What Are Net Carbs And Should You Count Them?

2022-06-18T16:38:07-04:00By |Food & Nutrition, Health, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

What are net carbs? And if your goal is fat loss, do they matter? Should you track them if you’ve chosen a diet with a strict carb limit? Are net carbs even relevant and important, or is it just a marketing gimmick for low carb food products?

Double Your Weight Loss in 3 Minutes A Day With A Food Diary

2021-02-08T14:59:30-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Guest Blogs|

When I tell people that in order to double their weight loss they’ll need to spend no more than 3 minutes a day keeping a food diary, I might as well be putting needles in their eyes given the pain and anguish I regularly see flash across their faces

How Often Should You Eat Protein To Maximize Muscle Growth… And Why Fasting Can Hold Back Your Gains

2020-07-30T20:08:04-04:00By |Food & Nutrition, Gain Muscle|

How often should you eat protein if your goal is to maximize muscle gains? If you've been persuaded by trendy diets like intermittent fasting, you might think protein frequency and distribution don't matter. "Just [...]

How To Stay In Shape While Traveling

2022-06-18T17:20:59-04:00By |Classic Posts, Exercise & Fitness, Food & Nutrition|

Some people may be thinking, "Impossible! You can't even maintain, let alone improve, when you have to deal with airports, business meetings, all-day seminars, hotels, mini-bars, room service food on speed-dial, restaurants and all that travel stress." Actually, in most cases, yes you can stay in shape while traveling, and even get in better shape, if you really want to, and here's how

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