is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
I think it is a combination of motivation, diet and exercise. And the exercise would need to include weight resistance.
The one word I can think of for being the key to rapid fat loss is “consistency.” Consistency in going to the gym, in steady weight increases, in proper healthy eating, in constant monitoring of your progress, and rereading your goals. The main reason people fail is because they do not consistently challenge their body to make way for rapid body change.
Thus my word for the day is CONSISTENCY.
The Biggest Secret to Rapid Body Transformation is: Building a belief in yourself! Belief that you can accomplish the goals you set for yourself. It doesn’t happen automatically. You have to educate yourself and learn how to do it. You have to train, putting into practice the principles you have learned. You have to apply the techniques you’ve learned. You have to take action!
The number one answer is becoming a part I’d a group or organization as it holds you accountable and motivated…
Work hard!
Hi Tom,
The answer is simple its in your catch phrase “Train hard and expect success” its the dedication required to make lifestyle changes and work at it, there are no quick fixes. I took on board your programme and made those changes I had a few relapses but I’m human. I am 51 years young but my life style was not the healthiest I realised that when I started your programme. I weighed in at 17 stone and a holiday snap prompted change. I started your programme 2 years ago and with some ups and downs I managed to make some headway to a better and longer life plus I now weigh in at 14 stone.
I had a set back in June this year when I suffered not 1 but 2 massive heart attacks requiring a stent to be inserted. Some people may say I left it too late to start but here’s the thing “I have survived” thanks to the changes I’ve made and the fact I was a lot fitter than before I started your programme. I have just finished a Cardiac rehabilitation programme which included 3 mornings a week for 8 weeks circuit training. I continue to make progress and have started slowly training again. I suppose the reason for my comments is not your competition but to let people know its never too late for change. That you can do it at your pace (there are no quick fixes)”But you get what you put in” Tom sorry for the lengthy post. I may not be your biggest success but hey winning is not losing, right? Thanks for reading, Tony
For me circuit training (a series of weight lifting exercises with breaks) is what works. I eat healthy and take supplements GLA/ALA (Dr. Perricone weight loss suggestions)and together with the weight training it works. But as I’ve gotten older it gets harter and harter. Then I barely eat and I know that is the worst thing I can do! I would really like to try your system with the incredible results your members receive.
I can imagine many will have their ideas along the line of exercise and nutrition for fast fat loss. I have had some success in the past, but I am still a work in progress.
The one thing I believe is “THEE SECRET” is making the decision to just do it and stick to that decision. In my opinion its the mental work that is the hardest. Look at it this way, imagine you are trying to get a huge bulky freight train started down the track…huffing and puffing away it finally gets chugging along. Once it gets started, it’s hard to stop it. And you wouldn’t want to in this mental journey into a fitness mindset. Once my mind is made up, there’s nothing that stops me. Going to the gym, buying the right food, watching proportions, etc., etc. I see each of these elements as cars behind that engine. They just follow that engine…that strong mental decision to do it. I know, the old commercial that use to run, “Just do it!” makes sense. You have to get out of your own way and not over think the whole journey. Make the decision and tell yourself everything else will follow just like those train cars. What ever plan you have is the route your train will take, so the next thing would be to make sure you take the right route. BTFFM is a great map.
Rosie O. Member since April 2011
There is no secret. Hard work, perseverance and goal setting is all it takes
Eventhough I’m not at my goal yet, this system is the only one that has made a difference for me. Because my pituitary gland does not work as it should, loosing fat for me is very difficult. I’ve learned that in my case I have to crate a combination of caloric deficit and burn that is nearly double the recommend number for it to make a difference. But with a very close account of what I consume and pushing every single work out I am moving steadily towards my goal. Tom’s book gave me a lot of the tools that I was missing all this time to be able to have the control to make it possible.
Thank you.
Mario Tamez
The biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation:
Your never to old and the ability to do it for yourself not for someone else. Of course a good support base is always good and a challenges like to transform yourself in 49 days.
Belief that one ‘can’ change and/or be changed – the stated, open willingness to change and/or be changed. If one doesn’t believe that, all the diets, workouts, program starts will not work. As thhis type of belief is a spiritual matter, how do I get myself to believe foundationally and fundamentally at my core, that I can change and/or be changed, and that God cares and that God will help me change?
Overcoming the belief that one will fail, and that belief based on a track record of several failures at change, how can one ceate the expectation, a ‘faith’, that this time it will be different?
The 1 biggest secret to rapid transformation is…COMPETING in a transformation contest. I didn’t say Entering. I said COMPETING. That means you will finish. It means you will make a COMMITMENT to do your best. You will be COMPLIANT on a CONSISTANT basis following a well designed plan. You will engage a COMMUNITY of like minded people transforming together. You will CHALLENGE yourself to reach your goals by the end of the CONTEST! C what I mean?
I believe the key to success in improving one’s body composition is “evaluation evolution.” That is, when following a dedicated eating regimen and exercise routine, being diligent about monitoring one’s results and, when improvement flat-lines, adapt that routine to continue the progress.
Once the body adapts to a given effort or input, one has to shake up the routine to continue to see results. Without regular analysis and evolution, positive results will diminish. By focusing on what works in a routine and dropping what does not, one is assured to see constant positive results.
You can make excuses or get results, but you can’t do both.
When it comes to one thing – the bare, bare bones of one thing – it’s your spirit. It’s the clarity, focus, and passion of your own spirit. In other words, you don’t let the mental garbage (that we all have) get in the way of your decision to achieve your goal. Decision here is a verb – it’s something you do continually, not once. Every minute, hour of the day you are deciding for that goal.
1.have a concrete very specific goal (body fat is mine, which I see as the best choice, but weight loss is more satisfying for other
2. stay consistent in your workouts, and make adjustments or changes as needed,
3. read and reread Tom’s books, his no gimmick approach to fitness, no magic pill, no secret formula, clears the fog. This fictional story created by magazines selling the next magic supplement, or trainers that tell you their way is the only way to achieve the nirvana of fitness is just creating more confusion and less results.
4. DIET, if it ain’t in line, forget the rest. Physique is still 80-90% what you eat. The cleaner the foods, the less mass produced foods the better
Thanks for the book, the info, I reread the book cover to cover at least once a year. Listen to the audio book while driving. If we as a nation followed half of the information in your book. Obesity, Diabetes and the Health Care Crisis would barely be newsworthy.
I have not been successful at rapid body transformation yet but I think the key is to be doing some sort of weight training or muscle training to keep the muscle and not lose it.
For me the key is is accepting it is a journey – not a destination. There is no secret. There is no quick fix. There is no magical aha moment at the end where acheiving your goal makes the world a better, happier, rosier place.
Accepting this frees you up to make find the happier/rosier every single day as you work towards your goals.
Focus on the burn in your muscles as you push out that last last rep. Focus on the fatigue in your muscles as you push through one more mile. Focus on the sunshine on your face as you walk through the park to destress and rejuvinate. Focus on the taste and flavor of the fresh and healthy food that you have choosen to fuel your body with. And then feel glorious about what you have accomplished today-what you were able to do today that your weren’t able to yesterday-knowing that it will get a little easier tomorrow.
The biggest key to making a rapid body composition transformation is setting clear intentions of what you want to achieve and COMMITTING to consistently following a well thought out non-gimmicky nutritional, physical activity and mind training plan tailored to who YOU are as an individual. Having a plan B and C to turn to in light of unplanned life events that we all face when the gold standard isn’t followed is key to this strategy as an alternative to not doing anything at all.
The biggest secret is to always see yourself in your mind as you want to look on day 49.
Being an active person ( working out ), is of cause important. But for me the single most important key factor in body transformation is Nutrition and calorie intake. You can work out all You want, but if You don’t maintain a steady caloric deficit You are going nowhere. Find out your daily maintainance level calorie-wise ( see BFFM ) and slowly cut by 500 cal a day. And on a final note, have patience, don’t rush it. Work out, eat right and stick with it even when you sometimes doubt yourself.
It all starts with a plan. It’s what drives you, focuses you, keeps you on the road to your goal. Then the mental commitment to follow that plan.
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
Motivation is the biggest key, not reps, sets or miles, but motivation. I have tried, with some success, to use, music, smell, groups, positive self talk, motivation tapes, meditation and partners to maintain motivation. Some techniques work well over the long hall, some for a short time. The trick is to find what works for you. What gets you out of bed on a cold February Great Lakes morning to go through the slush for a freezing 3 mile run. What fires you up enough to get on the mats at the Dojo and go all out with a kid half your age. Find those motivators and do them. Don’t be afraid to try new ideas, talk to new people about what motivates them. Be willing to change your routine.
At 60, my motivators are quite different than they were at 16 ;).
Hey I even subscribe to internet fitness blogs ;)
I feel it is weighlifting with cardio.
Hi Tom!
I think the biggest secret to rapid body transformation is a good support system! After trying hundreds of diets and battling to stick to it everytime, I have realised from reading your e-mails, that this is the one thing that I’ve been missing.
Kind regards.
I think the number 1 way for body transformation is consistency. Read the Bffm material and stick with it. I have personally struggled with my weight all of my life. I was a 4 ft 10 inch girl weighing 176 pounds at 15 yrs old. I am now 30 and 5 ft 2 in and weigh 119. Am I where I want to be… No, but as long as I keep working hard and sticking to it, the results will come. I am at a point where I have been stuck in a plateau for a few months. Sometimes I feel like it’s never going to come off, but I know that I can not give up. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will a lean ripped body. Just keep going even when it gets hard. Do what u know to do by eating right and doing the work.
Me! I am the number one biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but without a goal, a vision, or the drive to see it through all the knowledge in the world isn’t going to help you. I need to find something(that vision or goal)that will help me to make it through those days that I just want to throw in the towel and call it quits.
Biggest single factor for me is limiting simple carbs. Once I have the taste of sugar or processed foods, I’m off my diet for the day.
I think the way to success in transformation are motivation, planning and commitment to the execution of the plans.
I am not experienced in this at all but what I feel is the most important ingredient to success is commitment. Unless you are totally committed to achieving your goal you will never accomplish it. It doesn’t matter how hard or easy the program is, you will eventually drop it unless you are committed.
I think the most important thing to change your body composition is to set clear and attainable goals that are realistic. To write those goals down, and to visualize those goals and to picture how you will look and feel once you have realized those goals. I think it is equally important to share those goals with your friends and family as they can help keep you accountable and help to motivate you to reaching your goals.
Having a consistent approach to the plan is what it´s all about!
The instructions are easy to understand. Cardio, strength training, clean eating with calorie limits and attention to macro nutrients are the basic instructions. BFFM and The Holy Grail spell it all out for you.
The trick is to stay committed to your program. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it, or into a piece of holiday cake, or any of the other holiday goodies that WILL be present for the next 7 weeks.
Stay committed to yourself and you will see results! You CAN make a huge change in 49 days – during the holidays – if you make a commitment!
One day at a time and before you know it you have programmed new habits, concentrate on what you can do at this single point in time and of all things stay positive. If you skip a meal or workout it wont break the Bank.
Good Morning everybody,
For a safe, quick and healthy body transformation, I’ve learned that I have to stay focused on baby steps. When you have a huge goal (in my case, losing 45% of bodyfat), you have to know more about how your body works, what the best stragegies are, how to schedule your time and find a way to stay commited during ALL the journey.
The most convenient way to do that, for me, was to cut my major goal in smallest attaignable ones. It helps me to create a momentum of good habits and it becomes easier to ingrain healthy habits (which will become unconscious over a quite long period of time).
I wish to everyone here a fantastic body transformation during the contest!!
Best regards.
The key is to meet your body’s energy requirement. If you do a high amount of exercise, you’ll obviously have higher energy needs than someone who does no exercise at all, so you have to identify what energy intake you should eat in order to supply your body with just the right amount of fuel.
How you meet those needs will affect your body’s ability to rapidly transform, with certain foods boosting metabolism and others building muscle. If you commit to it, eat the right proportions of specific food types and resist temptation that makes you consume excess energy, you will get results.
That’s my theory, coming from a complete beginner to body transformation :)
There’s certainly several essential pieces to rapid body composition transformation. However, the biggest key for me has been an early morning workout. Adding a second workout in the afternoon or evening is always great, but waiting until later in the day for that first workout just leaves room for excuses – stuck at work, need to run errands, tired, etc.
Having gotten into a morning routine in the past, I can say there’s definitely nothing like it. It takes a little getting used to, but the results are incredible. First, it really improves your body’s ability to burn fat – all day long! Second, once you get used to it, you just don’t feel good unless you start your day off with it. That’s also connected to the other big benefit.
Working out at any time tends to have awesome mental and emotional benefits, but the morning routine gives you that positive, feel-good outlook right from the start of your day. It puts you in a positive frame of mind that helps you succeed on everything else that happens during the day, including all your other steps towards rapid body composition transformation!
The number one thing is to be in a caloric deficit to burn the fat and to make sure the meals are clean whole foods eaten five to six times per day.
Hi Tom,
Many great feedback all of which contribute to the number 1 biggest secret,
Self Love (love in action)that demonstrate,vision passion and purpose.
Train hard and expect results!
This website.
I believe that reproducibility is a key factor in rapid transformation.
The reproducability of exercise, nutrition and mental awareness of the commitment. To daily repeat one’s succesful actions. Inside the mental dedication to daily assess the successful pattern and repeat it.
#1 thing: Raise your standards. What will you do to meet these standards.? What will you no longer do that prevents you from meeting these standards? Who will you have to become to meet these standards?
Those questions are your answer.
I think the “Biggest Secret to RAPID Body Transformation”, is taking responsibility. I am a work in progress, I have read every article, I know what to eat, (and could probably recite the calories in just about every food), I exercise daily, it is just a matter of putting a plan (the 49 day plan??) in action and STICKING TO THAT PLAN.
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is?
For me personally, it’s setting a zero limit excuse policy. Now, what do I mean by that.
I currently workout four to five times a week at an old fashion strong man gym and I can tell you these workout sessions are the most brutal workouts I have ever encountered. Using thick handled dumbbells, barbells, kettle-bells, ropes, rocks, logs, body weight exercises and plenty of running between sets, is not for the faint of hearted.
So, with that being said, why, as I approach the age of 58, am I in the best shape of my life but still carry a lot of body fat? Easy, I use these brutal workouts as an excuse to eat anything that I want and as much as I want. Well guess what, it doesn’t work like that.
What is really sad is the fact that I went from 295lbs to 235lbs only to gain 20lbs (of fat) back again. Time after time, I get motivated to lose that weight and stay very dedicated in doing so only to go right back to these terrible eating habits once I hit a certain goal. You would think that I would have learned by now, but unfortunately, I haven’t. So, it is time for me to stop making excuses!
I believe that rapid transformation happens with a combination of good eating, exercise, and lots of motivation. Eating right is pretty easy, but only if you WANT to! Exercising is easy also, but only if you WANT to! And I guess that brings us to the last and most important part of the combination: Motivation. You have to be motivated to try and change, and then discipline yourself to stay commited to what you started. Nothing is going to happen if you don’t!
We’ve always been told that diet and exercise are key to weight loss. Both working together. We can observe in our world that interesting happen when forces operate at the wrong frequency. Bridges sway & collapse. Buildings can do the same. The building block of our bodies also need to be operating at the right frequency. The key to rapid composition change is finding the right combination of good quality foods that promote fat burn and exercises that do the same working together in harmony.
HIIT is besst way to acheive this goal with proper nutrition.
I believe fuel is the biggest key to rapid weight loss. I’ve gathered this after reading several articles of yours, plus others. Not all agree on everything, but proper diet PLUS exercise equals the correct fuel replacement.
My dilemma lies with this…after a life changing situation, I lost 40+ lbs. due to stress (which included not eating). Granted, I needed to lose some of it anyway, but now I’m one of those fat, skinny people. After losing weight by not eating, I can’t convince myself that eating again will help me with transformation. Cognitively, I get it. However, I can’t convince myself to due it on my own. I would appreciate this opportunity to have the resources available to correctly transform what has been incorrectly started.
I don’t see myself yet as a success story, not yet that is.
but although i’m not finished, i think that for me the 1 biggest secret is the ability to give the body what it needs, when it needs it. to be able to cooperate with your body and understand its needs, and see what works better and helps you and your body achieve your goal.
Hi Tom,
A biggest secret to body composition transition is to join Burn Fat Feed Muscle program and follow everything u need. Stay commitment and stick with plans. Set homeapge of Burn Fat Feed Muscle and read everyday. It wiLl guarantee u to keep up with body changes for great and u will feel champ! G
I would have to say that the biggest secret to RAPID Body Transformation would have to be dedication!
You can read as much as you want, learn as much as you can, ask as many questions, soak up as much information as possible but, if you don’t have the dedication to put all that information to use … Well then, it’s only as valuable as the paper it’s printed on.
All the information and know-how in the world isn’t going to transform that body for you. Only you can! You have to have the dedication, willpower, determination to put all that knowledge to work and make that transformation!
I’m still under construction . However the one thing I feel is the key to RAPID body composition change is your ATTITUDE.
Best Regards!
The main key to Rapid Body Transformation, just like any other desired transformation in life, is having the discipline to show up, no matter what the circumstances or emotional state. A true disciple (=disciplined one) of any belief system, whether spiritual, emotional, or practical/physical, is committed to conquer his/her fear (of failure, not being good enough, not making it) and replace it with faith (in him/herself, in the ability to improve and maintain his/her God-given body) for results in the near future. Faith is not a state of mind/soul, but a belief put into action. I’d like to challenge the definition of insanity in this context and claim that if you do the same thing (training hard & eating/resting right) over and over again, you can expect (and will see) different results… Now go and show up!
This is all very new to me but the one point stressed in every thing is this ” Train hard and expect success” so that is what I replay over in my mind as I taller my health.
What do I believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
I am beginning to believe that having a clear mind might be the biggest key. I am currently reading the book Getting Things Done, by David Allen, and he asserts that we need to place EVERYTHING that is on our mind into a system we trust and refer to often so that our mind can be clear and calm to handle whatever we are doing. In the past, I would read about your contests, and think “well maybe I will get back to this and enter”, but I don’t because I forget about it or think “well, I’m certain that there are people who need this more than I do – I am doing ok” I suppose the reason that I still spend a fair amount of time looking for and reading about body transformation means that it is not resolved in my life and I’m not where I want to be.
So I think the key might be to clear my mind and document a plan for rapid body transformation. This will allow me to take the actions I have already specified to reach a goal I have already identified. This reminds me of your suggestion, Tom, about pre-planning all of your workouts on your calendar to meet a goal by a specific deadline. I will add pre-planning my menu, too!
I believe the single biggest factor in succeeding at a rapid body transformation is surrounding yourself with an excellent support team. The support team could take the form of a coach, personal trainer, cheerleader, the Inner Circle… or any combination of these.
The biggest secret to rapid body transformation is losing your fear of change. This means unlearning the old ways of doing things and embracing the new ways. Only then can rapid transformation happen.
That it doesn’t matter exactly what natural foods you eat or exact exercise routine you choose. Most any combination of healthy food and challenging activity will work fine. What matters more than anything is you see your unhealthy, damaging, and controlling choices- and change them- in a world that relentlessly tries to convince you not to.
I believe that planning is key.
At 55, I have lived what most people know; that knowing what to do and thinking about it does not produce change (transformation). This is true for whatever change you aspire to in your life whether it is personal fitness, relationships, attitude, etc. Knowledge and planning is essential, but it is the persistent execution that brings about tranformation. As with others on the post, I too have not achieved the body transformation I want although I consider myself knowledgeable and commited. It is PERSISTENCE in both applying the knowledge and putting forth the execution that will make the difference this time. Never give up!
Dedication !!! Dedicating yourself to the fact that it is not just a one time thing, you are reprogramming yourself and your way of life. In order to keep on track and transform your body, you have to realize it’s not about a special diet or special exercises, it is a lifestyle change. Something that you will continue to do the rest of your life if you wish to remain in the best shape of your life. Yes, the calories in vs calories out combined with proper nutrition and proper exercise create the transformation, but without the dedication, that transformation won’t last very long.
the one thing that has made an impact upon my efforts to change my body is the belief that this is an achievable thing. wading through masses of information and drawing on the ‘common sense’ ideas of heriditary etc made me realise that I held a lot of beliefs about my body which were wrong, things like you can’t change genetics, runs in the family, my metabolism is fixed and cannot be changed. this results in a feeling that you are not in charge or control of your own body, a belief that you cant change it gets set in. understanding that my body is a sophisticated machine with physiological processess and that I am the operator of that machine, simplifes and blasts all these ‘commonsense’ ideas out of the window. I am in control, I determine how I fuel and operate this machine. realising that things not set in stone liberates my mind and allows for the belief that I can change things. without this belief, in my experience no matter how hard I worked or trained, an underlying belief would be responsible for sabotaging my efforts and result in my becoming discouraged and give up. understanding this means I can persevere. My mind is freed up to work on the logistics of how I am going to do my training, rather than waste its energy wondereing if it will work. It has helped me to just get on with it, letting go of analysis, pondering, etc. makes a space in my brain to focus just on the exercise. Another effect of this is that I have experienced my exercise as I am doing it, I mean that I have had a sense of being present and quietly listening to the reaction of my body, feeling the changes, sweat, blood flow, cracking, clicking, breathing. And so I have started to develop a relationship with my body, without the huge noise that my mind can create in thinking about what I am doing. Dismantling old and often incorrect beliefs about how my body works, and then listening to what my body is telling me means I can begin to build new beliefs based on that. So, for me, at least, believing I can change my body and how it functions, listening to it and letting it instruct me about what it needs, has been the 1 thing.
I haven’t done a body transformation yet. I’m totally positive that the ONE thing you need is COMPLETE FOCUS on your goal. If you are totally focused, with a religious zeal, that you are transforming your body, you can do it.
I know that’s what prevented me from getting results in the past. I always have a great excuse to cheat. The good news is that at least I am totally commited to eating right for life.
The biggest one? :D Goal setting, the goal should be rational but also a very high one, and measurable, like, I’m xx bodyfat now, and in 49 days I will be xy bf, and in order to reach that I will be doing this and that, and monitoring regularly how closer I am getting to that goal so I can change the variables of diet and training depending on the results. Keep on the good work everyone!
Planning and perserverence. Have a plan for your workouts and a plan for your nutrition. If you get derailed, step back, re-work your plan and start again. But keep going – perservere no matter what obstacles life throws at you. My biggest obstacles right now? Time and sleep. As a single parent, I work 40 hours per week, then go home to my “other job” as mother, chauffer, cook, housekeeper, handy(wo)man, homework over-seer, laundress, schedule administrator, etc., etc., etc. I go in to work at 5 a.m. and am on a dead sprint until 9:00 at night. Almost daily, for the past three months I’ve had to choose between exercise and sleep. Sometimes, I get in a little bit of exercise, sometimes I just really need the sleep. Time to re-work the plan!
The answer is obvious. The key to successful rapid body transformation is to follow an appropriate plan (proper nutrition and exercise). Obvious and simple, but not necessarily easy. :)
Perhaps the NEXT question ought to be, what is the one key secret to following an appropriate plan to achieve a rapid body transformation!
Still work in progressvie! Well when I was 42/43 I had a feeling this was my last year to kick it in before my meotabliusm slowed down and I was right now I’m 45 soon to be 46 and my weight is not buddging I did the same thing as I did when I was 42 joined weight watchers went to the gym tread mill 45 minutes and lifted weights well nothing was moving or loosing so I quite it all and now I’m waking up at 5am and doing the walk/jog for 45minutes 4 to 5 a week and doing Jullian 30 minute shred and I have dropped 9I think inches) but no weight lost! I feel better but and I dont want to stop but I’m not shaping up like I did when I was 42 and 43 my belly is still jiggley and my butt still the same size and the back of my legs look wiggly. I really don’t know if I have to work out more? Eat more? Eat less? But I feel good!! I like what I’m doing and I just don’t want to get burned out and stop and add 30 more pounds and then start over again! Should I change or should I give it till June 7 months from now because that is how sloww my meatabliusm is working since I’m getting older?
I believe it’s really about your Mindset and your ability to overcome limiting believes that get in your way. Your Perception of what you think you can or cannot accomplish in transforming your body is the biggest factor.
Once you get in the right state of mind, the changes you make will happen without the pain many people associate when trying to make changes.
It’s not about eating or exercise for me. The one word I think of is SUPPORT. Positive reinforcement always makes me continue o strive to do better and continue on the right path. It doesn’t matter what it’s for. I enjoy people commenting in my changes. I don’t strive for it. I do it for me, but it doesn’t help. I even get pleasure from offering support to others.
Setting goals and being committed to it would be my #1 secret
The biggest “secret” to rapid body transformation is “change”. Every day we habitually perform the same tasks, eat the same foods, drink the same drinks and walk the same walk. Expecting transformation of our body while repeating the very same things that transformed it into something we are unhappy with is insanity. In addition to change we must keep it “realistic”. I cringe when I see things like “ripped abs in 21 days” on magazine covers. While it is possible to achieve amazing results in 12-16 weeks with a very strict diet and workout routine(if you are a competitive bodybuilder), for the average person it is highly unlikely that the same result will be achieved in that time frame. Attempting to achieve these results from drastic dieting and workouts increases stress which increases lipids in the blood that can be damaging to the heart. Every person is different and no two results will be the same. If you set your expectations too high then you will judge yourself not by the changes you have made but by the results instead, which may be misconstrued as failure if they don’t meet a set expectation. Transformation requires a lifestyle change not a temporary routine over a period of time. Becoming aware of the bad habits that brought us to the condition that we want to transform and altering those habits is a first step. Having the support of like minded individuals in this forum will help to keep you on track when the desire to cheat becomes dominant. This is not to say that you can’t reward yourself occasionally for the hard work which will help to keep you on track. Change is often the most difficult thing to accomplish because our lifestyles are not conducive to effect it. By making “small” changes and setting milestones the road to transformation can be achievable and accessible to everyone.
The key to rapid body transformation is commitment: the effective application of correct nutrition and exercise information with the unshakeable determination to reach this one goal. You must resolve yourself to use what you know without excuses or distraction, with all your heart, soul, mind and body. With this mindset and the proper information you surely will be successful.
Focus. I get sidetracked, so applying myself one day at a time does it. This helps with habit-building, and allows me to overcome the daily obstacles, of which there always seems to be multitudes.
Love your contest!
There are no secrets. You must make a serious decision that you will change, and be consistent with your methodology. Half-assing it will get you nowhere. And that’s where I am – nowhere, because I’ve been inconsistent and uncommitted. Thank you for the making me engage in a little introspection.
One word Consistency !!!
Consistency with nutrition, training, mindset / focus, preparation, planning, goal setting, self belief, trusting the process, and support.
I just finished a 12 week challenge with my gym and had the best results of my life due to consistency of all the above. Even on my low days I still trained and I never gave up. Following through for the first time in 20 years and I am 23kg lighter thanks to all my consistent hard work and the endless support from my fantastic PT. I also managed to lose fat and maintain muscle. I still have a another 20kg to go but now know I can achieve any goal I set myself providing I remain consistent.
The one thing: MAKE THE EFFORT
For me, it’s morning cardio EVERY DAY, and getting to the gym every other day to push weights and do a second cardio session. It’s measuring what I eat, counting calories, mixing protein shakes and grilling chicken to keep my macros high in protein and low in fat. A LOT goes into it…it isn’t easy. It takes planning, perseverance, and a whole lot of personal mental motivation.
But, nothing happens if I don’t make the effort.
I’m a new member and just finished reading the ebook. With that said, and my constant attempts to get into shape, I’ve realized what’s most important is dumping your sense of entitlement. “I’m tired, I worked hard. I’m entitled to take a night off at the gym” — except one day can turn into two and then a week and before you know it, you’re not working out at all. “I’m hungry, I’m entitled to that [Big Mac, Milkshake, piece of cake].” and like exercise before you know it, you’re ALWAYS entitled. A willingness to toss self (with all that implies) over the side can make major change, even quick change possible. That’s what I’m bringing to the table in joining BTFFTM, and I believe that will change my body and my fitness.
I have successfully gotten rid of 50 pounds, and am now headed toward chiseling and sculpting the lean, muscular, bikini-ready body that I deserve!
The biggest piece to my solution is CONSISTENCY. Whether its carb cycling, making sure you’re eating the veggies, or exercise, that is the one solution that is going to produce the biggest results.
So, that is my main goal for the next 7 weeks, is to just be consistent with my behaviors!
The most effective ‘secret’ that I have found is to keep a daily calorie/macro log, faithfully. I have been keeping a log for about a year now, and still keep it daily. It’s a fast way to see just how close I’m sticking to my goals for the day/week, and it helps develop a ‘feel’ for where I’m at on that particular day and whether or not I can fit in a slice of quesadilla, for example.
Mental preparedness. Putting diet and training into action needs preparation and commitment to enable you to see those body composition changes and the key is in the mind.
The key word in the question is “transformation”. This term was coined by est founder Werner Erhard in the 1970’s. (see http://www.wernererhard.net/standardtraining.html) Erhard defined transformation as experiencing the being of being [in this case] a healthy, fit human being. He notes that the past creates the future. Traditional training programs attempt to achieve one of three goals. To do more of the past effort, to improve on past effort or to change past attempts that have not succeeded. All three of these objectives leave us stuck in the past. Transformative health allows one to reinvent the future as a totally new context from which one experiences health and vitality.
In the book “The Three Laws of Performance: Rewriting the Future of… Your Life”, author Steve Zaffron, CEO of Vanto Group notes that to rewrite the future, a person who believes in self-invention discovers his native energies and desires, and then finds a way of acting on them (p. 143). The book continues, “If we take on this challenge of self-invention, we will find ourselves walking down an unfamiliar road. Rather than being led by what has been important to us in the past, we will find ourselves “being” what we are committed to, what we are standing for, what our vision is.”
That is the one biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation.
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
“Calorie deficit”. After trying (and failing) dozens of times in the last couple of years, this is something that although simple, can be very tricky:
1-Don’t look at “calorie deficit”(CD) on the negative side: There were a couple of times that I was stuck with the impression that CD would imply in starving, and ended up indulging myself – specially on Fridays after a stressing work week. Instead, look at the foundation for success!
2-CD is not giving up food or whatever you like. It’s about having better choices. Also, try to change your “whatever you like” (i.e, cheeseburgers, milkshake, etc) to better foods – foods that will provide you with what you need to a) live well and b) reach your goals. Proteins are awesome!
3-CD does not mean starving, but exercising more. If I was able to make up any excuses to eat, now I have to force (and improve) myself to come up with every excuse to exercise – not becoming a gym rat, but walk to work instead of using public transportation when possible, parking my car far way from the mall entrance, etc.
I started all of those things last week, and have noticed that my fat percentage has gone down to 25% from 27% – not sure if this is a small or big achievement, but I’m feeling that I’m longer short of breath, and this feeling is awesome. There’s still a long way ahead, but I’ll make it!!
Remember: CD works only when you do it right!
I think the key to transforming your body is dedication:
– to your goals
– to your self
– to your health
Without the dedication to push yourself further ahead, you will never accomplish anything, not only with healthy eating and fitness, but in any aspect of your life. You have to want it bad enough to push through the hard times to reach your goals!
At 55, I’ve finally learned what one should realize early in life; that Desire to change, Knowledge about how to change, or even a Goal does not bring about the desired transformation. This is true for any desired change…physical transformation, relationship changes, etc. The difference is Persistence! Knowledge, desire, even commitment to a goal will fail if persistence is absent. Too many things get in our way from achieving desired transformations. Daily persistence in reviewing our knowledge, plan, goals, and then letting that persistence drive us to execute is what will see me through on this challenge! Good luck!
I couldn’t possibly single out THE biggest secret that would fit everyone, but for me it was desire to change myself for the better. I was fat as a kid and I’ve gotten really fat as teenager. I decided that I needed to change my ways and I set off on a years long journey of self improvement. I will tell you what worked for me the best. Since I was fat my body strength was really low, muscle mass even lower. This is because I was unable to do any exercise with my body weight. This made me start from scratch when I entered the gym for the first time, it was little embarrassing being so weak, but it was good in long term because when I finally started getting stronger and putting on muscle gains were incredible. This was due to a shock on my body and nervous system. I would highly recommend starting with a pure strength training routine striving just for strength gains (for example Jim Wendler 5/3/1)and the muscle size will follow. Basic old school exercises (Dead lift, bench press, standing press and bench press)were my most important part of training and they were followed with as many possible body weight exercises (Dip, pull up, push up etc.). In addition to my training I followed Tom’s BFFM manual to the letter, and did some cardio (45-60 min) few times a week as well. The key to sticking to my plan was the fact that I made my training and nutrition part of my daily routine, so i never saw it as an inconvenience or a burden.
You have to be diligent in doing your strength training at least 3 times a week in addition to your cardio.
Lower your carb intake by at least half! If you are already committed to changing your life and you can’t afford supplements lowering your carb intake works wonders!
Eating habits
For me it was lifting free weights, hands down the most effective method of body transformation.
I’m new to this but I purchased “Burn the fat, feed the muscle” a month and a half ago and I “think” the key is DISCIPLINE! I know your question isn’t about fat loss but I have gotten my body fat percentage as of yesterday down to 13% from 26% in a little under 6 weeks. I am now seeing things in my body that I didn’t know existed! Thank you! And my gf thanks you! She’s been VERY supportive once she started to see my body transform. I would not have gotten there without maintaining discipline in my workout regime and my diet. No way possible. I’ve been going to the gym for years and I realized now that the one thing I lacked was DISCIPLINE. The discipline to stick to a workout plan and the discipline to pay careful attention to my nutrition. You can have a great workout plan and diet plan but if you lack the DISCIPLINE to stick to them they will be almost useless. You will wonder why you’re not seeing the results or wonder why you weight fluctuates from week to week. You need DISCIPLINE to keep you on the path. It’s like your guidance system. Your goal is your target and you’re the missle. Without a guidance system it will make it much harder for you to hit your target.
For me, the biggest secret to rapid body transformation is commitment. Without that, no amount of advice and council can help anyone have rapid weight loss. Once you commit to something, it becomes part of your daily routine and no longer something you have to think about.
The one biggest thing to making a RAPID body composition is an unfailing committment to excellence. This covers the spectrum of most of the other responses setting a vision, developing goals, setting accountability and support structures.
Selflessness leads to rapid weight loss. Ultimately, it comes down to this one principle. Many mental and physical problems could be cured by looking away from ourselves to help others through the power of Christ.
I believe the biggest secret is a commitment to a lifestyle change. Transformation is not temporary, and in order for transformation to take place, the behaviors and choices made that brought forth transformation must become part of YOU. Whether that be your food and nutritional choices, exercise choices, or other commitments to health, you MUST commit to these things in order to make a rapid transformation!
I am still a work in progress and have been for over 30 years. The one thing that I find is most important in any transformation is the knowledge and desire to learn and commit. On again off again just doesn’t work. I should know!
My motivation comes from running into a former training partner who I had not seen In a few months. After his son was born he gained 60 pounds and went from looking fit and athletic to bloated. He recently changed his approach, and instead of trying to exercise the weight off is closely monitoring his nutrition. The results are astonishing and impressive. Seeing a picture of a stranger who has made a transformation is impressive, but to see a friend making big changes right before your eyes strikes closer to home, and makes the goal of having a lean and fit body seem much more realistic and attainable.
I am not a complete newbie to training, it has been two years since I started. I have been attempting to eat small and healthy meals all this time. The strength training has given me a new outlook on a healthy lifestyle but the Body Composition is not coming as easily as I thought. To answer the question of what is the number 1 key to transforming ones body composition I immediately thought of what is holding me back…the number 1 key to this transformation is losing body fat! One can train extensively but if the fat layer is still there, no muscle definition will be seen. That is the secret!
Hi Tom
I think when it comes to not only losing fat but retaining muscle there are lots of little strategies that must be put together to create an overall plan. However if I had to give the one big secret it has to be consistency. Yes you need to do resistance and cardio training to boost your metabolism regularly and follow a diet that is both catered to managing your hormones and energy levels to allow your body to burn fat but if you don´t do this consistently then your results will always disappoint. I have trained many clients and transformed their bodies but the people who achieved the best results where the ones that designed a plan that worked for them and stuck with it. That meant showing up for every workout and applying focus, eating the right foods at the right time and not allowing their lifestyle to get in the way. Of course you need to be using the right information and be prepared to adapt and change if things are not working but as long as you keep doing the right stuff nearly all of the time you will see incredible results.
I believe the biggest key to making a rapid body composition transformation is making well-defined goals and sticking with them. Goal-setting is not easy for me and I know that is what’s holding me back. When I visualize an end-result, I normally succeed. But with transforming my body composition, I tend to lose sight of my goals which is why I believe I do not always succeed.
But life isn’t over yet and I will keep on practicing my goal-setting skills, and even if I only succeed in little bits here and there, it’s better than not trying at all!
The most important ingrediant to achieving any goal is discipline. Without it you can’t eat right, you can’t stay away from bad foods, you can’t train right, you can’t move in the right direction. Discipline has a lot of things attached to it and in order to maintain it, it has to affect you spiritually, mentally, and physically. When the three are aligned discipline is being achieved. Thanks for all you do Tom! God bless you!
I think the biggest secret to rapid body transformation is knowing what needs to be done. I see people in the gym day after day and always on a diet but don’t really see any results. They commit themselves to exercising everyday and eating healthy but don’t really understand what is needed. I believe before you start anything, you really need to understand what you are doing first.
I think success lies in the belief that YOU can do it.
I know for myself, when I buckle down on food, stress, sleep, and exercise, I see great change and quick success both mentally and physically. However, when i am fearful and have no believed in myself, obtaining my goals, etc, I fail every time.
I believe I can win this challenge. I believe in myself.
The #1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is being committed to your program, not just interested in it. If you’re nterested in your diet you attempt to make the right choices in the office break room. When your committed, you pack your meal for the next day the night before so you can get all 6 meals in while maintaining your nutrient ratios. When you’re interested in building muscle and stripping fat, you make generic plans to “work out”. When you’re committed to changing the shape of your body, you get up an hour early to make sure you get that work out in. In addition, you’re counting every rep, every weight, every calorie so at the end of the day you know what you put in, you can progress, you can succeed! Don’t be interested, be committed. This is a lifestyle choice, not a phase.
What worked for me was eating 6 small meals a day. That way I kept the metabolism going without burning muscle.
Personal Commitment. You must be committed to altering your lifestyle for one reason…yourself. In the past, I would watch my nutrition so I could run faster, or lose a few pounds because I should, etc. Each time I would hit my goal then say “that’s it, I made it” and be done. I was doing something for someone/something else. Now I have found that my personal commitment is founded in “choosing” what lifestyle I want to live. I am not “on a diet” rather I am choosing to live a healthier lifestyle. I can choose to eat like a pig, but I choose not to. I am choosing to live a healthy lifestyle and all the benefits it entails.
That philosophy makes it much more easier to stay on track since I realize I could eat however I want, but my choice is not to. It keeps me from feeling like a victim or feeling deprived.
It’s having the motivation/drive that will allow you the discipline required to follow a strict diet and workout regiment.
Mental preparation! Without believing in your own capacity, setting a base standard for yourself, goals and preparing yourself with a stong, focused mind and visualizing yourself already transformed, you will fail every attempt at body composition.
“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” ~ Gandhi
Best wishes, Amanda
Despite all the reading I’ve done and things I’ve tried, I’m still carrying around 30lbs of unwanted fat. This includes during the 2 years where I exercised 5-6 days a week (REAL exercise) training for endurance races and triathlons, and trying to eat right. What I think the greatest challenge is to body composition, is how to know my own body and how to balance what I should eat and how much, with what kind and how much exercise to do. I have discovered some health issues which are often attributed as a cause (at least partial) of my difficulty in reducing fat and building muscle. So as I work through the process of knowing by own body I am hoping that my transformation will begin.
Well, here is my take on fat loss and muscle building. First, you must take into account that a good, hard workout with weights will produce a calorie deficit that may last for two days, depending on how big the muscles are that are “burnt” and / or how many muscles are “burnt”. Repairing the damage to these muscles is calorie intensive. As you know, to build a pound of muscle requires 3600 calories. in the interim, you can do lighter excercises, for the abs, back, etc, to increase the deficit even further. This actually works. Of course, you are gonna try and get enough protein, every day. The digestion of protein, at least lean protein, requires fat. If you are going to eat carbs, then make it clean carbs. By “clean”,I mean carbs with no fat or very little fat in them. carbs are required for the digestion of protein, on a gram for gram basis. Stay hydrated. That is the only way your body can “get” to the fat and liquefy it. i don’t need to stress the value of low glycemic food to you, Tom. If you’re gonna make a sandwich, then try pumpernickel, Rye, or multigrain bread. Protein intake is a problem, for every lifter. this is where your whey protein shakes come in. It’s just about the only way to get enough protein into you on a daily basis. At night, it’s time for the casein type of protein. If you get up starving, this is the way to go. It will shut your hunger up, and you won’t gain weight from it. most of all , realize that if you do, say, a really blistering leg workout, then you ain’t gonna gain weight for a couple of days! And the caloric requirements after this sort of thing are astronomical… If you find yourself eating a few burgers after this sort of thing, don’t feel too bad LOL.
There is one quality that one must possess to win and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it. The desire to change has to be bigger than the desire to stay the same. No tricks, no gimmicks.
For me, consistency in adhering to my eating plan and workouts is key. Also, I must have some cardio every day.
Discipline, discipline, discipline … keeping a food diary, working out, be strong when everybody around you seems to eat goodies all the time. But in the end you are will reach your goal!
Though we are trying to transform physically, I beleive it’s a strong mental aspect – determination – that allows the a rapid transformation.
I think the biggest thing is your ‘why’. If you don’t have a good enough, strong enough, emotionally triggered why then you won’t stick to it. You have to something to connect with and drive you. It will push you when you need pushing and keep you motivated. But the key isn’t just the WHY, it’s reminding yourself over and over again why you want to get healthy, and it will keep you centered and focused!
Dedication is THE ONE element to making a rapid transformation. You may have the head knowledge, support, and training &eating plans, but without dedication, nothing will change. You have to keep going when you don’t want to, and if you fail for a meal or a day, be dedicated enough to get back up and keep fighting for your transformation
I feel the best way to find results is not education, determination but developing an enjoyment and a need to excel and challenage yourself phiscally to new levels. A desire to enjoy life and a belief that nutrition and exercise are the fountain of youth!!!
I am still a work in progress but I would think the biggest thing for a Rapid Body Composition change would be in a Change of Life style (Diet, excercise all rolled in to one)
A work in progress was suggesed. Perhaps a long process and more so now a burning desire to loose the last 10 lbs. Why a ‘burning’ desire? The big 50 is 6 months away and I have read that the weight I am then will likely be the weight I will continue to be. Back 6 years ago when my workout buddy and I shared the purchase of your “Burn the Fat” book I made a promise to myself to be healthy for me and to set an example for my two daughters. This was important to me but my # 1 Biggest Secret to Body Transformation was tracking what I ate. Having to write down everything I ate made it real for me. I dropped 25 lbs. I put some back on and am struggling with loosing that 10 lbs. I went on a vacation this which was quite physical and lost 6 lbs. Was thrilled for the added boost. However, since August, it’s like my body (more likely my mind) knew that I lost that weight and I have put it back on. So here I sit with the dreaded 10 lbs again. I am sure that I am not alone in my struggle of the last 10 lbs.
Staying on track with the plan.
I think the biggest key to making a rapid body composition transformation is ones’ mindset. If a person can visualize themselves attaining a goal and never lose sight of that goal they will attain it and keep it. Years ago I lost over 100 lbs. I visualized myself as a bodybuilder everyday. The habit of visualization was just like brushing my teeth everyday. It was a daily routine. Along with the visualization , I created my own workout routine which was inclusive of weight traing ,aerobic exercise and a very rigid diet regimen. Would You believe I went from a size 24 to a size 4 in a little over 2 years with hard work. I received many complements. Many people thought I was much younger than 42 years of age. I wish I could say that I was still a fit and firm size 4 , but something happened to make me lose sight of that goal. Through the course of struggling with a lot of serious issues in my life, I lost sight of my goal and my vision. Now I am struggling to get it all back. It’s not easy at 55 years of age, to get or keep in shape. But I am fighting for that vision of myself again, attaining my fitness goal and keeping it.
Well, I could start with something as motivational as…
Success is easy to find. It’s down the street from Discipline and around the corner from Consistency; OR
Consistency with Intensity brings Density; OR
Success is achieved from hard ass work over a long ass period of time;
But as motivational and inspirational these little snippets can be in terms of applying it to weight loss, the topic is about “getting ripped quick…like in 49 days…”
That being said, the commonality of the motivational snippets above all has something to do with a longer duration of time where you adhere to some regimented plan with consistency, and success comes over time. We just simply don’t have the time – 49 days is nothing, it’s half a season of your favorite TV show.
Since you have such a short period of time, you have no time for excuses and no time to kinda-sorta-like-maybe-attempt-to-lose-weight.
What I found out during my weight loss journey (and now my weight gaining journey) is I had to “pay my dues” and employ this “Outwork” mentality. It’s not going to be easy, and a lot of people think it’s their right to get extremely ripped or have that sexy beach body – Sorry, you have to simply earn it. I mention this because I was like that. I lifted weights in high school and college and was looking pretty good, but then grad school, post-doc, family, marriage and kids happened and I just took a long-hiatus from nutrition and exercise and every time I would restart a nutrition and exercise protocol, I would always think about how I used to look and how I deserved to look like that again. Well, sorry Charlie, it ain’t going to happen… I simply had to pay my dues and work hard, and in a competition such as a 49-day challenge or the longer 14-week challenge, you not only have to work hard, but OUTWORK the other people in the competition…
I believe this is the most important attribute needed to transform your body in a short period of time is you just simply have to OUTWORK…
You have to look at your nutritional habits, exercise habits, and how it’s all going to fit into your lifestyle and ask yourself:
Are you working harder than the next guy trying to lose weight during this challenge?
Are you working harder at adhering to your diet more so than the next guy?
Are you working harder than the next guy at balancing your healthier lifestyle and home life such that will improve your overall well-being?
…Simply, are you Outworking the next guy, Outworking yourself, and Outworking your goals – you know, like over-shooting your goals because I’ve heard that’s ok
This Outwork attitude is what is needed to be successful in transforming your body in 49 days. Not only that, it’s a great mentality to apply in all aspects of your life, work, career, and business.
Imagine this… You end up being the person first to wake up, make breakfast for the entire family, then you are the one coming into work early, finishing everything that you need to get done and more, you leave work a little later than everyone, you get home and prep and cook dinner for everyone, put the kids down, skip watching TV, head to the gym, put in back-breaking-like work at the gym, come home; all the while balancing all the other aspects of your life I simply didn’t mention, AND still have the drive to repeat it again tomorrow and the next day and the day after and the day after that… Then look at the next guy and ask yourself this, “Are you Outworking him?”
Hope this helps,
Thanks Ninh! when it comes to the COMPETITION side of this… “OUTWORK” works for me. See you in the inner circle my friend, keep pumpin!
Does this mean I won? j/k…
…but seriously, did I win…
j/k, or am I…hmmm….
I think it’s very important to set goals and stay focused. For the holiday challenge, I plan to put reminders of my goals everywhere (home, work, mobile devices) so that I always have my goal in the back of my mind and will make the right choices. Looking forward to getting started!
It’s pretty simple. BURN THE FAT AND FEED THE MUSCLE!!! It takes hard work and commitment but it can be done.
I have not yet accomplished my fat loss goal, but I believe the biggest secret to body transformation is to to have clearly defined goals and subtasks that detail the path to your goal. If you don’t know where you are going you’ll end up where you’ve always been, nowhere.
The biggest thing that I found is that the person has to want the change for him or her self. Then they have to make the changes in their lifestyle to help the desire to make the change a perminate process.
The number one key to RAPID body transformation is the unequivocal, no holds barred, complete and utter belief that you CAN and WILL do this. Belief that sustains through all sabotaging inner dialogue, negative family members,and well- meaning friends. Belief that says no matter how crazy others think you are, you know that you’ve got this and that they will see. Until then you are deaf to everything but positive people and things that will help you reach that goal, because you believe you can.
What’s The 1 Biggest Secret to RAPID Body Transformation?
The biggest thing to a rapid body transformation is “Love”.
I know your saying “What?!?!” I say this because of what I have read from others and what I have gone thru.
Most people say “I need to do this”, or “I have to do that”, but the reason we are doing a body transformation is becuase we love life. We love our family and children and what be be there for them. We love being off the medicine and just the all round great feeling everyday when you wakeup and workout.
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
For me it is knowledge and consistency. First off if you don’t know you are making poor diet choices, then how can you expect to choose more healthy foods to eat? Food reacts differently in each person. You cannot think oh well “so and so” ate this for lunch so that is what I will eat too. Keep a food journal and record how food makes you feel, then you can sit down and think about what foods are good for YOUR body. Read. Avoid foods with a shelf life, if you cannot pronounce an ingredient then it’s most likely not good for your body. “If you can grow it you can eat it, if you can butcher it you can eat it.”
As for consistency you do need a rest day, your body will tell you when to take it easy. It is your responsibility to work your body, not doing so will have it’s affects. Keep another journal for this too. You can see how many reps and sets you do, and push past the plateau. Mix up your routines and stay in the game!
Be an example of health for others if not for yourself.
I believe that ATTITUDE is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation.
It starts with Step 1 – setting your goals, continues with your daily workouts, weigh-ins, blogs, and even on the final day, if completing a challenge.
Your attitude will not only keep you on target but will encourage others to follow suit. Be positive when setting your goals and approach your workouts with an “I can and I will” mindset. Stay encouraged even with minor setbacks, use the setbacks as a challenge to do more the next day.
Before I can change my body, I must change my thoughts.
Eat much less.
The biggest secret to rapid body transformation for me is to have a goal and commit to it….heart and soul. Visualize the goal…what would it feel like and look like? You are the biggest obstacle so take your own doubts and weakness out of the occasion.
The biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is to believe in yourself! All the tools in the world are not going to work with achieving a goal unless you believe in yourself. That means you must also accept failure as a learning experience and not a end to all means. Once you have gain that confidence and self worth, not only will you reach your weight goal, but also any challenges you face because failure is our best teacher. Embrace and conquer!
Goal setting and visualizing the end results. Then commit yourself to to those goals and holding on to that vision you want.
Write down what you do everyday as it relates to your body, especially before eating. This behavior will give you awareness, particularly about your eating, which can be almost automatic. This behavior allows a pause in the usual behavioral chain and gives you the opportunity to “think again” about your food choice and the amount (serving size) you will actually eat. If you wait until later, which some people seem to want to do, as a reflection or analysis, YOU ALREADY ATE IT. Too late to change your mind, then.
The biggest key to making a rapid body composition transformation is ACCOUNTABILITY. Having someone to check in with or who’s going to ask you if you made it to the gym is key. This is an area where I have struggled. If I know that someone is meeting me at the gym, expecting me to follow through on “X”, it means that I have to do it!
The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program by Tom Venuto!
Consume enough calories , from Fats , Proteins , Carbohydrates , to maintain bodies needs and growth .
Physical weight training 3 times per week working on body as whole for growth and raise metabolism .
The one biggest “Key” I believe is Dedication to making that transformation and by experience, don’t rely just on what the scale is saying but training hard and following a good meal plan. What has worked for me to be able to see the change and to be able to have a faster than usual fat loss has been the ketogenic type diet plan. I like to call it “leans and greens”. Although lately I have fallen off the wagon so that’s why I believe the # 1 key to any results is dedication, because from experience I’ve seen the results.
Plan your work, work your plan.
A combination of Diet(eating clean) and exercise(Weight training and cardio.)
Belief in your heart and soul that you deserve a new “life” and that you possess the ability to make it happen.
The biggest key for rapid body transformation? Get your head in the right place. It’s 75% mental. That makes it the biggest part of the puzzle. Read chapter one of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle. Read it again. Do what it says. That’s the biggest key!
in case yer wondering…. didn’t forget about you (though it might seem that way, LOL) T.V.
The Biggest Secret to RAPID Body Transformation is a complete mental overhaul. When you change your way of thinking it helps to change the way you look at completing task. Things that you didn’t like to do become challenges for you to overcome.
Commitment. The final decision to get down to it and make it happen. Looks like you’ve got the fantastic way to do this!! I’m well on my way but assistance is ALWAYS good.
I think one biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is COMMITMENT TO A NEW HABIT: eating clean food; supplementing the diet with vitamins, amino acids, and minerals; exercise that includes cardio and weights; and keeping track of your diet and exercise program in some kind of log or journal.
I bought the book back in March of 2011 to prepare for my wedding. I successfully was able to lose 21 lbs of fat and gain 2 lbs of lean muscle mass by my wedding in July. I’ve since gained back 3 lbs of fat because I didn’t have a long term goal. My goal was a short term goal. I also didn’t share my plan with my family which made it tougher because no one knew what was involved to reach my goals.
So the most important part to transforming your body to me is having distinct, measurable written goals. Short term goals to keep up your motivation, long term goals to keep you on track and a lifestyle goal (how you picture yourself for the rest of your life).
I’m still a work in progress, and have a long way to go, but I believe persistence is the key to rapid body transformation.
I see no ONE secret. As a diabetic it has been necessary to eat regularly (with very little sugar and starch), sleep regularly, exercise regularly, and keep my mind and days filled with exciting projects. At 74 years of age I don’t aim for a rock hard body, but am in better condition than most men much younger. Still your ideas have helped me have better health. Keep up the good work.
What’s the 1 biggest secret to RAPID body transformation?
Even though I have never been able to fully achieve a full body transformation, I have been on the path toward a transformation but ventured of the path (got lazy).
The answer to this question is intensity. Doing workouts that are extremely intense instead of slow, repetitious workouts. If the workouts are intense then the body will be required to change in order to attempt to adapt.
I’d love to win!!
After struggling for years with being stuck at the stage of just having those last stubborn pounds to lose I finally got it dialed in. I went from 15% body fat at 155 lbs. to 5.6% at 151 lbs. I believe the most important factor in that transformation was mental toughness in staying dedicated to not eating just the right amount of calories but the right type of calories. Instead of just walking on the treadmill every day burning between 300-450 calories each time, I got strategic with intensity intervals and lactic acid training. Education is the second most important factor in altering your body composition. You have to know how each action (cardio, type of training, fasting, carb cycling, etc) affects you and which goals they work best with. You can be the most dedicated person on the planet to eating “right” and exercising but, if you aren’t training the right way for your goals and your nutrition isn’t specific to your body type and what you are trying to accomplish, you cannot succeed. If you do, it was by luck and you never really learned anything that would allow you to replicate the results.
Thank you so much Tom for your in depth explanations for your nutrition guidelines in both Burn the Fat and the Holy Grail. After you taught me about carb cycling I have become dedicated to learning as much about nutrition and training strategy as I can and apply it to my lifestyle. The results have been amazing and I feel that those books were two of the best investments in my health that I have ever made.
– Cody
I would say preparation.
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
I believe the number 1 biggest thing is a strong, emotion driven reason why you want to make changes. If your why is weak your results will be weak as well. You may make progress, but not as much as if you are emotionally driven.
I lost 16 pounds of fat, 10% body fat and gained 5 pounds of muscle with my first challenge (The 2010 Big Burn Summer Challenge). I have had some ups and downs along the way, but have managed to stay pretty much where I finished that challenge. I still have more I want to accomplish, but my why is the thing that has kept me from gaining it all back. Consistency is also a big factor, but the why is number one!
Commitment … if it’s going to be, it’s up to me!
Clean diet
I think it is an inside job…inside at a cellular level, what you put inside nutritionally, and what you put inside your mind…
I am definitely a work in progress however it seems to me from talking to others who successfully transformed their body, the number one secret is comitment to do it. Select a plan and not only commit to it, but adjust it to work for you and your body type and situation at the time. Your body and goals are unique, so should your nutrition and fitness plan.
I think the biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is by doing the math (like you always say, Tom): Whatever you put in, you have to work off – it is just that simple. Do you really need that extra piece of chocolate? And like you said the other day, it is 50% kitchen and 50% training, not just one of the two! Also interval training is key to a far greater weight loss and you keep burning the calories thoughout the day. And don’t be scared of big weights – they will not make you large, they will make you burn the fat and build the muscle! Eventually when you have developed enough muscle, your body literally becomes a machine that eats fat (I always think of a pucman machine). Make the time – we all can and focus and DO IT FOR YOU! Always try and keep your protein intake up. And GET A PERSONAL TRAINER!
Tom, my story is a success story. I have used your newsletters daily to inspire and motivate me throughout my transformation and I thank you for this. Unfortunately I only found you after I had already lost 11 kg’s so I could not join the programme as it was too late for the before picture.
In my first job in direct marketing, I was taught the following phrase: “Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, will inevitably come to fruition!” – by someone BRILLIANT.
In my 43 years on this planet, I have used this for everything I have achieved, be it building your dream home, building a business, building a Lodge, winning woman entrepreneur of the year, marrying the man of my dreams, having my 2 beautiful kids…… whatever – I have pictured it. The only thing that I could NOT picture was me getting back down to what I weighed when I was 21, especially after having my children (both had to be delivered by Ceasarian section) and gradually increasing in size year after year. I think I tried every diet I could and lost and gained, lost and gained….the story of my life! Not anymore!! I managed to get the picture in my mind.
Now I am down approx 14 kgs and over 100 cm. My body fat is super low and my trainer is entering me for Miss Bikini – 45 – 55 years age – next year.
I train 5 days a week (30 mins cardio and about 45 mins weight training), eat sensibly and healthily too and do what I want one day a week. I do however believe that if you really want to eat something, that is really bad, on another day – have it. Don’t kill yourself dreaming about it. Treat yourself and enjoy. You will just have to work a little harder the next day. Is it worth it? Think carefully and you will do what you are supposed too; or have less.
-Imagine the way you want to look and feel. Desire to look and feel that way. Then just do it!
-Believe in yourself – you can do anything! Anything is possible.
– Do it for YOU
– When you start seeing the results, you will be so motivated! Success is not attained in a single moment, you have to work hard to achieve any success.
– You cannot pick up weight if you burn more than you put in! But you have to keep the muscle percentage up.
Just start with DOING one good thing for your body a day – and build from there. It’s hard to break the catch22 but it can be done. Please start with 10 min. of activity a day and your body will want more!! That was the key for me.
The 1 biggest key to making RAPID body composition transformation is “BELIEVE” that you deserve the body that you want. If you think that this is the kind of thing that only happens to other people, it will never happen to you.
Right now I’m trying to program my mind that looking good is not futile or brainless, so I can change my beliefs and actually Believe that I can live with a head-turning body.
I think the one thing that will achieve rapid body recomposition is consistency. When I am consistent, I see results. As soon as I get off track and inconsistent, I gain weight and atrophy. I can’t seem to get to a point where I see enough results to keep me driven to be consistent.
When I graduated high school in 2008, I weighed very close to 300 pounds. I probably tipped the scale at over 300 pounds at some point. Then I realized that my nutritional habits were pathetic. I drank a ton of soda, like over 6 cans a day. I finally got the strength to stop that all together. That’s how it started for me, I took the measures and quit drinking soda-cold turkey, as well as cutting back on junk food a lot. I lost a fast 20 pounds right away, then I started doing a lot of cardio, at least 4-6 days a week for 30 minutes. Today, I weigh about 205 pounds and am still in the process of doing the holy grail body transformation as well as the 49 day Holiday Challenge. Even though I lost a lot of weight, I know that the work is still not over.
I believe the key is diet. Lately I have found the phrase “You can’t out-train a bad diet” to be so true.
I have been struggling with weight all my life. 2 and half years ago I started a new journey. I have lost 64 lbs. but then started struggling with keeping it off. I have been going to the gym for the last year and half 6-7 days a week. I discovered adding more protein into my diet and eliminating processed sugar and it is working. It is helping feed my muscle and burning fat. I am heading toward the most amazing body.
In my opinion the biggest “secret” to RAPID body transformation is consistency. Consistently eating the proper foods in consistent amounts, consistently throughout the day/week/month etc.
Consistently making time to work out with consistentl time to rest and recover.
If a person can make consistent progress they can succceed in all areas of life.
I am not totally new, but I have a new push for this time finding the lasting results. I am a diabetic that fell off the wagon of complete blood glucose control and gym workouts. Currently I’m 70 working on being 49 again and my age is usually guessed as mid to late 50’s. So, I have been around this block a few times. This time, failure or getting sloppy is not an option.
I really feel that the way to success is to never stop. Stopping allows all to fall apart and be worse than it was before. This time, I am struggling to find the foods that will sustain a workout and keep the bg numbers as low as they need be. This can be achieved and I am working out more with free weights and body movements than I am with machines.
So, I’d have to say, correct eating to get the nutrients that will benefit exercise and doing exercise that will actually work the muscles necessary to make them stronger. Not relying on the simplicity of hitting the gym and using a few machines, but actually working out. How I gauge a good workout is this… If my face is not read and my hair wet with sweat, I’m not working out. (not a necessary measurement for most people, but I am fair skinned and prone to sweating easily) When I do that, I walk out of the gym actually feeling much taller and a smile on my face. I know I did all I could.
So, with that said, my one biggest — Set realistic goals and when they are met, set another. Without a point to work towards, it is too easy to drift off your path and you can’t do it all at once.
Hi there. I am from Japan. Ken Slater’s wife! I think the best way to transform my body is to almost always cook my own food. This way I know exactly what is in it. I hardly ever use frozen food or instant packaged food. When I do eat that kind of stuff, I gain fat. When I eat my own food from scratch I lose fat or stay at my current percentage.
Thank you!
I have to say, without a doubt, that I see the biggest transformation when I track. Whatever I track is where I see the change. Be that tracking water intake, macros, and/or exercise. A written plan that I then execute gets the results EVERY time. When I go by ‘how it feels’, like I am eating clean and I feel like I’m on track . . I usually am not. Or I ‘feel’ like I’m working hard, but I’m not tracking my progress and making it a goal to see progress in a particular area. ..I will not see measurable progress. The plan works, you just gotta work the plan. It has worked for losing 115 lbs. and I’m using it to get to that next level! Take me there Tom!
I believe that the key to rapid body composition transformation is having an effective, simple, knowledge based & realistic plan. That’s the thing about BFFM it’s a real plan not a diet and when applied it works. Over the last few years due the multiple health issues I had the “opportunity” to learn a lot about the body and how it works. What I’ve learned is that most times we are working against our bodies and doing more harm than good. When you desire fast but long lasting change you must have fast and long lasting plan. I see committed people in the gym often 3 or more days a week but they are not happy with their results. I am no where close to where I want to be but also don’t want to waste time, effort and money. Most people lose interest when the results are inconsistent and take too long. When you have a good overall plan you can apply some of the plan while growing into the more challenging parts and see immediate results. Like the chart that Tom has that shows what he eats most of the time. I’ve started applying that and I feel so much better. Also, each morning if I am running late and don’t get a normal breakfast I quickly grab something that’s high in protein instead of a carbohydrate because I know more about how the body works and my individual needs. A good plan helps you make effective decisions without a lot of effort. Years ago I had a major hernia repair that covered almost my entire mid-section right after having a baby and gastric bypass. (Wow!!!! I know simply rediculous but true!) I lost so much muscle mass that I looked like a person wearing a fat suit for a movie. For a year I couldn’t life anything that weighed more a half gallon of milk. After surgery recovery I found myself in a terrible position. I had a lot of fat and no muscle. Not only did I look terrible I felt terrible. Since then I’ve learned how to eat and I’ve gained a lot of muscle without being able to do all the cardio. Because the increased knowledge I ate more consistent with the BFFM plan and I now a lot more muscle. I needed the muscle gain to simple live let alone lose the weight. I believe a knowledge based plan is what works because if I work the plan in its entirety I see the fast results, if I coast along in the plan I can still see quick benefits while maintaining past results. I look forward to holidays because I know what to choose even if don’t measure the portions. I am learning how to keep my body burning……
I think the key is diet; macronutrient balance and timing. I plunged into a transformation three years ago. I dropped from 195 to 170 and body fat went from 17.5% to 11% in just about 6 months. I was 47 years old. I had plenty of experience as a cardio athlete (bike racer primarily) and minimal strength training background. Still, I found the training aspect to come more naturally. The nutrition aspect required more study, more planning, more discipline and more care.
With an insane travel schedule the past two years, both my training and nutrition have slid; I’m back up near 180 with body fat percentage of 15%. I’ve been trying to make slow progress with a half-assed commitment and it’s getting me absolutely nowhere! If I’m going to get back where I set my goals previously; no more than 175 and 12% body fat, I am going to have to go all in. I’m 50 now, but I know that’s no excuse at all; it’s purely a matter of whether I’m committed or not.
The #1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is being committed to your program, not just interested in it. If you’re interested in your diet you attempt to make the right choices in he office break room. When you’re committed, you pack your meals for the next day the night before so you can get all 6 meals in while maintaining your nutrient ratios. When you’re interested in building muscle and stripping fat, you make vague plans to “work out”. When you are committed to changing the shape of your body, you get up an hour early to make sure you get that work out in. You don’t let yourself make excuses. In addition, you’re counting every rep, writing down every weight used, every calorie eaten… so at the end of the day you know what you put in, you can make adjustments to progress, and you can succeed! Don’t be interested, be committed. This is a lifestyle, not a phase.
I believe it’s a combination of resistance training, cardio and obviously keeping to a sensible diet, 5/6 days of week. This has to be done consistently and the work-outs need to be reviewed and amended regularly so that you consistently shake things up. It’s working for me!
I’m pretty sure I know what the biggest factor in determining your transformation success is, assuming you can keep to very broad factors and not sub-factors.
That factor is motivation.
There are many ways to get motivated – accountability, prizes, rankings, health, family, personal records, etc etc – but every individual has a different hierarchy of motivations and you can’t single out one category of motivation that is number one for everyone.
However, if you look at motivation as a whole then I think you can say that that is where it all begins for everyone. All the infinite strategies and details of how to get the job done are meaningless unless you are first moved to take the action.
Want to change your body composition? The most important factor is your nutrition. Exercise till you drop, but over eating will defeat it every time. Use an elimination diet. No wheat, dairy, sugar. Modify it suit your diet (vegan, vegetarian etc.) It works, I have done it.
I think taking L-arginine first thing in the morning before my workouts has helped me the most. I find that if I take it first thing it also helps me to stay committed to working out since why take it if I’m not going to get the results from it by working out.
Being “older”. I use the excuse that my body has lost the ability to ‘reform”. Loosing weight is a mystery to me because I can honestly say that I don’t know how my body would loose the fat. I believe the greatest part to rapid body transformation is in believing in myself.
The main key to rapid body composition transformation is all in the head. This past summer I made it a goal to enter and compete in an all natural bodybuilding competition. I had started this journey in late May and chose to compete in October. When I started my training I was at 24% bmi and weighed in at 265lbs. Come the day of competition I was 9.6% bmi and weighed in at 211lbs. I dedicate my results to my mental state and planning.
When it comes down to it, (I know for sure) weight loss can be an up hill struggle. Having a positive mental state throughout the process is key. I also believe that training (not working out) for some sort of competition, race, or whatever peaks your interest and telling everyone you know about it will keep you in check. Having that in the back of your mind will keep you from raiding your fridge in the middle of the night or saying no that slice of free pizza given at a work party. Its all mental. If you can see the finish line and have others as well and yourself constantly reminding your brain of what are you doing now to reach that goal. Nothing can stop you.
DIET! You CANNOT out train a bad diet.
You CANNOT exercise away the sugar and the bad fats.
When I stick to this principal, I am a lean, mean fighting machine.
That being said, right now, I am not following what I KNOW to be true.
I’m working out harder than ever but am eating very poorly.
The result? a 10 pound, 10 POUND! weight gain in 2 months.
I look and feel like crap.
Started a weight maintenance challenge here at work today.
To heck with the maintenance, I’m dropping these ugly pounds of lard!
I’ve made a transformation in the past – lost fat and build lean muscle, achieved my goal weight….but then I slipped again. Looking back, the single biggest secret is commitment – commitment to change and commitment to maintaining good habits. You have to be committed to going to the gym, even when you’d rather sit on the couch and have a beer. You have to be committed to good nutrition. You have to be committed to the better life that comes from better health.
I’d say that the biggest key to rapid weight loss is sticking to your plan. Too often people start something for a week, don’t see any progress, and change it up. They then try something different and after another week of little to no progress, give that up as well and go in a different direction. I think the key to rapid fat loss, and fat loss in general, is sticking to a plan/program and allowing it to work as it is intended to. I personally lost five pounds of fat, gained two pounds of muscle, and lost about 2.5% body fat in two months by being true to the system I adopted (SHAMELESS PLUG) which was heavily influenced by the principles taught in ‘Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle’. Had I continued to change it up because I wasn’t seeing the results fast enough, I have zero doubt I would have had minimal fat loss, if any, and be right where I started if not worse off.
Keep up the good work Tom, and for those out there who are on the fence, the man knows what he’s talking about. Give him a shot, be true to what he says, and stay dedicated to your plan, you WILL see results.
(Old fan.)
To achieve results we need to fix good objectives.
To reach objectives we need a plan. To design the plan we need to study cause and effect.
To comply with the plan we need discipline
to stick with the plan we need to learn about how we motivate ourselves (some need accountability, others don’t)
to know when to alter the plan we need flexibility.
… and we need to want the outcome big time.
It has to be aligned with our values system and have a star place on our priorities list.
Sorting out our priorities means sacrificing some of our present ones.
It also means taking a good, honest look at ourselves and our life because, ultimately, it’s our take on self-responsibility that will determine the success of all of the above.
Thanks for always being there with great info and motivation, Tom, even though I’m not (yet) a member of the Inner Circle!
COMMITMENT. It’s important our knowledge about nutrition and proper training, things that we can learn from books, experienced buddies, and great web sites like this, but the real key to success is COMMITMENT. Right now my wife and I will start our body transformation program. We do not want it rapid but life lasting.
OK, so I’ve read a bunch of posts on here and they all seem to echo the same patterns of goals, plans, motivation, knowledge, commitment, execution, consistency, accountability, belief etc etc blah blah blah. All somewhat obvious things we have read in articles and picked up along the way. Sure, each one is important in the process, but before any of that can take place, one fundamental thing must happen in your mind. You must figure out what your health is really worth to you.
So what is your health worth to you? How much money would it take to buy your health? If someone were to offer you a significant amount of money to sit on your couch, do no strenuous exercise or physical activity and eat the typical American junk food diet, would you do it? How much money would it take? Think about that for a minute. Because if you aren’t already actively involved in routine exercise, eating a healthy diet and genuinely conscious of your health and taking care of it, then something is already buying off your health. If you can figure out what that is, then you will have already gone a long way towards changing your life for the better. So ask yourself the question, “What is my health worth?” every day.
For me, (and I am still on my journey) what is working for my transformation is tracking. I made goals for myself and my body on how many grams of sugar, fat, carbs I would consume and how many grams of protein I would try to eat on a daily basis. This keeps me accountable and also lets me see where I cheat, and what time I crave those things so I can have a little protein during that point in my day to manage it. I have been working out 5 days a week doing 60 min. workouts, but I ate junk and fast food all the time. You can work out like crazy, but if you are not filling your tank like you need to be, its not going to get the desired transformation that your after. I really enjoy the emails I am sent. Thank you!
The Secret is just hard work and never backing down.
While it is true that committment and discipline are important factors, I believe the biggest secret is to be part of a support/social group of like minded people who can provide encouragement, advice and teaching tools you need to reach your goals. From my understanding this is what the Burn The Fat Inner Circle is all about.
I believe rapid body composition transformation begins with an inner transformation first. Our bodies are a reflection of what we bring to this life. Changing our bodies is to learn its rhythm, its motion, and our approach to diet and work. I truly believe that this approach expresses who we are and what we value. I’ve learned that goal setting and changing the values in our lives are the first and most important steps in transforming not only our bodies but who we are. There is something deeply humbling when we start out on a journey like this and its an awesome experience that creates an overwhelming sense of achievement. I can’t wait to start my own 49 day body transformation.
Motivation and dedication
The most important factor in achieving rapid body transformations is willpower/desire.
I successfully reduced body fat and increased muscle several years ago because I wanted it badly enough to overcome cravings and to resist eating unhealthy food.
I believe the most important factor in rapid body transformation is HIGH COMPLIANCE! Most people who are reading your blog have a reasonable understanding of what they need to do (operate at a calorie deficit) – they just don’t follow through. If they have your book, then they have all the information they need they simply must DO IT!
Well Tom, as the question is what is the ONE biggest secret to Rapid transformation is hardly a secret , as we all really know its WANTING really WANTING that transformation. You say,work hard and expect results,I say, work harder and get them because you WANT them. Really WANT them.
I believe that this secret is setting personal goals. Without goals you can just spin in circles and get nowhere.
I definitely have not arrived YET. I believe that the number one, biggest thing to making rapid body composition change is a MENTAL CHANGE. Where one decides that they are sick of where they are and that they are GOING to do the “whatever it takes” that they haven’t done to acheive the result they don’t currently have but have decided they definitely want. That is when one begins the research into what is effective then implements it, lives it, loves it and achieves their life-long success.
The One Biggest Thing for me, in my personal experience, has been making the iron clad commitment to myself that I am going to do this no matter what. No exceptions, no excuses, and it starts today.
I make a promise to myself. I give myself “My Word”, solemnly, that in the kitchen and in the gym I will not stray and I WILL stay the course.
Here’s the answer that this “work in progress” has not yet overcome, but I believe it is the key (based upon experiences of those who have been successful): Keep records. Record your goal, record your plan of what your nutrition and exercise needs to be, then record what you actually do so you can compare and correct to the ‘what is’ to the ‘what should be’.
Hi, Yes I’m guilty of lack of commitment etc. etc. but to quote Nike we should just ‘Go For It’. Plus lay off the cookies in my case!
The key is consistancy. It is not doing something once or twice. They key is what you do day in and day out, that is what your results will reflect.
We’ve been doing this for nearly 4 years.
Gone from typical flabby middle aged declining people to a trim fit energetic couple who are busy looking for their 8-packs and who turn heads of people half our age.
Along the way, we’ve made just about every mistake in the book from overeating to undereating to overtraining to undertraining.
In our opinion, the secret is to find what works for you, and then keep doing it, day in, day out, fine tuning it as you gain knowledge.
For us that’s get in there, lift heavy, eat right, take a recovery day, repeat. Simple – but it takes discipline. So there’s a part two: if you fall off the horse, get right back on again.
Mental transformation before physical transformation.
I think the biggest factor in transforming one’s body is commitment.
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
I believe the biggest key is resources. I am 49 and a single parent of 4 boys with an active lifestyle. However, I am pushing 30-35% body fat and have absolutely no resources to purchase such a “life changing program.” Once the removal of this obstacle, and the commitment in place in order to succeed, a little healthy competition certainly sweetens the pot!
I’m still a work in progress, not a success story, YET!! But I will be! After almost 3 year of being a yo yo I’m on track and already feel the difference. What do I believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation for me this time…..Well its been said “We are what we eat” so I’m feeding my mind the right stuff. Meaning I’m reading these blogs, I’m reading success stories, I’m posting things on my mirror, I’m keeping this in the forefront of my mind and I’m discarding things that might be negative from those around me. (and there’s a lot of negativity because since I’m not obese people don’t understand why I would want to do this.)
WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS, short, medium, and long term!
THe one biggest thing is to burn more calories than you take in, thereby accelerating your metabolism.
ENDURANCE! I can do well for about 4-5 weeks, and then I fall off the wagon. I usually begin to slip with my nutrition first, and then my workouts. I don’t remember being able to put together 7 or more weeks of consistent proper nutrition (negative calorie intake) with good strength workouts and adequate cardio. As I said, 4-5 weeks seems to be my wall.
Actually doing it.
Many people will say this or that, the ultimate thing that works is doing it. If you rely on other stuff to achieve it you may or may not achieve it but if you do it, then you’re 100% guaranteed to succeed. Getting in shape is simple, and we all know how to do it. People spend time overanalizing stuff and overcomplicating, but the reality is that everything is so complex that it makes it simple.
I think the one biggest key to making a RAPID Body Transformation is believing in yourself that you can truly do anything as long as you try. I never thought I could run a marathon, but I’ve ran two and finished both, and one when it was 89 degrees! The funny thing is if you never try something, you’ll never know if you can do it and more than likely you will be surprised as to what you are really capable of. It may not be easy, but you’ll never know unless you try. Great things don’t come easy, but anything worth having is worth working hard for!
I think I am in decent shape. I eat pretty well and lift weights and do cardio. However, the one thing that I really need to do to get to the next level and lose more fat is to be more strict in my diet. I know that I need to eat more protein and less carbs, but I just haven’t really wanted to do that until now. I need the help of this contest to get me started!
The #1 “secret” for physique transformation is absolutely simple (not easy, simple). You have to be willing to change your behavior patterns, something most people absolutely are not willing to endure. Knowledge is of no use without application.
I have done this in the past, and for me, i think positive mindset is key. If i continually STOP the negative thoughts telling me “I’m to busy, I will only fail”, etc. I can stay centered and focused on making good food choices, and increasing my workouts as my strength increases. I havent done this THIS time yet, but I know for me this has worked.
I believe the number one biggest secret to RAPID Body Transformation is mental preparedness. I say this from experience and from reading the transformation of others. I have learned that when my mind isn’t in “ready mode” i lack the “edge” to give that extra during my workouts, to be consistent with my nutrition and to feed off of the support from others.
Above everything else you need to be FOCUS, dial into getting the best results and the MIND being in READY MODE will get you there. So don’t wait until the day of the challenge to start, exercise the power of the mind now and in 49 days, the results will be equally amazing.
the biggest secret to rapid body transformation is discipline.
I got a copy of BFFM some time ago, and read it. I’ve been applying the concepts here and there, making small adjustments and lifestyle changes. However, I still have not taken the tiger by the tail and burned off the last 8-9 lbs of body fat to put me in that “Excellent” catagory of leaness (my dream for me).
Why? (when it really boils down to it)
Not sure what other people’s reaons are for not plunging ahead and making the changes necessary for success… for me, I sense fear is what is blocking me.
BFFM has all the right elements in place for success (I know, I’ve done the research.)So, for me, it is not the lack of knowledge.
What is needed.
Courage takes all those elements BFFM and puts the heart in it for success.
Just my opinion.
So, when I read the of the accomplishments, the how to and whys for each individual – I think “Wow, that really takes heart!” (courage).
All the information/top secreats on how to lose weight will not bring you long term successful weightloss without the one secret most of us do not want to hear, it is not a food you eat, how much water you drink, supplemeents you take, execercise routines and you can’t buy it. The top secret is a gift from yourself, only you can make it happen………….. A never-ending DESIRE to succeed, an all consumimg DESIRE that blocks out every temptation, distration, excuse, anything that will derail you on your mission to lose weght. A DESIRE that motivates you to make good choices hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year. A DESIRE so strong and everlasting the best choices for you become automatic, routine and you no longer struggle with the battle of weight loss becasue you breath in the sweetness of success, you feel success and you look successful. As long as you have a strong and convicting DESIRE to succeed at weight loss you will make it. You will use all the other “TOP” secrets to help you reach your goal, but without the driving conviction/DESIRE the other secrets to weight loss will not be enough.
commitment to exercise at least 3x week, low carb, high protein diet with weekly cheat days as bonus.
The biggest key to rapid body transformation has to do with discipline. Discipline means doing what you say you are going to do long after the mood as left you. Along with disclipline comes education – learning about what works and gets results from credible sources like BFFM and then doing it consistently. I am a pysychologist and educator, and actually did my dissertation on weight management, looking at obstacles to success and why individuals fail to keep to weight management programs. While most of the responses might suggest specific strategies, which I will be very interested in reading myself, none of them will work unless you work them. So, whatever other transformational keys you learn about, discipline – doing what you say you are going to do long after the mood has left you is key. Having tools to help you keep the discipline strong is also important. Remember for most of us, “Action Precedes Motivation.” Waiting for motivation doesn’t work, taking action brings motivation.
The biggest key is information. Read everything you can find about your situation and then adapt it for you-find out what others have done and then customize it to fit you.
As of today I have not achieved body transformation success but I believe accountability to your plan brings success. Both documentation and community accountability.
This would be my third challenge; I did one Winter Challenge and didn’t complete it for a mistake I’d made, and I did the last Summer Challenge with my husband and completed it well, so I thought, but didn’t win anything but more courage and determination. So here I am, considering this upcoming challenge…
I believe that the one thing above all else which matters is this: You have to want it more than anything else, for yourself.
Not for anyone else, although our kids and spouses and family and friends do mean the world to us. We want to live as long and as healthy as possible to be able to love and enjoy and take care of them too.
The other thing I believe now, going into this again is, eliminating everything that did NOT work…leaving what does work, and fine-tuning it, measuring everything…leaving nothing to chance.
I am a sporadic, creative-minded, spontaneous, right-brained person who doesn’t understand formulas, charts, measurements, and really, they bore me; lol. I have to find a creative way to make the changes I need to make this happen.
The answer is really simple. Diet and Excercise… in harmony. Achieving optimum results isn’t quite so simple. Its the opposite end of the spectrum actually, combining knowledge with mental and physical goal setting. 49 days is a fast, “palatable” euphoria against the “evils” that exist but full maintenance and continual tweaking after the glory days simply isn’t. How do you do the latter without becoming a “social leper”? Not easy. Requires continuous dilligence and a mental transformation. Old friends, colleagues, WILL NOT understand your new dedication. You need to first “come clean” and then sell them on your new commitments. Once that’s done then your own old habits WILL get in the way as well. You’ll just need to find ways to enjoy life without participating in your old “collective” standards. Used to getting together at your favorite restaurants, bars, and clubs… eating and supping large? If so then you’ll need to re-invent what happens there. DO NOT stop living!! If you do you’ll quickly regress, providing logical explanations to yourself in the process as to why this just can’t go on. Mental tenacity is far more difficult to adjust to than the physical! Truth is its an encompassing and expansive effort you’ll need for the long haul… well beyond the 49 day “charge”. That’s the easy part really. IMPORTANTLY, on a long haul perspective you’ll need to think of this as a challenge against evolution. Sorry to say but your body and brain have a “programmed” state of their own… and THEY ARE BOTH AGAINST YOU!! Back in the early days our ancestors were survivalists. Hunters and gathers. So don’t think 10,000 years of evolution is easily overcome. It’s not. It HASN’T caught up to present day. nor is it EVER going to in your lifetime. Your brain and body is still programmed to store food. Hence the fat syndrome that exists today. Look around and see how obesity has become so visible. Ease of “finding” food in “have” societies coupled with a high tech world where physical effort is minimalistic in terms of survival (thank our ability to create machines for this)makes a difference. Why do you think gyms and organized excercise were created? Wouldn’t make sense otherwise would it? Never needed in a survivalist state. Easy access to fast food adds exponentially to the dilemna. Ever wonder why the richest, fatty foods seem to taste so great? Blame evolution. Your body still thinks it needs to store for the lean times. When none exists, for those so fortunate, then you’re well on your way to getting your money’s worth in terms of material needed in the clothes you buy. Hardly a bargain when you “weigh” it against health and longevity though. Get fit, stay fit, and live for the long and healthy haul.
Answer to you question: what is the #1 biggest key to body composition transformation ~
Weight Training!!!!!
Unfortunately, I have hypothyroidism and am having great difficulty dropping the pounds. What works for my body is going to the gym daily for at least and hour and when you are exhausted, and work a full time job, it does not happen daily. I do as much as I can at home when I don’t go to the gym.
As you said,”I am a work in progress!” Unfortunately the progress seems to be rather slow. Nevertheless, I am committed to making a change. I am trying to improve my health as much as I can, and there are a few things that have helped. First, as Winston Churchill said, “Never Give Up!” My body doesn’t seem to want to lose the weight, but i can’t quit. Another help is getting my husband involved and having an exercise buddy. It is easier to keep going when you don’t want to let someone else down. Finally, I think what also helps is looking forward to what will be (realistically of course). I know I won’t be a model when I attain my weight goal since I am barely over 5 feet, but turning a few heads now and then would be great.
The number one biggest secret to a RAPID transformation is believing you can do it. Per Henry Ford´s “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” .
But that one great belief in yourself needs to be followed by a PLAN and ACTION where you walk the talk.
For me it is critical to be proud of myself and getting back in shape and healthy is my motivation to commit and reach the goal of remodeling my body before the end of 2011.
The biggest factor is you. I attempt to transform but fail to fully commit to process and therefore do not succeed because I must give it my full attention and effort. Until I succeed in this, I will not make the the transformation. Please help me be successful!! Thanks
Train hard!!!
I know it has been said many times already but I also believe the #1 thing to transformation success is COMMITMENT! Alot of people are dedicated to working out and that is good but there is a big difference between dedication and commitment (see my blog post @ http://jasonparkerspeaks.com/dedication-vs-commitment/). I was dedicated to my sport for 20 years but it wasn’t until I COMMITED that I was able to achieve my Olympic dream! The same goes for body transformation and anything in life.
While not an expert, yet, I would say replacing bad habits with good ones and sticking with it. Your can only transform yourself by changing your history of what you eat, exercising, and having a positive and dedicated mindset. In the end, the only person keeping you from changing is yourself.
I think the one biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is a constant week-by-week caloric deficit. In order to manage this, the individual must have a relentless motivation and commitment to avoid eating surpluses of foods. This can be quite a challenge, since we naturally resort to eating food when we are in a down mood.. Often times, when ones diet/weight loss stalls, they give up and continue on eating how they did prior to beginning their diet regimen. To quote the “burnthefat blog” “Prolonged hunger is one of the biggest reasons people fall off the weight loss diet wagon because it’s unpleasant and difficult to resist” https://www.burnthefatblog.com/archives/2009/04/calorie-restriction-for-life-extension-dr-oz-on-oprah.php
Also, having a good training partner to constantly push you to improve, helps.
Boy, I think for me, Its more than just motivation from others, its bigger, MUCH BIGGER. IT has to come from WITHIN DEEP INSIDE. You Nailed that when you said search deep inside for your answer! I have to get real mad at the situation I have put myself in. and Realize, NO MORE EXCUSES! Broke Both elbows, shoulder dislocation, and back knee injuries occurred, because of those other weak areas in my body. Wanting to cave on all fitness activities..
I guess in the past, I have not created enough pain(admitting to myself) about the situation I was in or the pain I have put other through who are around me, or gotten mad at myself enough to really say. OK I am going to get this DONE once and for all. MODIFIED Version, And go and put my injuries in the past, at go with GAME FACE ON! GAME FACE ON, THIS IS THE YEAR!
For me, the key to rapid transformation is DECIDING to do what you know. Most of us, especially anyone who has ready Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, KNOWS what to do. The key is in making a real, committed decision to do what it takes to put that knowledge into action. The kind of decision I’m talking about is not “maybe I’ll try it and see what happens”. A REAL decision means complete, 100% commitment…crossing the bridge and burning it down, so that there is absolutely no turning back. Putting yourself out there by telling the world about your commitment and leaving yourself no possibility of failure. Once you make that kind of REAL DECISION to take action and go after your dreams, nothing will be able to stand in your way.
Many things are important and essential, but I believe that if a person gets their weight training program together, the rest will follow. You start to feel stronger, you eat better because you feel better, you start tweaking your goals and a transformation starts to happen. People begin to comment on how good you look and that motivates you to take it further. It starts with weight training and the rest will happen!
After educating myself on what to do and how to do it, I believe the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation are the three A’s
Accountability -The Burn the Fat Inner Circle hold me accountable and motivates me.
Accomplishment -The results I accomplish weekly, help me forge on
Affinity -The support from countless members of the inner circle who have been where I am at, and who support you with an intrinsic desire to help.
Knowing what to do is one thing, Doing it is anohter. The three As have always helped me do it.
Let’s do this!!! together!!
I’d like to address the RAPID component:
Rapid body compoistion transformation requires extreme focus on the goal, commitment (putting your heart and soul into it), Sacrafice and a relentless adherence to your plan.
I have done many things to learn this. I even did a 22 week repathing Class just to help do this I have been on two Journeys. I am a Fire Walker An Arrow breaker and a Rebar bender all to learn how to control my Subconscious Mind If you master this you can do anything With both parts of your mind working together nothing is outside rhe realm of
of being able to do. I was able to do a 90 day juice fast because I would not let my subconscious mind interject doubt
The biggest key to fat loss success is FOCUS. You must stay focused. You can not take your eyes or your mind off of the goal. Until you have accomplished what yuo need to accomplish that must stay your priority. If anything else takes your focus away it is only a matter of time and you will fail.
Commitment. Being raised by a high school coach has taught me that consistency is the key, and that seems to be the theme of BFFM. Exercising regularly (especially cardio) and eating right, not just for a couple of weeks, but as a way of life. I love the BFFM emails and discussions. Keep up the great work!
I am in the process of my body transformation now! I have lost 30 lbs in 3 months and still want to lose another 15 and tone up. I have a goal to be in better shape at 40 than I was when I graduated high school and I am on the way! I have about ten months to achieve this goal. I have achieved my success through a combination of high intensity interval training about 4 days a week for 30 minutes and cleaning up the calories I put in my body. Example…less sugar, more protein and lots of fruits and veggies! I am ready to take this to the next level!!
Err… Me and burning the fat I have!
There are so many elements that are extremely important, like motivation, dedication, focus, proper nutrition, aerobic and resistance exercise, I think the most important may be SUPPORT. A group is better than just an individual supporter, especially one that can provide mentoring and accountability. I have never done a body transformation before, but I am entering the 2011 Holiday Challenge. I have already joined The Inner Circle to tap into the support that is available there, and really hope to find the kind of support that I need to transform this old. obese body into something that I can be proud of!
You have to be READY!!!! Mentally ready!!! You have to want it!!! Work hard, eat smart and be dedicated to do whatever it takes to TRANSFORM your body! Keep your goals in mind and DON’T STOP thinking about them!!! Don’t let ANYTHING get in your way!! Focus and dedication!!!
Following 5 steps I’m following all my entire live to reach my goals:
5)repeat from step 2 or 3 till goal is reached
i think the 1 biggest thing for total body transformation is persistance. :D
I am definitely a work in progress, but I have made transformations in the past. 3 pregnancies later and no further plans to have children, this will be my last transformation to regain my pre-pregnancy body one last time. However, my past efforts, successes, and failures were all based upon the presence or absence of one key component. I think the number one secret for me is BELIEF.
The belief in my ability to reach my goals.
The belief in my ability to follow and stick to the program I set to reach those goals.
The belief that I DESERVE a body that is lean and healthy.
The belief that dedication and consistency in my program WILL transform my body composition if I am patient and committed.
Having tried countless different programs over the years, I experienced the most impressive results when I first tried BFFM at the beginning of this year. Unfortunately, as life with a family and 3 young children got in the way, I lost the belief in my ability to stick to the program. As soon as this happened, I found myself making the wrong food choices more often and skipping workouts more frequently. As a result, I lost the belief that I deserved to reach my goals–I felt selfish saying no to things just so I could make sure I stayed on track with the program. As a result, the amazing changes in my body over the course of those months were eventually lost and I ended up right back where I started, maybe even worse!
Now that my husband is embarking on his own journey to transform my body, I realize that I deserve to do the same. It is always daunting to start a program when your goals seem so far away, but then I think about what my body might look like today if I just stuck with the program–THAT is motivation right there!
Long time reader – first time poster.
It is interesting reading everyone’s thoughts on what is the most important key in making a body composition change. I truely believe that everyone is correct and that there are no “wrong” answers.
I honestly believe that the biggest “key” is realizing that a change is required. Once this happens, all the other items that folks mentioned come into play. If there is not the reaization that you need to make a change, then it is hard to set goals, eat right and exercise. All great journeys start with a sigle step. I am hoping to take my first step today.
Hi Tom, Your question had my wheels spinning! I read your question shortly after you sent it out yesterday. I thought about it overnight and through this morning as I was driving to work. I was quick to throw a few ideas out there but as I reasoned them out in my mind, I changed my ideas several times. I had to think back to your BFFM book. If I had to choose only 1 (one) key component that would provide me rapid body transformation, I would say it is understanding how FOOD works with my body. Knowing what and how to feed my body is the match (key) to light my internal fire. Obviously proper exercise, commitment, having goals, desire, plan, accountability are all very important factors. However, it would do me no good to have all the steps I listed in place yet lack the understanding to get my internal “fat burning furnace” kicking. I think this is it! My final answer.
I forgot to mention the timing of eating the food…sheesh…can’t forget that!
I believe the biggest key to a rapid body composition change is to have a well structured easy to follow plan in place and a defined timeline!!
being accountable for your results to someone is a great motivator.
having read burn the fat feed the muscle helps a great deal because all the tools you need are well spelled out.
all that is required is constant action and effort.
I believe that the ONE key element of body transformation success is the correct mental attitude created with the correct motivation.
When we truly believe we can succeed,we can achieve some amazing results.
Thank you Tom.
“What’s The 1 Biggest Secret to RAPID Body Transformation? (Like, In 49 Days!)”
I believe is consistency and commitment. Be committed to be consistent. That I believe is the hardest part. We can’t be consistent for 2 days then not for a few days. It doesn’t work if we aren’t consistent.
Wow you are beautiful!
I hope your going to do the holiday challenge. I would love to team up with you.
I think it depends if you are more externally or internally motivated. For an internally motivated person, I think it’s giving yourself a goal so real and vivid you could almost shake its hand. For an externally motivated person, it needs to be a huge reason in the future, one that’s almost all they can think about.
Biggest key to weight loss – Get off your ass!
I am still a work in progress, but I think the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is being seriously committed to a specific goal. I set a goal to be in a bikini at 50 (and not embarrass myself) and I did it in 3 monnths. The combination of nutirtion, weights and cardio were the tools, but my desire to hit that goal was my driving force. Now, I am committing to 6-pack abs by 51!
The 1 Biggest Secret to Rapid Body Transformation is a consistent effort and constantly challenging one’s own limits, so changing the workout routine when required and the nutritional needs during the process.
This may sound corny but deciding to transform yourself out of self-love rather than hatred for what you look like or how you may have been living your life. Punishing yourself may be temporary motivation but its not going to last you through 49 days. That negative motivation only feeds into the all or nothing mental attitude which won’t get you far. Now that isnt to say that you can let yourself get away with anything or you shouldn’t have high expectation of yourself, but you should be nice to yourself through the process, you would be amazed how much self love can get you over the little humps, so that they dont turn into mountains. So be accountable with someone who love you too!But ultimately, its yourself you have to answer to each day.
I have trained hard for years and seen definite results. I have used various pre-, during and post-workout supplements, and seen definite results. But for me, the greatest (and most rapid) body transformation has been a result of getting serious about my DIET.
As soon as I started eating the correct balance of proteins, carbs and fats at EVERY meal, I started seeing more dramatic body transformation than ever before. In the past this was my greatest challenge. I enjoyed going to the gym, working out, etc., but monitoring what I ate and giving up certain foods was tough.
Until I started doing it. Then, when the changes starting happening (within just a few weeks!) and I realized I wasn’t really depriving myself of much, the passion caught up with the discipline, and now eating a properly balanced meal is MUCH easier.
No. 1 for me is to “Belive” it an you can achieve it. Anyone can diet and exercise but if you “Belive”, you can actually transform your body composition, having muscle in all the right places, you will put more effort in staying on track with your diet by eating food that will fuel your body. Instead of just giving a “ho hum” approach to your workout, you will give it your 100% best effort. You will see results and it’s all because you “Believed” that you and only you could do it. Nobody is going to do it for you!
I think the #1 key is kind of a two-parter: you have to plan and execute! More so than anything else. Yes, you have to be committed, and you have to have a goal, but to get to either of those you need a plan.
I started 3yrs ago with an easy plan, one done for me: just followed P90X and lost about 20lbs of weight, I believe mostly fat because I had some nice muscle at the completion. My first goal was to just finish that program, and I followed the program to the letter.
Now I set different goals with associated plans to keep motivated. I can say from experience I have set a few goals throughout the last couple of years which I sort of didn’t have a plan to achieve. I still had a workout plan, but not necessarily a plan on how to achieve my goal. I guess that’s why I think the planning part is so important. If my goal is rapid body transformation, I better have my plan SPOT on, and execute!
Hi Tom … I have a degree in kinesiology and a MS in biomechanics, but despite the technical knowledge of what and how to do it, I’ve been overweight pretty much my entire life. (At age 42, I’m 6’2″ and weigh 260 lbs.) Why? Because the ONE thing that’s always been lacking is the willingness to MAKE THE DECISION and just DO IT! Well, I’m excited to say, that ends now. Wish me luck, along with a heaping dose of determination.
Desire, education, applied knowledge, having a plan and executing that plan with commitment, consistency, motivation, focus, and accountability are all key pieces to success. However, If I were to to pick one thing, I would say having a social support network is the most important. Having that support available to you will help educate you, assist with your plan, apply the knowledge and, more importantly, is the key to keeping you committed, consistent, motivated, focused, and accountable.
My secret: Re-define normal. Become “ab” normal.
Identify things that you do on a daily basis and decide which things you can reasonably change or do different. Once you see progress with small successful changes you will be motivated to take a look at other daily activities you can modify.
I find the older I get, the more desire I have to be comfortable. So I challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone as comfort often hinders success.
I’m sure my co-workers think I’m abnormal. I do unusual things like get up at 5am to run in less than ideal weather conditions, I carry a little cooler to work every day with my daily supply of fruits and vegetables and even though I don’t have a weight problem, I regularly turn down food othhers offer me. Just a few years ago, I thought people who did those thing were weird, now I’m one of them.
i believe the biggest key to transformation is a dual factor: commitment and accountability.
if you are not committed in the first place, you already lost. and if you are not accountable to anyone (a group, a cause, YOURSELF), you are very likely to fall of the wagon. i know that’s my problem……. :O
I’d say hard work, or commitment. But the truth is you won’t have those things without self-belief. Body transformation, here I come!
The one biggest key to making a rapid body transformation is having the right training system, which includes diet and exercise to gain lean muscle and lose fat systematically. You have to have the knowledge to be successful or no amount of commitment will get you to your goals if your process is random.
Hi! I love this question because a rapid weight loss is something I have mastered in the past and it can make weight loss in the future so much harder (or it did for me). A rapid body composition change is what I aim for (loss won’t hurt either but that’s not as important if I look like a skinny fat person). I would say that work and action are what it takes. To make a fast change, you need to work out smartly and very often, and all while eating smartly. Protein usually helps me too because I can carry water weight like a pro. Also, please pick me! I want your book/info/everything. Best!
I like the simple word picture of the three-legged stool. This is like the old milking stool, with a simple round platform set upon three pegged and doweled legs. The reason it works so well as an analogy is that if anything — one leg or the top platform — is missing, the whole thing topples. And that’s how it is with rapid body transformation. The three legs are sleep, nutrition and exercise. It is that simple. No carb counting or split sets to figure out. The top, or platform, that holds the three legs in place is discipline.
Leg 1: Sleep — if you’re not getting enough rest your body will not respond positively. It is during rest that your body transforms, or responds to the stimuli of exercise and nutrition, rebuilding in new ways, restoring healthy, new stronger fibers in torn down muscles, and relieving your brain of stress, which also, by the way, relaxes your gut, and allows better digestion of the nutrients you are consuming.
Leg 2: Nutrition — notice I am not saying diet, but really, nutrition, thinking about the quality f what you eat, and what you are drinking as well, and the quantity. I have found that rapid transformation occurs with careful attention to eating only quality foods, real foods, whole foods, with a focus on muscle building proteins and simple vegetables, and plenty of fluids. And the less alcohol you consume, the faster the body will transform, as it will work on squeezing energy out of the real foods rather than burning the lighter-fluid-fast alcohol.
Leg 3: Exercise — this is one area where some detail might help, but any movement beyond normal daily activity can be transformational. I found strength training to be number one in transformation, then limited cardio, being sure to not stress my body and nervous system too much with extreme training. The emphasis on heavy weight in short sets is what makes the biggest pop, creating the transformation, though admittedly not necessarily a weight loss. But, that’s really your point, isn’t it?
The Top Platform: Discipline — this is the one piece that is often overlooked. It is the single most important and holds all else together. Get to bed early enough so you can be assured of the hours sleep you need, which for most adults will be at least 7 hours and some are now saying eight to nine may be optimal. Just try sleeping without an alarm for a few days in a row and you’ll find out how much sleep you need. But, it takes discipline to go to bed and get up, get to the gym at a regular time, figure out your meals so you don’t get sabotaged, and so on. Some people find keeping a journal helps focus and discipline. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it. If someone in your life cares about you, they will understand the need for discipline. And really, these last six weeks of the calendar year could be so much more enjoyable if you practice discipline in these three areas, the legs of the stool.
There you go! — Mark
You can achieve anything in life.
Decide what you want. Trust your gut. Commit yourself 100%.
Attack that first step.
moreover we need the four x factor that is the mindset,a healthy diet(the amazing carb cycle which turns the body into a fat burning machine),cardio and most important ,for not losing muscles,weight training.
Tom i am only fiftheen and i am following your footsteps.
Hey there! Well I haven’t yet succeeded in this area, but I think that the #1 thing is to have long term vision then you naturally get big short term results that stick. Weight loss is a short term vision thing in reality. Good body composition is a long term vision thing.
Hope I win! :-)
I am definitely still a work in progress, but I think the biggest key to Rapid Fat Loss is the right nutrient combination (appropriate fat/carb/protein ratios).
We all know there are really several keys things, but this one has turned out to be important for me. Now I need to DO it!
BFFM gave me the tools for body transformation. After buying the BFFM ebook and reading it through, I realized that not only is body transformation possible, it is enjoyable too. The main change I made was in my diet. We switched our family to healthy eating. We discuss it alot and are excited about it. We bake our own bread from wheat kernels that we grind at home, so it’s a fresh delicious complex carbohydrate. We all love it and it keeps us satiated. We also flake whole oat groats at home. We start eating early in the day and we eat fruits and veggies and healthy protein and fat at each meal. We don’t overeat, instead we eat smaller, more frequent meals, and we don’t eat the wrong foods. I, in particular, am much more satisfied now than before when I used to skip breakfast and increase my eating later in the day. I supplement the diet with some brisk walking and some pushups and situps. When I started I was 234 lbs and 34 percent fat on my tanita scale. I am currently 172 lbs and 18 percent on the scale. I lost approximately a “foot” in my waist size [I’m currently a 35″ waist]. I am 41 years old 5′ 10″ and I’m feeling better than I had in many years. I get complimented all the time on how good [and how young] I look. [Even though I am far from being ripped, I look healthy and lean, a massive change from before]. I’m currently rereading part of BFFM and looking to move on. People always ask me how I did it and I tell them the balanced way that I learnt from BFFM. Thank you Tom for your advice which is always smart and sensible. Keep up your good work.
success demands discipline. that may not sound earth shaking but it’s a critical component of the formula. without discipline and commitment, you have no chance for success.
I believe the biggest key to rapid body composition is motivation. You must be motivated to begin trying to shape your body, even before commitment can kick in. Motivation is what it takes to start any body composition changes and then it takes commitment to stick with it. Get motivated and then commited, and you will succeed!
Believing in yourself that you can do it. That’s the #1 biggest key.
MINDSET – Create a detailed mental picture in your mind of YOU and what YOU are going to look like when YOU reach YOUR goal. “Focus the mind, and the body will follow”.
Brad Chip
I have lost three inches around my waist and put on quite a bit of muscle on my arms, legs and chest – and I thank my new diet (e.g. oats in the morning, chicken during the day, and leafy greens in the evening)and secondly, using free weights rather than machines in the gym. Of course I have been guided all the way by your good self and your fantastic e-books. Thanks very much. My motivation comes from the fact that I had a very poor self-image, bordering on self-loathing, whereas I now have a more positive outlook and no longer feel ashamed of my body.
I think the most important secret to RAPID body Transformation is complete mental focus. The body usually does what the mind says. So you must make sure your mind is giving your body perfect instructions. You need to know what foods to eat, when, and how much. As well as how to break plateaus, build muscle, and recover. Envisioning yourself in your new body is also very important. And its very difficult to execute a plan in a room full of saboteurs. You must surround yourself with positive people who understand your goals and support you. They will help keep your mind on track towards success. Sounds a lot like the Burn the Fat Inner Circle huh? Boy I’d love a free membership!
I think that the biggest secret to rapid body transformation is HAVING THE RIGHT ATTITUDE! You can learn to eat well and learn to train hard. To get rapid results and meet any and all challenges, fears and unknowns head on, you need the right attitude. The attitude to trust you can do what it takes to get healthy and fit. (learning, training, discipline, consistency, planning, making wise choices)! You can get the tools and support you need from others, but without the attitude for success, it will always allude even the most well intentioned person..even myself at times. The correct attitude breeds rapid body transformations. As a Dietitian and Certified Personal Trainer, I see people use what I teach and get amazing results. I also see the very opposite in clients. Over the years, I have wrestled personally with where I have failed those that fall short of their marks. What I have found is that those who approach their goals with the attitude of success, even before we have ventured forward as a team, get the results, and FAST!
I think that the biggest secret to rapid body transformation is to never underestimate the power of your mind. Commitment, enthusiasm, motivation, planning ahead, having back up plans, picturing the goal vividly are all part of the mind and the power it has. Training hard and having nutritious meals come very easily because you’re focused.
As a fitness enthusiast as long as I can remember and currently being 53 years of age, I have many times got back into top shape after “relaxing” for a short time. However, I have found there is no 1 key or shortcut. Like a janitor with a belt full of keys to do his job, certainly 1 key would not gain him access to do what he needs to do, so it is with us; those wishing to get back or stay in top shape. Dieting alone is no more successful than exercising alone. And then we have the multitude of different dieting and workout concepts that seem to vary with the wind on any given day. As for me I have found that eating clean, eliminating what I call junk carbohydrates such as breads, or bagged or boxed food, and consuming only those carbs found in vegetables and fruit, which I also moderate, consume more meat; preferably chicken with limits on the red meat, and up my whey intake while limiting my overall calorie intake to around 2200 to 2500 a day is the first key. My second key is the workout I perform. I find I can still put on muscle depending on my training; it’s just harder than it used to be as the joints seem to take longer to get loose. I limit my training time to around ½ hour and then do an interval training cycle on the elliptical or bike for 18 minutes with a hard effort for 30 seconds every 2 minutes. Some call this the Peak 8 routine. I have found it very effective and less boring than maintaining a constant pace. I also am a big fan of isometric training. Isometrics do not tax the central nervous system and allows for frequent training and is a great adjunct to lifting. My third key is my supplements. My supplements primarily consist of anti-oxidants and misc. herbs for better overall health. The healthier I stay the harder I can train. So is there 1 key? Not if you don’t want to limit yourself and take advantage of the entire key ring that will open all the doors that will help you reach your goal.
For me its consistancy – I make sure Im in the gym at the same time 5 days a week…for me it’s 6.30am! Not the best time I know, but for me it works. Don’t have to go through a big fight with my inner man – “Am I going to the gym today?” I just go…same time, same place, best results!
Im 45 years old, 5ft 5in weigh 128 – 130 lbs. I have maintained my weight and clothes size since i was 16yrs old!!! Eat right, proteins,grains,fruits,veges for the most part. Cardio (kickboxing 1 hour class) 3 times a week and weight training 2 -3 times a week. Weekends i allow myself to eat whatever i want and i do fun activities like ride bikes with my 5yr old, ice skate, roller blade, etc. being strict during the week is not so bad when you know the weekend is comming!!!
I believe the secret is not seeing your transformation as a quick-fix or short-term goal, but rather treating it as a LIFESTYLE. It’s about always challenging yourself more, pushing harder, and wanting more than what you’ve already achieved. Whenever people ask me how long I’m going to be on a diet for, I simply smile and say I’m not on a diet, this is just the way I live. In order to keep transforming your body – regardless of what you have already achieved, you have to keep pushing harder, sweating more blood and seeing no end to your effort. This means you have to treat your health, fitness and nutrition as a way of life.
Well, I guess a lot of people know what it takes to lose body fat, gain or at least keep muscles, eat healthy and nutritious and so on. But the hard part is to take the knowledge into action! I tried a few things to get better strength and endurance. (Step) aerobic, spinning, running for endurance and basic weight training in the gym for strength. But after a while they all turned boring and I stopped going regularly. Mostly that was a short time before one could see/feel the effect. Only in my exchange year in sweden 2 years ago, I found out how exercise can be annoying/exhausting but at the same time enjoying it. I had to cycle a few kilometres to university every day, part of it up a small hill. In winter there were 3 months of thick snow, making the cycle tour a challenge, especially at -25°C. But I did it, 5 days a week, and I felt really good that time! Plus, I went regularly to the gym with a varied schedule for muscle training. Sometimes visiting hot iron classes or pilates, sometimes training on my own with the weights. That was so great that back at home I immediately went to get a fitness club membership. A slight muscle ache became a little addictive…
Since then I had a much better feeling of what my body needed (nutrition), without thinking much about what I ate, my diet became balanced! I eat less sugar and can tell, if my body needs energy (carbhydrates like pasta, rice etc.) or proteins and minerals (meat/fish and vegetables). My sugar intake is mostly in form of fruit and sometimes chocolate. Sorry, I cannot go without, especially when I am stressed ;)
Result: I haven`t stood on a scale for months, I did not have to say to myself: “NO, don’t eat that now, otherwise you’ll get fat!” but all my clothes still fit perfectly and I like my image in the mirror more and more! The daily cycle ride to university (no hills at home, but still 4km) is my start into the day and without it, I feel tired all day!
The biggest secret to rapid body transformation for me?
1. A decision. Not a ‘try’ but an ironclad THIS WILL BE DONE.
2. Knowledge. BFFM and IC support!
3. Action. Follow the plan, make no excuses and just do it.
4. Commitment. STICK to the plan, commit to changing your lifestyle.
5. Patience. IF you are being true to your plan, the results will follow. Listen to the feedback loop!
Those are the five things that have changed my life. I wouldn’t go back to how I was before for any amount of money!
There was a turning point for me when suddenly, I was simply sick and tired of being fat and lethargic. It was a DECISION to change things in my life. I quickly learned it had to be a lifestyle, not a ‘diet’ that you go off of.
BFFM was instrumental in my changes. I lost 25 lbs and about 14% BF and have kept that off for 18 months now. This is how:
I changed the way I look at food.
Food is fuel, it has a job to do and if I want to maintain my now pretty awesome body :) I have to fuel it properly. Frankly, nothing tastes as good as lean and fit feel! That doesn’t mean I don’t ever have a cookie, but I make the cookie and I know what’s in it. No fast food, no processed junk food, just clean eating. There are healthy ways to make very nearly everything, and I’ve adapted that into my life. I now crave the good, clean foods and don’t want any crap. I still have my glass of wine, but it’s planned for and once a week or two, not every night. :)
You can do anything you decide to do. You just have to believe, set a course of action and refuse to let anything or anyone, derail you.
It is SO worth it!
I’ve gone through rapid weight loss and even have had my hand in rapid body composition transformation and every time I begin another phase where I seriously or not so seriously begin tackling the challenge, I found that whenever I had or didn’t have one thing in my mind pushing me on dictated whether I would preform well or not. I may not be able to explain it as well as I want but I sure will try.
When I first began to loss weight I took very minor steps to a much larger goal. Two years down the road of small changes I had lost some weight but I continuously found myself relapsing or becoming stagnant. One day, I decided, enough is enough. I needed change and I was going to have it. When I first said to myself, seriously mind you, that I was done with the way I was and wanted a new me standing in front of that mirror, I began a serious of changes that would put me in a position where I could not fail.
So, what I’m saying is that one key element that I believe one person needs in order to have success with rapid body composition transformation, or you could seriously apply this to anything you choose, you have to see yourself as you are right then, accept it and then have enough desire to change yourself where you automatically, through the power of your self-conscious, begin a series of changes in your own life that make it difficult for you to not change.
I believe the power of your self-conscious is a lot more abundant and accessible than people imagine. Everyday millions of activities we do orchestrated beautifully by our self-conscious mind. Tap into that power and any and everything you want is yours for the taking.
Thank you for your time,
The biggest secret I believe to a RAPID body Transformation.. Is to not only excercise BUT to remeber to FEED your body while you are sculpting and building your muscles. Alot of people think they have to almost quit eatting to do a rapid tramsformation.. starving your self never gets you any wheres but losing muscle and low blood sugar. Feed your body good clean food every couple of hours. and work out .. be consitant and in the end you will acheive!
Id love to win this! Then Id sign up to do the transformation
Other wise I need to just buy the book !! Good luck All.
I think the number one key is to have a plan. Sticking to your plan 100% can be difficult, but if you don’t have a plan at all, you won’t get anywhere at all. The plan includes goals, what you plan to eat and what exercise you plan to do. When I want to lose fat I tighten up my plan with details and for maintenance I just stick to some basic guidelines.
The key to rapid weight loss for a 49 day transformation is the mental mind set. You can have all of the other pieces in place, the best exercise program, the best nutritional plan, the best group of friends, family and co-workers behind you, but if YOU don’t believe you can do it up front. If YOU can’t get the negative thinking behind you, the same negative thinking that got you into the fat gaining stage in the first place, then the very best of plans will be subconsciously sabotaged. Your mind will work hard to undermine your efforts if you haven’t trained it to believe that you can do it. A mental mind set programmed for positive results is the BIGGEST key to this puzzle.
I think one of the most important things to seeing results is focusing on being healthy, not looking good. I realize that when I am focused on how good I am or not looking, it discourages me, and prevents me from training my hardest, but when I am focused on being my best, and healthiest version of ME, I feel motivated and excited.
Hello. I am starting this seriously after two years of starting and stopping.
What is working for me this year is putting this transformation FIRST.
For example, I am now in Vegas for a week of work and meetings. For the first time of the many I have been here I ordered fish, no oil, for dinner, endured ridicule from co-workers, went to bed early and got up to workout cardio and strength. So, it is FIRST, then work, then fun. Now I feel like I OWN it, after 41 years of just reacting to everything, now I am making it happen! Kristin
*It fuels your action.
*It fuels your consistency.
*It fuels deep seeded desire to be successful.
*It propels you to finish your goals etc.
*It makes the difference between enjoying & enduring something.
*It is the one reason to keep going & trying new things.
*It is “WHAT” drives you to behave a certain way or take action.
*It is “WHY” you desire something, not what you desire but why you desire it.
I believe the 1 thing to reducing body fat and keeping or gaining muscle is discipline/consistency in how one fuels their furnace (body) combined with consistency in workout and cardio.
I am a work in progress! Although I have been slowly but consistently gaining muscle in the last few years, I have not been totally successful in maintaining leanness once I’ve achieved a certain level. I’m not talking about a “stage-ready” physique, but one not too far off from that – like within 10 lbs of being stage-ready.
What I’ve discovered during my quest for a better body is that my eating is the only thing I’m not consistent with. Since joining a gym 4 yrs ago, I have never given up on weight-lifting 3 x’s per week and 5-6 days of cardio (not counting illness/vacation/injuries). I am the proof of the old addage “80% diet, 20% workouts.” I do not allow my sex or age be an excuse for poor performance in the gym!
*It fuels your action.
*It fuels your consistency.
*It fuels deep seeded desire to be successful.
*It propels you to finish your goals etc.
*It makes the difference between enjoying & enduring something.
*It is the one reason to keep going & trying new things.
*It is “WHAT” drives you to behave a certain way or take action.
*It is “WHY” you desire something, not what you desire but why you desire it.
*Even w/the perfect plan/technique, w/o motivation..it all falls apart!
After many years of starting and stopping weight loss programs, I have to admit that several things crossed my mind after reading this question. I thought of the obvious changes needed to the mindset, eating habits, and exercise routine. I also thought of the dedication and determination needed to follow through with a program. But once the determination is in order and you’re ready to make a body transformation, you must seek guidance. And that guidance can be found In BFFM on pages 65-69. Therefore, my 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition is to follow the 10-step BFFM checklist and adjust each week depending on my results.
[sorry, had to correct some errors from my original post]
After many years of starting and stopping weight loss programs, I have to admit that several things crossed my mind after reading this question. I thought of the obvious changes needed to the mindset, eating habits, and exercise routine. I also thought of the dedication and determination needed to follow through with a program. But once the determination is in order and you’re ready to make that transformation, you must seek guidance. And that guidance, for me, can be found in the BFFM on pages 65-69. Therefore, my 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is to follow the 10-step BFFM checklist and adjust it each week depending on my results.
The ONE biggest thing – a plan and research before (everything here on BTF)!
By enhancing body metabolic rate(BMR) a person can achieve his body composition transformation.
Visualization. Visualize it already happened many times a day.
Write down how you want to look like in 49 days from now, with specific details in a positive way and read it many times a day.
Arnold once said – “The mind is really so incredible. Before I won my first Mr. Universe title, I walked around the tournament like I owned it. I had won it so many times in my mind, the title was already mine. Then when I moved on to the movies I used the same technique. I visualized daily being a successful actor and earning big money.”
Of course this will surely work for you too. And whenever you feel you are losing, watch this video – http://youtu.be/cM5A1K6TxxM
I think visualization/mindset is key. For the best gains, that’s coupled up with right info/research. Together you can change the way you eat and maintain your commitment and energy to workout.
I KNOW the secret and that is to be organized! Get yourself a journal and write down your little aims for short term and big dreams for long term. Put them on the front where you can see them all the time. Plan your meals and buy the food you will need to get you through the challenge and fill your fridge and cupboards with everything you CAN eat on the challenge. Make no excuses and do not explain your actions to your friends and family..just get on with it!!!!
I have not done this body transformation but I have rid myself of 60.6 lb. The you have to move past the excuses and fears. You have to learn a new lifestyle and stick to it. Results don’t come in a magic pill, nor does fat melt off you body in the middle of the night. So, I’d have to say the biggest secret is a new mindset/LIFESTYLE CHANGE! I’m not talking about will power BUT a bucket of tools and support you take with you!
MOTIVATION! Many things can create that motivation needed to succeed, the trick is to find what motivates you to kick the tires and light the fires.
After that, all the needed ingredients fall into place. Dedication, determination, consistent, change your life style, support etc.
A low fat but very high protein breakfast (30 grams) within 30 minutes from waking up. Sets you for the day
I’m still a “work in progress, not a success story, YET, but I think the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is to change your mindset to a new permanent lifestyle, which includes 100% nutrition and 100% strength training to successfully build lean muscle which will result in permanent fat loss. To do all this successfully, you’ll have to keep track of both eating and exercising on a daily basis to keep yourself motivated as well as ongoing improvement!
Consistency and sticking to the plan
As far as I’m concerned, the #1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is your mindset. Having your mindset in order will give you great focus on your goals, as well as both the strength and commitment to stick to them, seeing them through to completion.
No matter how good a nutrition or training plan is, without the right mindset you’re more likely to fail. Often time’s people blame the programs but if they took a good hard look, they’ll see that they were the reason for their own demise.
I’ve successfully completed a rapid body transformation in the past, only to find myself today in the worst shape of my life. I know what needs to be done, I have the nutritional and training tools in order to be successful, but am struggling with getting my head right. When I was successful in the past, it was 100% due to the fact that my commitment didn’t waiver, resulting from my mindset being in the right place, ensuring that my internal compass was steadfast towards my goals.
Good luck everyone!
I try to eat spinach every day, the number 1 superfood!!! At least once in the AM and sometimes in the afternoon. For breakfast, I scramble it with egg whites. For afternoon, I will have a salad or use it as a wrap.
im a personal trainer and for years i thought work out really hard and eat sensibliy and everything will fit into place, but after reading the burn the fat, feed the muscle i realised i need to eat specific food and train in a perticular way to get the figure and fitness i wanted. most people starve themselves and think thats it, ill get skinny, when really you need to eat small and often and with the right ballance of carbs, protine and fats.
Planning. Nutrition, workouts, sabotage avoidance strategies, all need planning. Failing to plan is planning to fail!
You have to set goals, develop a plan in support of these goals and measure your progress. When you have 49 days to totally transform your body…you cant just wing it!
What gets measured…gets done!!
what i was tring to say is, is its all about balance, food, training, work and life.
I know Tom would agree with me when I say “There is No ONE Secret” to body transformation. The right information people need is available in one form or another and with some time can be gathered and consumed to build the appropriate knowledge base. Knowledge is nothing, however, without action, and action is what holds most people up from reaching their potential. I know that without “A Reason” for wanting change, your goal will remain just a goal and will not be acted upon. You must find A Reason you want to accomplish your goal, A Reason you Must accomplish your goal, A Reason why you would make any and every sacrifice necessary to succeed when every stimulus around you is telling you to stop. Find A Reason and anything is possible. Find A Reason and you will succeed.
What’s Your Reason?
The biggest secret to RAPID body transformation is perseverance. To rapidly transform your body you’re going to have to make sacrifices — sleep, bad-for-you foods, tough daily workouts — and you’ve got to persevere! You have to be able to be at a party and not drink a beer or have a slice of cake, you have to be able to roll out of bed when the alarm rings, you have to do one more squat or curl than you think you can. It ain’t easy – you’ve got to want it bad – you’ll hurt, you’ll cry, you’ll whine, you’ll feel sorry for yourself, but YOU MUST PERSEVERE!!!
The biggest secret for me is a change in mindset…about what I eat. when I see food that I used to eat I tell myself that “I don’t eat that anymore”…instead I can have ….and then I think of all the good nutritious food that I can eat. Now I can make lots of great things to eat that are not bad for my body or my weight loss goals. It is all in the way I see food now.
Forward planning is the key to body composition transformation. Decide in advance what exactly you need to do and then do it – stick to it if you are seeing results change it immediately if you aren’t liking what you see. Plan, monitor and improve 3 simple steps!
Q: What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
A: Putting proven & effective knowledge (e.g., Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle; The Holy Grail) into motivated, dedicated & consistent action.
I am new to the whole body composition transformation process, but I think the most important key is knowledge. You have to know your body and what works for your paticular type and what doesn’t. Motivation and proper thinking are important but if wasted on something that won’t transform your body it is wasted effort.
the biggest number 1 key to rapid body transformation is to set a clear goal, of what you want. and be consistent in achieving that goal
Id like to tell you a little story before I go into the question of “what I believe is the number one key factor in rapid body composition transformation.
Im 42 and had five children in five years,with each child I heaped on 56 lbs of fat.I worked so hard to lose this fat only to pile it on for the next pregnancy….but I never gave up!
Diets,exercise,weights,running……sounds great,I got most of the weight off and after the London,New york,Berlin and Dublin marathons(with countless half marathons and 10k in between)I was nearly back to my normal weight!
So what was the problem?
My weight was dropping,I was very fit,I was on a diet,exercising!……..but I was still flabby….skinny fat.
So my point is… I knew I had the desire,the work ethic and the ability but after 10 years of doing all this I NEVER got the desired fit toned shape I wanted.
To me the key factor in body transformation is knowing what you are doing,having the proper knowledge,,advise and information….I was on a diet,but not the right one,I ran a marathon but increased what I ate and didnt lose the remaining weight that needed to go.I concentrated on running and dropped the weights or vise a versa……and why… because I didnt have the knowledge, and was following advise from all sorts of people.
In september I took a big step , with my five children aged 6,7,8,9,10 I moved from Ireland to France (so my children could speak french).The hardest part for me was that I had to leave my husband working in Ireland to support us and I cant speak french!!
.By following sound advice from Tom and another great mentor Brian Treacy I hope to return home to Ireland next September with 5 bilingual kids and the body I have been wanting for for the last 12 years.
I believe the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is to design your diet around your training I.e. plan your carbs for the morning, before and after training and none on an evening if you’re not training. Sticking to this as well as having your protein all throughout the day (most importantly after any weights/cardio) is to me the most imporant key to this question.
Hi Tom
I am still a newbie at this, but if I put my mind in working, I think the 1 biggest key to RAPID body composition and transformation is the DESIRE TO BE A WINNER IN YOUR COMPETITION by buying your BFFM programme and 100% following your advice and programme, because you already went through all the trouble and have the TRUTHFUL experience in helping others to reach the same goals that you did!
I really hope to be a winner to show the world out there the REALITY AND POSSIBILITY OF transform a 50-year old body.
consistently keeping track of ALL food and exercise and body composition data
(considering i find twitter too expansive this will be tough for me)
The biggest secret to rapid body transformation is solid nutrition that promotes maximum fat loss and muscle building at the same time.
Clear, measurable, positively emotionally-charged goal setting.
For me the one biggest key to body transformation is dedication in training. I found that if you just note down your goals and stick to them everything else will fall into place. Once your into that training mode its plain sailing, you look great and most of all you FEEL great, you wont want to miss a session. Then all you need is a good soundtrack for the gym lol.
I believe the 1 biggest key to making a rapid body composition transformation is PERSISTENCE. Many people attack body fat by changing their diet or by exercising more. I believe having the persistence to stick with it when it gets difficult is what causes the most rapid change. There is a wall out there that we all hit for different reasons and at different times during our transformations. Persistence is what carries you through when the largest obstacles stand in the way.
Belief/Faith in the system.
I have found those who absolutely believe in what they are doing 100% will always have better results than those who don’t. I dont think science can prove why, however it’s very similar to the impact that having a positive attitue towards cancer can promote recovery.
Two few potential reasons:
1. Less stress when you have faith.
2. More likely to stick to program exactly.
Tracking so that I can understand how my body is responding to my efforts is critical. I had been trying a diet but it was slow and stalled out – until I started tracking calories. The diet had me paying attention to protein and carbohydrate levels as well as body fat changes but not overall caloric intake. Not too exciting but it has gotten me back onto a rapid transformation.
Dedication to the task, without any doubt
Hey Tom and Everyone:
First of all, thank you TOM VENUTO for changing my life.
I think I AM a success story, but I’ll leave that story aside to answer this.
This question is a hard one, but my #1 biggest secret to RAPID body transformation is:
* Follow the best personal trainers, body builders and nutritionists on Twitter for motivation, training and nutrition tips. Check it every morning between breakfast and your training session.
* Download a food log application to track your calories on the go, or better yet plan your weekly menu.
* Download a timer or stopwatch application to time your resting intervals between sets.
* Keep an Excel worksheet in your phone to log your training routine and improve every week.
* Keep the “BURN THE FAT, FEED THE MUSCLE” e-book in your iPhone, so you can go back to it whenever you want to.
This is how I stay motivated throughout the whole year, I have learned to eat clean and right, Improved my training session times and loads and keep my calories in check all the time.
Maybe most of you are already doing this, but if not, DO IT and do everything it takes. Use your cell phone to transform.
My wife and I were talking about this yesterday. Most of the things that you need have been mentioned above, but we thought that
Accountability — This goes a long way towards eliminating the excuses, which is huge.
Planning — This is essential to sticking to any program. Without proper planning and preparation, which is a direct result of planning, it is much more difficult.
Support — We all have moments where we don’t feel like we’re getting anywhere, or we plateau at points throughout the process. It’s times like these that often make people quit. Having a support base can keep us on the straight narrow.
There are also a lot of other great things, but always keep in mind that you are what you eat. If you put it in your mouth, it will affect your body, positively or negatively.
For me, the biggest thing for weight loss is what’s going on in my head coupled with nutrition,exercise and hydration. At any given time I can have 2-3 of these working but if all four components aren’t working together I don’t have success. I include support as part of what’s going on in my head as well.
Hi Tom,
I think the answer is clear. There is NO “1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation”.
The reason the BTFFTM is such a successful program is because it combines all the key ingredients to improving your body composition.
I am embarking on my second 49 day challenge…and I am convinced it is the combination of a controlled complex carb, high protein diet; a structured and controlled resistance training program, and the right amount of high intensity cardio that is the key to success.
Of course all of this has to underpinned by mental toughness and determination, so if I was pushed for 1 key ingredient, I would have to say determination to suceed, for without this there is no chance.
I would like to participate in the giveaway
Number one is the right motivation!
It`s like about other things in life. We have a choise and we choose what`s it`s important for us!
If You know why you doing this!? If you doing it for Yourself – You are on the right track!
I`m 31 year old now and I loved fitness since early teens. I always loved to train and was in good shape most of my life! But never got my dream body.
Finaly now – I realy believe, that I can do it! I think it`s beautiful and I love beauty. By doing this I want to send the mesage to the World, that strong and healthy girls are beautiful!!!
This is important for me, that`s why I make time for this.I`m seaching and still learning how to do it in smart way.
I`m excited and looking forward to see changes and results in my body!
Best regards! Sincerly, J.
I’m only a work in progress…but I’m thinking the key lies in “embracing the adventure”. Instead of seeing it is hard or impossible or feeling like a loser for not reaching my goals quick enough or messing up along the way….taking on the attitude of going on an adventure that will change my body and change my life. That includes embracing new experiences along the way – maybe new kinds of exercise…or new experiences. For example I recently rode a ton of rollercoasters at a theme park…first time in my life (was 32 then) and screamed my lungs out but it was one of the most exhilirating things I have done. And I am usually a major scardy cat. But I decided to embrace the fear and take a risk and I discovered something about myself, that I loved it! That there is this fun adventurous person inside me who has not really been living or embracing life. So instead of focusing on how hard this is, and how I’ve never been a sporty person or an exercise type person and how I feel like a fish out of water- I’m getting a new hunger to embrace the adventure, not just of changing my body but the adventures of life that I have been holding myself back from.
The #1 key to rapid body composition transformation is to burn fat while maintaining or increasing muscle mass (lean body mass.
This is done through eating 5 to 6 meals on a clean diet focussed on balanced protein, carb and fat ratios. Using cardio to burn off the fat and strength training to increase lean body mass as it uses more calories to maintain itself than fat, so you kick start your metabolism.
Devlop a good plan, follow it, take feedback and change it if your are not getting the results. Consistancy, consistancy, consistancy and never give up!!!!
ok, so a few more than 1 thing, but its all important.
#1 Biggest secret…CONSISTENCY!
I can have made a decision, I can have my goals, I can have made plans and carried them out, I can have all the supportive people around me, I can want it very badly, I can be taking positive action, but when I am tired and worn out, all that will go out the window unless I keep it top of mind. There are reminders all around me that this is my goal and that I need to FOCUS on it. When I am tired, I forget about things other than being tired (because I work long hours). During my first very successful challenge, reminding myself all the time that I was committed to body transformation, and in it to win it, was the key to my success. Notes everywhere, pictures, and reminders: is this hurting or helping?
I believe the bigest secret to RAPID body transformation in 49 days is dedication. If you are able to release your inhibitions and have a true desire for change and stick to it, you will receive the desired results.
I believe that the one thing to make a rapid body composition transformation is perseverance, if you don’t keep going and stay within your plan of a healthy diet and training, you will never make it.
You may have the best guide and all, but if you don’t keep on doing it, it will never become real.
Prepare for the obstacles that will try and get in your way. I’m a work in progress but I’m finally starting to really get this thing down. I would do fine with my eating plan when I was at home but I ran into problems when eating out or going to a friend’s house. I used to turn down invites to go out with friends for fear it would mess up my program. I realized I couldn’t live like that- I needed to turn my program into my new lifestyle. It’s finally working and now I prepare ahead of time for meals away from home. I scan restaurant menus online and make my decision on what I will have before I get there. I’m vegetarian so a lot of dining out options are very “carby” so I have a protein drink before. I bring my own meals to friends houses. They don’t mind – it’s easier for them! I realized I have to identify my problem situations and find a solution beforehand. Being prepared has made a world of difference for me!
I’m still a work in progress – I think, truly, we all are! After a really rough pregnancy, I managed to lose over 100 lbs. 20 lbs shy of my goal, I hit a snag with a thyroid issue and then had to have oral surgery, brain surgery, and sinus surgery – in that order, and in less than 18 months. I gained back 20 lbs of it. Now that everything is completed, and we’ve hopefully gotten my thyroid back under control, I’m going back to the one thing that kept me going the first time: commitment to my goal. This does not just apply to weightloss, but also to composition.
There are so many things that go into that seemingly simple concept. Things like having a competitive nature/edge, having the will-power to continue, finding the right support, finding what works for you so you WILL stick with it. For me, I’m just plain stubborn.
Growing up as the baby of the family and being looked at as “never amounting to anything” I’ve become determined to amount to as much as possible. When asked how I’ve done it so far, my number one answer is that I’m totally committed to doing whatever it takes that I can afford to get there. I’m willing to put in the time, sweat, and sometimes tears it requires.
How do I support it? The looks I get when I haven’t seen someone for a while and the “oh, my gosh”-es that I get! I crave compliments. I want to be recognized that I’ve done a good job. I need words of affirmation from others. I’ll do what it takes to get those.
I guess I’m a little different that I don’t really need a gym buddy. My desire comes from within. I also keep my own stat sheet of my workouts. That gives me bragging rights as well! :-)
Although, I think it really all boils down to how committed you are to acheiving your goals. Talk is cheap….
I think that the secret to a rapid transformation is realizing that there is more than one way to reach a goal, and therefore acting on what you already know works for you!
The biggest key is a well rounded diet. This has worked for me in the past. Lately I have gotten away from that and have payed for it. Train hard and avoid the junk food. When you start seeing results allow yourself a treat now and then without over doing it.
Tom, I don’t even need to think about the answer. I can sum it up in 1 word: Discipline. You have to have your head in the game first, or you will stumble over every road block. Trust me . . . . been there, done that. Still there and still doing that! I don’t really care what a scale says, I care about how I look. It is about transformation, not a weight. I’m looking for a program that I can make a personal connection with; maybe you can help me do that! :)
Prior planning. Whether it’s time or activities, planning out the entire day is key. Everything must be scheduled as closely to the minute as possible and pre-prepared as much as possible. The schedule must include getting up, eating, drinking, (when, what and how much) work, down time, and of course, bed time. Anything left up to chance allows for distractions and excuses to creep in. If the meals are all ready to go (make them the day before), it’s easy to just grab and go. I’ve rarely found that something truly unforeseen comes up to mess with the schedule.
I have not been good at this in the past but I believe you have to have faith and trust in the trainer/teacher in order to achieve Rapid Body Composition Transformation. That trainer/teacher has to “earn the right” to share their knowledge and the person desiring change has to have faith and trust in what they are saying! No faith = No results.
More than anything, the number one biggest key factor in making a rapid body composition change is attitude. Once those negative thoughts or voices enter your mind, you waver from the focused path you were on which is the path straight to your goal. No matter how off of a day you may have, you can reset your mind and get back to it immediately. One mishap does not mean its time to give up and throw in the towel. A positive, motivated and determined attitude that is stronger than anything life throws at you will always persevere. The right actions and choices regarding nutrition and exercise follow naturally after that. If you head is not in the game, your body has nothing to follow!
I’m only a newbie at this so I’m still trying to work it out.
I think to succeed at rapid body composition transformation is to
– get into the right mind set
– have the correct diet (a protein diet)
– drink lots of water
– train hard and everyday
– stay motivated
– have a plan that can be stuck to
– don’t lose faith and stay committed
Tom the biggest secret to body transformation in 49 days is to change your mind and yourself into knowing that all things are truly possible if you believe they are and then to take action with no excuses attitude because once the mind is transformed then the body follows Be Blessed
Hi Tom;
I’ve never heard of a RAPID transformation physically nor working with my body’s composition; so I’m a definite “work in progress, not a success story YET” reader! LOL
But I do believe the key is DEDICATION/CONSISTENCY to a proven success- strategy for living; envisioning it with the understanding that ‘failure’ is simply not an option. This is the key that I’ve used in other areas of life in helping others-from employers to friends and family. Now I’m turning my attention to me.
In becoming the very best ME, I am still researching WHICH strategy to use. I decided a little while ago; that I would obtain my athletic body’s health back (maybe not the exact look, but the health).
Now I’m not under a doctor’s care for any reason and have no illnesses, but I notice almost daily that the food choices considered healthy and ok a short time ago are now unacceptable. I force-walk and use resistance weights and bands, but I can tell that there’s something I’m missing. So for the last few months(2011 really), I have been searching the myriad of web sites for someone successful in physical health and strength. I believe a woman should have personal physical strength. And I would enjoy an added bonus of looking great.
The one web site I’ve found myself returning to is yours. And since you’ve started this contest, I’ve decided that I have nothing to lose and possibly more than I’d ever knew existed to gain, so please accept this post as my contest entry and answer to your question.
Thank You,
The “Secret” is Action. We can think about it, write about it, talk about it, eat about it, drink about it, procrastinate it, project it, but when we “Action It” is when we start the reaping of it. Cause and effect is a beautiful thing.
Hi Tom;
I’ve never heard of a RAPID transformation physically nor working with my body’s composition; so I’m a definite “work in progress, not a success story YET” reader! LOL
But I do believe the key is DEDICATION/CONSISTENCY to a proven success- strategy for living; coupled with the understanding that ‘failure’ is simply not an option. This is the key that I’ve used in other areas of life in helping others-from employers to friends and family. Now I’m turning my attention to me.
In becoming the very best ME, I am still researching WHICH strategy to use. I decided a little while ago; that I would obtain my athletic body’s health back (maybe not the exact look, but the health).
Now I’m not under a doctor’s care for any reason and have no illnesses, but I notice almost daily that the food choices considered healthy and ok a short time ago are now unacceptable. I force-walk and use resistance weights and bands, but I can tell that there’s something I’m missing. So for the last few months(2011 really), I have been searching the myriad of web sites for someone successful in physical health and strength. I believe a woman should have personal physical strength. And I would enjoy an added bonus of looking great.
The one web site I’ve found myself returning to is yours. And since you’ve started this contest, I’ve decided that I have nothing to lose and possibly more than I’d ever knew existed to gain, so please accept this post as my contest entry and answer to your question.
Thank You,
I feel that the number one item is that you have to mentally be ready and really want to change. If you are thinking…I want to lose weight and get healty but I don’t know how long I will last this time – you’re not ready. Let’s face it – you have to really want it – you have to know you are going to do it! Once you accept the fact that you can change then the rest will come. You can learn about nutrition, find mentors and support networks, set goals but if in the back of your mind you are seeing yourself fail or quit – you should sit back down and keep working on the “why”.
I think the biggest key to transformation, is acceptance of change.
I know that what I have been doing in the past, isn’t working to my advantage. I also know that I must change even more. We all have cravings, stubborn mindsets, and and excuses that we first have to overcome. IE ‘I’m too tired to workout, or this is a quick snack, it won’t do that much damage.
Many of us were brought up with the notion that eating healty was eating
lots of good old home cooking. Well, after years of this type of behavior, and the onset of age, it becomes harder to metabolize this type of lifestyle. So change and change often, in notions of food intake with respect of the kinds you are putting in your body and how its prepared. Change up the workouts, make each one fun and fullfilling. But mostly, change to make the workout a part of daily life, just like eating.
Hi Tom,
If I was to say just one thing, it would be, BFFM, but what has made the most change for me, has been altering my nutrition ratio and carb cycling. I inceased my carb and fat %’s and decreased my protein % so that I have a C,P,F ratio of 50, 30, 20. I now have heaps of energy, fitness is improving and my numbers are going in the right direction. I found your BFFM book very interesting and well worth the small cost.
Al Martin
Determination!!! Without the want, there is no way!
Weight lifting! I think it’s about exchanging fat for lean muscle. Not only does it burn calories and make the body more efficient for burning calories but it looks better. So many people just want to lose weight but they really lose muscle and their metabolism slows down and they still have a lot of body fat!
Whenever I’ve been successful at achieving a goal, especially a big one, it’s because I made a DECISION to commit to my VISION. (Notice how that rhymes, lol!) So I create a vision for what I want for myself, and then I just imagine it, and believe it’s possible for me, and that mental shift makes all the difference. The choices I then make are supportive of that vision and it becomes inevitable that I will get it. This is what I did earlier this year as I had a body composition transformation goal for my 4oth birthday, and let me tell you, I am now stronger and fitter than ever! And it happened in a very short time by FOCUSING myself in this way. This vision was so exciting to me that I felt motivated to search out and utilize the resources available to me, such as finding and purchasing the BFFM book and applying the principles there, as well as STRUCTURING exercise into my life and PLANNING for my meals daily and TRACKING what I eat meticulously so that I am in charge (very empowering!). I can now do pull-ups for the first time in my life, and am at my thinnest and strongest, at age 40.
At this point, I have been inspired once again to set a new goal (by your post, Tom) and to end the year 2011 and begin the year 2012 with my lowest body fat ever, and be in the best shape of my life. Now I have another layer to go as my fat % is still too high (though I lost a lot already)and I’m dealing with that loose skin issue in the lower belly. I really want to prove to myself and others that we can transform our bodies after having babies without surgery. Anyway, if I can do it anyone can. You just need a VISION of what your want for yourself (something that excites you!) and then to make the DECISION to commit to it no matter what! That gets you through all the obstacles (and believe me I have had plenty, including being a single mom with 3 kids to raise and limited income as I re-build my life, etc). I am now envisioning myself winning a free membership to the Burn the Fat Inner Circle. :)
There are so many things that can influence the successful transformation but there is one thing that is required: a plan for success that you can and will follow. Sure, the plan might not be perfect and will need tweaking to achieve better results, but without a plan it is difficult to maintain a good direction. So make a plan that suits your needs and follow it!
For me – the one biggest factor in transforming my current ‘good’ physique to a ‘great’ physique IS NUTRITION. I have been a healthy, ultra clean eater my entire life – I come to find out I have been ‘under-nurshing’ my body to the extent that I have not met my muscle building goals. For me the key is in the kitchen!
It has to be your accountability journal… diarising and tracking each day with regard nutritional intake and weighins .. setting goals and writing them down each day for the next day… This I find extremely helpful
Commitment!! Even on days you dont want to get up early morning and trying to con yourself out of working out or even watching everyone else eat crap food… motivating yourself… feeling good about the decisions you made because YOU DID get out of bed and YOU DID say NO to the food choices in front of you… that’s what get you motivated! Keeping on track!
Lift heavier weights
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
A reason. Setting goals is important, desire is important, but it must be emotional. You must have a reason for wanting to transform. Something that gets you out of bed and keeps you dedicated.
Surround yourself with people that have similar goals. My dad always said “You can’t soar with the eagles if you’re roosting with turkeys.”
I am personally tired of being a turkey. :)
Keep it simple. Tom’s the man with the plan. Follow the plan: certainly no less, but don’t do more thinking more is better. If you want Tom’s results, follow Tom’s plan. Simple.
The most important cahnge in a transformation is realizing that it is a total life cultural change. Small changes such as commitment to adding an extra hour of exercise or avoiding certain foods are only a small part of it. The true transformation comes when everything that you do has a common goal. In the example of a weight loss or body transformation, exercise, proper nutrition, mental attitude, and a change from what you have been doing is important. Although it may be easier to make the small change, the total trasnformation is difficult and takes planning and dedication to the goal that is trying to be met.
I think the only real secret to losing weight etc is the psychology of actually wanting to lose weight. Unless you are extremely feeble of mind you can do anything, this has been proven over millennium and losing weight is no exception. I drastically need to lose 30kg for medical reasons that are ruining my life (and family) and have tried all sorts of diets and pills. So why am I still where I started – fat and this morning eating a bacon and egg roll, hash brown two mini quiches and a red bull?
I “want” to lose weight but? I am comfortable where I am, I don’t have pain and injuries except when I try and exercise and when we went to the beach on the weekend I kept my shirt on – and looked like an idiot! I want to lose weight but I am afraid of the hard work, the jitters from not enough food, sugars going hay wire, bad advice etc, etc = every excuse under the sun!
The psychology behind weight loss is my biggest hurdle. By the way, by the time I wrote this all the above food is gone, and no I did not need any of it, I was not hungry, I just seem to always sabotage my efforts : (
Personally I think it’s a combination of lots of things, but overall it’s getting the balance right. Getting your eating plan right and under control, keeping up the commitment and motivation, the right amount of cardio and weights. You just need one area to be right out of whack to mess everything up. And in most cases, the hardest thing to overcome is the commitment and motivation part.
Over the years I’ve had either limited or no success when everything was out of kilter. When I got everything pretty much in balance, I’ve had spectacular results. It’s just been a case of not giving up and keep on trying different things. Once you hit the right combination, you know you’re hit the jackpot!
Once you’re on the right track, the next hardest part is continuing on for life, and not going back to the old habits. But again it comes back to getting the right balance. They talk about work – life balance at work. This is about work – life balance in looking after your body for the future.
I believe the biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is the mental commitment to stick with the plan. The Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle plan is very effective, but the foundation has to be the mental attitude. That’s the driving force. If you don’t have the commitment in your mind, what will keep you going? The mental training must come first, and the physical training will follow. Once you set your mind to it, it will happen. I tried it myself before I got pregnant, and when I put forth the effort to train myself mentally, I was able to wake up every morning to go running, do sprints, work out in the gym despite how I felt, and get results. When commited, it didn’t take long at all. However, without the mental foundation, it’s easy to slip into negative or “lazy thought” and let excuses get in the way and passivity reign.
I believe the biggest key to making a rapid body composition transformation is perfect form. You can go through the movements of certain exercises day in and day out (thus being committed) however if you don’t have the correct form and timing you will not progress anywhere. I am pretty sure this is me.
“I’m still a work in progress, not a success story, YET”
I think the biggest secret to a rapid transformation is just giving it your all, every day.
The 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is to use your weekly result to decide what you’re going to do next week. I weight myself everyday (body fat %, too), measure my waist and hip, count calorie intake and calorie burned by exercise, but before, I didn’t know how to use these information. Now I learned from BFFM to look at the weekly result (I use the average of Saturday to Friday) of body fat mass (converted from % to lb), and lean mass, and if I lose any lean mass, I eat a little bit more calories, and if I gain fat mass, I eat a little bit less, and exercise more. It’s not really a RAPID way, but I don’t think I can go any faster anyway. Actually, I lot 4.5lb of fat since July doing this.
Oh, and 0.2lb lean mass increase.
I’m still a work in progress…
I think the key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is devolping Healthier Habits. This includes eating, drinking, activity & social habits. Constantly adjusting these habits to make you a heathier, happier person.
They say if you do something every day for 30 days it becomes a habit.
Does that mean if I run every day for 30 days I’ll enjoy running and can’t imagine a day without going out for a jog? :)
It is the amount of calories you intake and burn but is mostly what type of food you est which should be a gud proportion of protein.
The key to rapid body composition goes way beyond nutrition, and physical effort. The mind (change of mind) and heart have to have been set to “Just Do It!” You’ll lose focus, concentration, and the will if your mind is not made up about changing your body. That’s #1.
I know it sounds easy, but a lot of people find it very difficult!
Stop putting crap in your mouth, coupled with a consistent exercise program and the results will eventually be evident.
Programs like Toms help you get there quicker without having to take on silly diets!
The biggest and fastest way to tranform your body is to make it happen by doing it and sticking to it. Visualize your transformation with every workout; regardless your fitness level. Treat your body like the temple it is; feed it kindly, water it efficiently, and fuel your mind with positive affirmations. Lastly never say no to yourself. If you don’t feel like exercising you are saying no to you. Enough strangers in the world tell us no so say yes and reap the rewards!
i think the best path to a body transformation is commitment and determination. those are the 2 things that have to be mastered before starting any sort of diet and excersise. once that is done make a healthy diet plan as well as excersise plan for the week and follow it. no need for cheating or starving yourself, you have do it the right way and you’ll get best results
its hard to resist the temptation but if you vision yourself with all the fat you want lost, and stay true to your commitment, you won’t crack under the pressure :) and don’t use the “oh just this once!” beacause it could lead to another one, then another one. its ok to have a cheat day once in a while, but not all the time
I think that the most important Key is to have the right teacher, someone who have walked the path before you. With that, you will have the access to the right training, the proper nutrition and a good amount of motivation to keep you in track. If you are lucky enough to find that teacher, (someone like Tom Venuto), then you just need to trustfully engage in his method.
transforming your body is not physically but mostly mentally, its all about setting your mind and heart into your goal and really trying to reach it. some people are just like, im just gonna do some sit ups and ill get abs… IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT!!! your mind has to be prepared to diet healthy and exercise healthy and STAY COMMITED!!!!
Commitment and perseverance to the goal, to the program.The best Way Ever invented is to join the Burnthefatinnercircle, perhaps being responsible to influence and helping other people to stick to their objectives doing whatever is correct to reach the goal not only for a period of time but continously.
Although there are many ‘secrets’ to rapid body transformation, the number 1 reason for me personally is persistence. This to me means not giving up after a bad day, a poor meal choice, a missed workout, or a day when things have generally just not gone as planned. In the past, all these factors resulted in me giving up on my fitness program with the intention of ‘starting over’ the next week. So basically, if I had started a program on Monday and on Wednesday any of the above factors were present, I would give up on my goals until the following Monday. SILLY HUH???! After some soul searching and re-reading of the limiting factors section in the Body Fat Solution, I realised that these were just excuses I used in order to keep me from achieving my goals. If I had only stuck with my goals despite a bad day, and analysed what had gone wrong rather than just ignored things, I would have succeeded with my goals years ago. Now, I’ve come to realise that persistence, rather than perfection, is the key. The conditions will never be perfect, but if I persist despite any challenges, I will succeed. After all, if it is important to me, I will find a way. If not, I will find an excuse.
Just to be told what to eat and what exercises to do every day, so i am not always second guessing my self – the gradual change in my mind and body would be all the encouragement i would need to carry on.
Very interesting, reading all of your comments.
I’m still in my transformation process, I’ve been stumbling along the way. I’ve recently started to re-read BFFM and have discovered the MAJOR thing I had forgotten which, for me, is the biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation. I personally, need a huge goal. This goal must take the form of a vision, I have to see it and repeat it daily, like a film. It must become so ingrained that it becomes me. I am fully committed to using goal cards as Tom has suggested. I just KNOW it’s going to work for me this time.
I know how to eat right; BFFM has helped me tune that up even further. But that’s not it. I’ve lifted weights and exercised in all sorts of ways since college (bench max 295 all those years ago; not impressive, but I did put a few hours in the gym). But that’s not it.
Pure and simple, it’s the mind. Getting your head on straight. Committing. Knowing what you want so you can program your subconscious to get it. Getting the right mindset, and getting the right habits in place. Eliminating limiting beliefs. Believing that if you put in the hard work, you can, as TV’s tagline goes, expect success.
If you get your head straight, with the necessary focus, commitment, drive, and consistency you can then not only succeed, but overcome your most formidable opponent in the competition and in life: yourself.
RAPID body transformation?? I don’t know, but I’d like to. I need HELP! I thought a few months ago that I could do it on my own, but then things fell apart. My niece and her Dad were living with us and she became a very difficult person to live with, deal with, and just plain be around. This stressed me out to no end because her Dad works long hours and I was more or less putting up with the bulk of it. I truly lost sight of what I was trying to accomplish. I couldn’t even think straight. It may sound like an excuse and maybe it is, but no matter how I tried, I couldn’t focus enough to regain sight of my goal.
I am about 90 lbs overweight and have absolutely NO plan on going to a gym. I would love the opportunity to have your book, which I can not obtain online (for $ reasons) but I really enjoy reading your emails and the like. I did lose about 30 lbs before the proverbial S!@# hit the fan but I think i’ve gained some of that back and though it doesn’t make me feel good I’m just struggling with how to get back on track.
Thanks for listening and good luck with all the body transformations out ther. Hope this answered your question.
Personally, I believe that the best result I ever achieved was strong restriction of calories. High, intensive interval cardio morning and night. for thirty minutes. This is to keep metabolism high. Increasing to 45minutes after the third week to help counteract the body getting used to the routine. Twice a week in place of morning cardio, do an intense weight training routine(full body). Gave two days off from training per week. On otraining days, increase calories by 500 calories. This gave me my best transformation. Almost 700g floss per week. minimum muscle loss. Under100-150gm per week.
The one biggest key to making RAPID body composition trasformation is CONSISTENCY! You can have the best diet, exercise and recovery plan in the world but if it is not applied consistently it WILL NOT work. You must consistently eat well, train hard and rest in order to EXPECT success.
I think it’s cutting calories by eliminating junk food and eating clean.
Lifting weights intensely 4 times per week.
from experience (and past failures) :
CONSISTENCY above all…
VISION – which involves a steady, positive mindset
(and for first-timers, KNOWLEDGE – if you don’t know exercise/nutrition well enough, get the knowledge in the right place and get support!)
To achieve rapid body composition transformation one has to keep existing muscle they have and also build new muscle mass. Increasing protein intake prevents existing muscle loss and doing regular resistance training(3 times a week such as weight training) helps build new muscle. This is the key.
The number one secret to “rapid” fat loss is mental, your determination, your non-negotiable attitude, to take the steps, physical, mental and emotional, to success. In essence, your desire and passion drive the machine ~ your awesome body ~ toward its highest potential.
The secret of rapid body transformation are
1.Set a big achieveable goal and focus to it several times a day
2.Make a concrete plan : detailed menu for every day ( for short period I will have low carbs high protein diet ( 35-40 % carbs and 40 % protein) and also for short period I will take fibrous carbs for 3 or 4 of my 5 times meal. Also make a plan for exercise, four times weight training a week and a minimum 40 minutes long high intensity cardio every day. Make combination also with HIIT.
3.Do the plan everyday and do the evaluation every week
4.Make new plans according to the evaluation
Iam 65 yrs old. About 6 years ago I bought your ebook BFFM. after years of dieting I found something that worked. Once you convinced me that it would be hard work that would pay off I got to it. I went from 268lbs to 238 and felt great and looked much better. I am back up to 248 and just went back on the program again. My old computer died so I am working from memory. You have the only honest program out there and I tell everyone if they are willing to work it will produce results they wouldn’t believe. My now is 218. THANK YOU TOM.
Ron Zelenko
It must be a combination of savvy nutrition/exercise.
Nutrition common sense: no sugar, only healthy fats, nothing fry, no industrial transformed product. No restriction veggies, controlled fruit, meat, eggs and dairy products if you like.
Out of those, you make a list of your food preferences so your going to eat all your best !
Same for exercises, you start with something you like whatever it is as you get going, you add little by little some Bodyweight exercises and/or Kettlebells, Free Weights… The MAIN point is to enjoy eveything
-green tea pill
-slow release protein shake (WPC)
-green tea pill
-chicken breast (300g)
-2 handfuls of defrosted veggies (broccoli, carrot, caulifower etc.)
-tuna (200g)
-2 handfuls of defrosted veggies (broccoli, carrot, caulifower etc.)
-chicken breast (300g)
-2 handfuls of defrosted veggies (broccoli, carrot, caulifower etc.)
-start of workout, protein shake (30g protein, 30g carbs)
-post workout, fast release protein shake (WPI)
-steak (any)
-2 handfuls of defrosted veggies (broccoli, carrot, caulifower etc.)
-cottage cheese (100g)
During the day I might snack on 1 or 2 low-carb protein bars & drink atleast 3 litres of water.
Go to the supermarket & buy 10 bags of frozen veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, beans etc).
Grab a container (big enough to fit with veggies to last you until roughly 5pm,
fill it up with the frozen veggies & defrost it in the microwave (add olive oil & balsamic vinegar if you like)
These veggies are what you should be snacking on every 2 hours with some protein (chicken, tuna etc)
This diet I posted I normally follow for 3 days, on the 4th day I have more carbohydrates (brown rice, wholemeal pasta etc.) I substitute these for veggies. (around 250g carbs a day)
Then the next day I follow the 3 day low-carb diet again. This isn’t a keto diet, but beacause you carb up twice a week, it will help you burn fat & retain muscles at the same time.
If I feel I look too flat after the 4th day, I’ll make the 5th day a high carb day aswell. Then just watch the fat burn away.
Warning, at the beginning I found this diet really hard, (headaches, low-energy levels etc) but I fought through it & now its so easy (no headaches, good energy).
Whoever is serious & strong willed will get through this, and trust me it will be worth it (usually takes 2 weeks & then your body gets used to it). Then just watch the fat burn away.
I would say the biggest key to rapid body composition is the mind and how you perceive your training, diet and the results you see within yourself I have been into my home gym at 11pm when at 6pm that very same day I have done a cardio session of a 7 mile run but regards off my energy levels I have pushed myself and gone and done an upper body workout at 11pm and I continue this training schedule most of week and I have got in my mind a lttle phase that says “the more you do (as in training/diet) the more you lose (as in bodyfat)” :-)
Discipline. There are lots of different combinations of things you can do, but you need to persevere when they get hard.
100% commitment. There are plenty of plans out there that work … but only if you stick with ’em all the time. There are no cheat days for rapid changes.
I wonder if it has anything to do with carb cycling since i just can’t seem to stick to it and coincidentally i still don’t have my goal body.
I believe the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation is following the BFFM book! Well, that is what I’m hoping for.
I have been through spells where I have taken my workouts “seriously”. There was a routine that was followed daily and something was done daily. The common factor in all of these periods of serious workouts was the fact that I had a goal, I had motivation!
Whether it was a national competition my department was in or going on calls and getting beat down physically or just getting in shape for my better half. There was motivation!
I believe that we all do what we do because we are motivated to do it. We don’t do it for “free”, whatever it is. My motivation for working one full time job and two part time jobs is to provide for my family. My reason for working out is to stay healthy for my family and perform my job better.
If you can find the motivation, then you get dedicated, committed, etc… and you can accomplish anything.
Looking forward to the Holiday Challenge!
I believe the most important key is to make a detailed plan of how I can incorporate healthy eating and exercise into my daily schedule. in the past! I’ve decided to go “on a diet”, without really thinking through all the steps I would follow. Of course, that left me wide open to being knocked off course by either eating the old way, or my finding excuses not to exercise. This time, I am setting my plan, in writing, so that I can readily avoid obstacles.
I have experienced a definite body re-composition going from about 28% body fat down to 16%. Best of all, I did this over a reasonable period of time and have kept it off for the past 8 months (but who’s counting). The #1 key insight that I have is… education! I learned how nutrition and fitness literally shape your body. I started by reading your book BFFM and continued with my own research from there to learn what worked with my body. Just being “told” this is what you have to do for a perfect body may produce short term results, but educating yourself and adapting the knowledge to your body will produce amazing long-lasting results!
Engaging with the process as a science experiment, a game, a journey. In other words, with the desired end point defined and not in question, every day and every action and every meal is a data point that creates or inhibits progress.
Instead of being attached to the outcome, and wrong when nothing is happening or not progressing at the desired rate, it is an experimental question of what can be changed to create a different result.
For many of us, our mental gymnastics is a big inhibitor to doing what needs doing and not taking results personally or being put off by how “hard” it is or frustrating when progress is slow. As most reading this blog know, *everything* we do either contributes to better health or inhibits it and in this competitive, emotional world I think we are well served when we can use our curiosity and objectivity to PLAY with the control we really have. Thanks!
All of the above, yes; many mention “journey” not many mention “a game.” I agree…. Robert deRopp: “above all else, find a game worth playing. Such is the advice of the oracle to modem man. Having found the game, play it with intensity – play as if your life and sanity depended on it. (They do depend on it.)”
I haven’t done it yet and I’ve been eyeing this transformation challenge for almost two years. I was considerably more fit when I was younger and the one thing that I see that is different in myself between then and now, is discipline. Saying no to all the wrong foods, no matter what and sticking with a schedule even when you would rather not. It seems so obvious and yet, it is so difficult. This time I will be disciplined!
The key has three parts …E ..event ..M…motivation…R …reward
,EVENT : anything that awaken the desire
MOTIVATION: the action required to obtain desired object or goal
REWARD : the results , rewards
THAT’S WHAT DRIVE PEOPLE …simple answer to complex question …
Believe in yourself :)
The number one thing to rapid body transformation is to have a solid, written plan or program covering both nutrition and exercise, and stick to it (is that one thing, or two? I’ll call it one for sake of this contest). You obviously have to implement your plan, but without a roadmap, you’re just wandering around in the dark.
During 2010, I had a great plan and lost 40+ lbs in 16 weeks. During 2011, I let life get in the way and got away from the plan and regained about 25 of it back. Back to the plan and making time for me…
I’m a newbie, and btw Just want to thank you Tom for your fantastic BFFM read!!
I joined up being a sceptic, however being only 3 weeks in so many people are commenting on how healthy I am looking and shedding Kilos (pounds in US speak lol)
Also the motivational side of the guide is the key factor to my wanting to improve.
I’ve joined a gym and have a good mate of mine who is being my motivator and ‘Spotter’ as I train.
Next on my list is giving up smoking (been doing so for 15 years but with the motivation and new healthy approach I have taken, its going to be the easiest its ever been after so many failed attempts!)
I’ve dropped 3% body fat and lost 7 kilos (not sure what that is in pounds maybe 15-20??) and not stopping now! I’m single but been getting alot more attention from ladies (even the hot fit ones at the gym which of course is just the perfect motivator for going to the gym!! haha)
Thanks again, I will get some before and after shots organised to send soon.
So my answer and if you read this through there is a key word thats repeated several times….
Motivation!!!! Everyone has it deep down, you just got to bring it to the surface and embrace it!!
Good luck everyone stick to your guns!!
Brisbane Australia.
The number one key to making a rapid body transformation: a complete commitment to proper nutritional intake. Let’s face it, 70 to 80% of what we look like is based upon what and how much we eat. Transform your body by transforming your diet. You don’t have to starve to see a body alteration; you have to know what you are eating, increase protein, water, eliminate junk food, and reduce carb consumption. Body transformation will not happen in a week or even a month. Consistent and sustained effort must be applied over time. The greatest, noticeable transformation will come towards the end, not the beginning, of the 49-day challenge.
#1 Biggest Secret to Body Transformation: BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE CAPABLE TO DO IT!
As well as you said in your book “The Body Fat Solution”, I think that any change comes first from the mind. In my case, I have read several books, worked with trainers, joined to gyms, met with nutritionists, read thousands of articles, etc.
I only started to transform my body when I started convincing myself that I was capable to be consistent with workouts and a healthy diet. Just when I had that powerful state of mind I felt capable, I keep my food journals and set in the calendar 3 days for cardio and 3 days for weight training and I really followed them. So I became capable and I started losing fat and forming muscles that I never in my entire life saw before. It is a wonderful feeling of wellness.
This is something not easy to do. Sometimes there are external and internal factors that make people think that they can’t do something and this happens a lot to me. I frequently sabotage myself unconsciously with procrastination and resignation when something doesn’t go the way I want. I’m not a success story yet; I will be some day.
I’m working on trying to come back to that sense of awareness of my abilities. Those moments when I feel capable, I’m enthusiastic, energetic, believing that I’m going to do everything right. The solution: is to keep that sense of capability permanent so I can be consistent and then, obtain results.
Thank you for this opportunity Tom, from all authors and people that I have read and meet, you are the most precise, easy to understand and knowledgeable person. I really would love to join the challenge and keep learning from your books and inner circle club. Best of health.
Gracias. I appreciate it. And belief is a surely a big one!
Oh, I’m sorry I was not selected :(. I really needed it but I’m still planning to join the challenge anyway. Tom thank you for your answer, I laughed when I read the beginning of your answer in Spanish. Yes, that’s my native language, so please forgive me if I misspell any word. If I understood correctly, to start the challenge I must join the inner circle or buy the book, upload pictures, and have weight and fat measurements. Where should I buy that Accu-measure you have mentioned before? I saw it online but it will take few days and I haven’t been able to find it at the pharmacy. I will appreciate any recommendation you may provide me, I’m totally new to this and any piece of advice will be great help. Thank you.
I bought both of your ebooks, I started training 3 months ago, I am in my early 40’s, I was 165lbs, 5’10, my body fat was around 18-20%. Now I am 137lbs, around 6% body fat, I have visible 6 packs abs and better definition. My plan is to grow my lean muscle mass to 150lbs within a year. I can say that I have the best shape in my whole life. I train 5 times a week for resistance and 1 time for cardio. I strictly follow 6 meals plan and I consume 137g of protein per day. I eat very clean, lots of vegetables and some complex carbs such as yam, oats. Your ebooks has help me to achieve what I have so far.
What do you believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
I’ve never compleated a body transformation contest. I belive that the number one key to making a RAPID transformation is the accountablity. I have the knowlege and the tools to make my transformation happen. The one thing I’ve always lacked is the accountablity. I have always done things on my own and never asked for help. Now I am. I am ready to put myself out there and beg for people to help me on my transformation journey. So, accountablity has to be the biggest key to making a rapid body transformation.
Thanks Tom for the contest.
Hi Tom!
I think the biggest secret to a rapid body transformation is having well defined goals and taking time to focus on them every day.
Number 1 thing to change body composition I think is education. You need to gather everything to know how to eat and exercise along with support. Without that you will not stay on the path and get discouraged.
I think renewing your mind is the most important ingredient to fast body recomposition. Learning and applying the principles of muscle-building and fat loss is critical, but the body doesn’t want to be deprived or overtaxed, and the mind has to master the flesh or the body will default into what is comfortable and we’ll just settle into an unproductive rut. Also, a little outside stress or loss of control in other areas of our lives will knock us completely off our plan unless the mind is fixed like a laser on the goal.
I’d say the 1 Biggest Secret is transforming the mind is equally as important. To do this I’ll follow Deming’s PDCA cycle.
For a 49 day challenge a cycle time of seven days is probably suitable. Then follow this cycle:
Plan. Based on what you know, prepare what you are going to do for the next seven days.
Do. Follow the plan for the next seven days.
Check. Reflect on the previous seven days. What went well, what didn’t. What did you learn?
Act. Determine what you need to keep doing, what you need to stop doing and what you need to improve.
In the early weeks this takes dedication and discipline because you’re changing human behavior, which takes time. With frequent feedback, repeatedly performing these short cycles will become natural and you’ll be a transformed mind living a healthier lifestyle in a transformed body.
It’s also important to be aware of the following:
Some feedback will be delayed into the following cycle.
We aren’t able to measure everything that’s important.
Keeping the long term goal in mind will help you focus on what’s important; how you’ll continue to live AFTER the 49 days.
insightful. PDCA = a lot like Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle feedback loop system (ch 4) Infallible if you use it. Thank you
I think the #1 thing in making any transformation is your mind. No matter what you try to do in the gym or in the kitchen, if you have not made a decision to change; nothing else will!
I know this and I have had periods of being dang near perfect. Then something happens and I slip up and have hard time getting back in the mental game.
I believe the #1 biggest secret to RAPID body transformation is a clearly defined and documented goal.
When I have a goal that I read (and preferably write) every single day, it is always in front of me and therefore on my mind. Of course, that goal has to be measurable and one that can be broken down into smaller goals so I am seeing progress on a regular basis until I meet that ultimate goal. I have yet to be 100% successful at this process because I always allow myself to get distracted and lose sight of the goals I set. But, I am committed to continue working on that and finally realizing my true potential when it comes to fitness. Looking forward to trying BFFM!
I am a work in progress. I know the key for me is DISCIPLINE. I am disciplined with my workouts and my diet. If I follow a well thought out plan and work hard and not just go through the motions I will see the results I am looking for.
I believe the key is to PARTICIPATE. We make goals, we buy the right food, we even design a fitness program but we forget to participate. To be cliche, I have lost well over 100 pounds – unfortunately it’s been the same 10 pounds over and over again. Set a weight goal and be a part of making it happen. Set a nutrition goal and follow your plan. Set a fitness goal and do what is on the schedule. Participate in your body transformation. Do not be a sideliner, do not be an excuse maker, do not pay lip service to a better life. PARTICIPATE.
Thank you and best wishes for all who enter the challenge.
It takes WILL to change your body composition. Anyone can have desire but you need to have the will to follow through. Will, dedication, commitment.
Speaking for myself i have to say discipline. And discipline comes from commitment. You can have all the knowledge couple with the best intentions and accomplish nothing. But if you are commited you will find a way to succeed regardless of any complications.
The key for me was flipping my metabolic switch from primarily sugar burning (simple carbs which get converted to sugar and, if unburned, to fat, high-glycemic grains, and sugar of all kinds, particularly fructose) to fat burning for fuel. This was accomplished primarily through nutrition and accelerated via exercise. Even though my nutritional type is mixed carb-protein and my body type is mesomorph I virtually eliminated sugars and simple carbs and cut way back on grains. Within weeks of committing to this program, I saw visible fat loss and muscle gain. My diet now is complex carbs (veggies, salads, etc.), whole fruit in moderation, nuts and seeds, highest-quality protein (organic, free-range), good fats (olive oil, avocado, coconut, wild salmon, etc.) and raw dairy. Will power alone is not enough when dealing with metabolic cravings. You have to learn how to rebalance your metabolism. My metabolism has shifted enough that I have zero cravings for sweets, desserts, fries, pizza and all the other junk food that’s available.
I think the BIGGEST KEY to making a body transformation is SIMPLY STATING YOUR GOALS, and then following up with you detailed daily excercise plan to get there. Since NUTRITION is 90% of the game, I say that is the biggest KEY. EATING CLEAN and DRINKING ENOUGH H2O Daily!
Tom, you are the best bro. Straight forward and honest. I admire that you haven’t SOLD YOUR SOUL to the Devil and marketed any of that crap on INFOMERCIALS DAILY. The FITNESS MODELS SMILING AND LYING about using “whatever bs contraption to get lean and ripped”. What a joke!
The sad part is that type of marketing works. Some really BUY INTO THE HYPE. Use your heads folks. Do the work, earn the results. Just as in life, there are NO SHORTCUTS.
No shortcuts is right. Amen, and thank you Greg, I appreciate it.
I. Beliv that goal setting is the most important. I’ve started my transformation before with out goals and failed,this time I have my goals and I will succeed and transform my body
Hi Tom,
So many factors can help someone have success, but most important for me is to have a solid plan, commit to it with a positive mindset, and really follow the plan no matter how I feel or what obstacles I encounter. Got to do the work, if you want to see the prize :)
Have the WILL to not only accomplish my goals but commit to the permanent life change.
I am a newbie. I am not an expert at anything fitness unless it is perhaps what not to do. I have struggled with weight all my life. I have obesity on both sides of my family along with various related health issues like diabetes and heart failure. There came a heartbreaking day when I did CPR on my own father knowing he was probably already gone but praying he had not succumbed to his poor health. That had a haunting impact on me. I made up my mind that day that I did not want to have my kids experience that with me. I wish I could say I picked up my healthy torch and ran with it from that day on. I did drop some weight, change some habits for the better and see some results but I did not plan the work nor work the plan. Since then, I have put back on about half of the 60 lbs. I lost.
Sad but I own that. It was all me. Nobody held me down and forced me to eat things that were not good for me while I feigned resistance. Nobody tried to convince me to stop exercising 5 days a week so I could hold my couch down most evenings. Nope, it was just me getting too comfortable and acting as my own adversary. I had the free will to make the right decisions or the wrong ones. I reverted to my pattern of making the wrong ones after a year of commitment to myself. That changes NOW.
It is all about my will. Either I have the WILL to not only accomplish my goals but commit to the permanent life change or I need to get busy and write one. Either way I seal my own fate.
I have a strong will. I WILL use it to make a complete life change. I WILL enter the contest. I WILL make time to exercise. I will clean the inch of dust off all my exercise equipment. I WILL preplan my food. I WILL be accountable to other people. (I have already notified the food police who helped me last time by lying to me about how lousy the dessert was at office potlucks) I WILL use positive self-talk and not sabotage my own efforts. I WILL read the BFFM book from start to finish. I WILL encourage others along the way. I WILL accept responsibility for my behavior. I WILL succeed.
I’m still a work in progress, not a success story, YET. What do I believe is the 1 biggest key to making a RAPID body composition transformation?
Answer: Desire
If your desire is strong enough you will find a way to learn what you need to learn, change what you need to change and just do what you need to do, for as long as you need to do it in order to achieve that which you desire.
For me, the secret to the transformation is commitment, commitment, and commitment. Persevering despite temptations to skip the gym or eat what’s convenient. Putting yourself and your fitness needs first, and never giving up despite obstacles and plateaus. Breaking through plateaus and enduring until you find what works for you and your body. Continuing to try and try again.
A RAPID body transformation requires being “All In”. This term is used in poker tournaments such as Texas Holdem when you are 100% committed by putting in all your chips. If you want to achieve a RAPID body transformation, you must be ALL IN. This means you’ve made a firm decision to reach your goal, you will not cheat along the way, and you will be consistent in all your eating and exercising habits.
Holy smokes Tom!
This must be some sort of record for comments! Amazing.
The simple a answer: it’s all in your head.
andrew, I guess I need to give more free stuff away huh??? LOL. (very interesting how many of these comments point toward what you said: stuff in your head). thanks and train hard!
Planning and making an appointment with yourself to eat well and exercise.
The best secret to rapid body transformation is diet. Eating the rights foods in the right amounts at the right times.