Double Your Weight Loss in 3 Minutes A Day With A Food Diary

2021-02-08T14:59:30-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Guest Blogs|

When I tell people that in order to double their weight loss they’ll need to spend no more than 3 minutes a day keeping a food diary, I might as well be putting needles in their eyes given the pain and anguish I regularly see flash across their faces

Band Assisted Pull-Ups: A Secret Weapon For Getting Your First Body Weight Pull-Up?

2020-09-04T16:50:23-04:00By |Exercise & Fitness, Exercise Equipment, Guest Blogs|

It’s frustrating when you can't do a single pull-up or chin-up. But with proper training, anyone can get better at these exercises in a simple and predictable way. It just requires some hard work using the right tools for the job. One of those tools is the Assisted Pull-up using a band

7 Ways To Do More Pull-Ups

2020-08-01T20:24:20-04:00By |Exercise & Fitness, Guest Blogs|

Most people struggle with pull-ups, and many can’t do a single unassisted rep. In this post, you’ll learn 7 tips to increase your pull-up reps – whether you’re trying for your first strict pull-up, or your first 10 reps, 20 reps, or beyond - like Tom, who recently hit his personal record of 30 reps

How A Classic Physique Is Built: The Return of The Golden Era Body, With a Modern Twist

2023-12-22T14:09:24-05:00By |bodybuilding, Guest Blogs|

The classic physiques of the golden age had the perfect mix of muscle mass and definition. Their symmetry was reminiscent of Greco-Roman statues. The way they posed onstage was nothing short of theatrical performance. In this era, bodybuilders were seen as big, strong, athletic, and mentally tough, yet also easy-going, classy, artistic and poised.

Your Brain Is A Jerk: 5 Cognitive Biases That Are Sabotaging Your Fat Loss Goals

2019-02-19T21:27:08-05:00By |Guest Blogs, Motivation & Mindset|

One of the curses of being human is that we are hard-wired for delusion.  The good news is that not only is it perfectly normal, but our misbeliefs are the very thing that have, in [...]

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